The Impossible | Teen Ink

The Impossible

December 9, 2014
By Matthew_T BRONZE, Stockton, California
Matthew_T BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a regular day. My mom called me down for breakfast. It was just me and her at the table.

“What are we having for breakfast today Mom,” Conan asked.
“We are having bacon for breakfast today,” Mom replied.
“Mom,” Canon  asked
“Yes, Conan,” Mom replied
“You do know that I’m allergic to bacon right,” Conan said
“Yeah I forgot,” Mom answered.
“How do you forget what your son is allergic to?”  Conan asked.
“Sorry Conan, I’m just used to cooking bacon for your father,” Mom answered.
“Oh,” Conan said.
“What do you want for breakfast?” Mom asked.
“Can we have eggs and pancakes for breakfast?” Conan asked.
“Sorry baby but we’re out of eggs to make those,” Mom said.
“It’s okay, I’ll just heat up a hot pocket so I’m not late for the bus,” Conan said.
“Make sure to go by the corner store to pick up the eggs,” Mom said.
     I was eating my hot pocket while waiting for my friends. Their names’ were Taneisha,
Cody, Brody, and Lulu. They usually come to the bus stop around 6. It was already 6:45. They all came around 7. I asked them why they came so late to the bus stop. They all replied saying that they were working on a project. I found this  little suspicious because we didn’t have any projects to do in any of our classes. I thought that they were making me a present because my birthday is tomorrow.  Finally, school ended around 3 and I walked past the corner store to pick up the eggs like my mom told me to do before I left to the bus stop. I walk about 2 miles from the corner store to my house. I then get home around 3 and I go in my room and do my homework. I then play outside until my mom calls me down to eat dinner and I thought  what we are having for dinner today?
“Are we having something that includes bacon for dinner?” Conan asked.
“Haha,” Mom said.
“Then what are we having for dinner then,” Conan asked.
“We are having something called a toaster strudel,” Mom said.
“A toaster what?” Conan said.
“A toaster strudel,” Mom replied.
“That sounds like something you would eat when you’re eating breakfast,” Conan said.
“It’s a breakfast food,” Mom said.
“Why are we having breakfast for dinner?” Conan asked.
“Well is there a law saying where you can’t eat breakfast for dinner?” Mom asked
“You don’t know that,” Conan said.
“Wait, is there a law for that,” Mom said.
“I’m just joking with you mom,” Conan said.
After I’m done eating dinner I go to bed. That is the routine I go through every single day but one day that routine was ruined.
It was January 19, 1932, the day of my birthday. I was walking home from the bus stop. It was an unusual day because my friends usually walk me home on the day of my birthday. I was scared because my mom didn’t call me to say happy birthday to me after school. She couldn’t say it to me this morning because she was making me a cake for me, my family, and my friends. The moment I opened the door to my house I notice that the eggs were on the floor and I knew that my mom is a clean freak when it comes to messes. I called for her, yelling “Mom” about ten times. I finally walked into the house and found a note signed by my only friends, Taneisha, Brody, Zach, and Lulu. I was thinking, “why would they do such a thing to me.” They knew it was my birthday. I started to read the note they left on the half finished birthday cake and I found out why they kidnapped my mother. The letter says, Conan Shwaw, we have kidnapped your mother because we all know that you’re the only child and that means you’re rich. We want 3,000 dollars by the end of the week. Bring the money to 1846 Zilar St. You can’t call the cops or we will slice your mother’s neck like how we cut off a chicken’s head. I was so mad and confused of why they would do such a thing. How do they expect me to have 3,000 dollars in 3 days. I would go call my relatives but they have no fighting experience. So I was my mom’s only hope of seeing the light ever again. I didn’t know what to do first since I was the only person I can trust. That means I need a sidekick. I found my sidekick on the side of the street who I paid 2 dollars an hour. His name was Sir Bob. He wasn’t special but he was my sidekick. The first thing me and Sir Bob did was  figure out how are we going to raise 3,000 dollars in just 3 days. Sir Bob suggested that we rob a bank but I said no. Then we decided to sell my grandma’s special muffins to the town in our local bakery. By the time 2 days has passed. We made about 2990 dollars and we only had 4 more hours until my mom will die. So I decided to get 10 dollars from my piggy bank.

I still don’t understand why they will do such a thing to me. Me and Sir Bob were about to leave but I remembered that me or Sir Bob can’t drive and we don’t have a car. We couldn’t ask my relatives or they will call the cops, so that was the moment I decided to take a bus. It would take us 3 hours to get there and we only had 3 hours and 10 minutes. While me and Sir Bob were traveling I forgot to bring the bat.
We finally arrived at the house. Me and Sir Bob were holding our bags of money to give to them for my mom but they don’t know is that I have a trick up my sleeve. They finally came out and said “You actually have the 3,000 dollars.” They finally told Taneisha to bring out my mom blindfolded. I was wondering why they wanted her blindfolded.
“Why is my mom blindfolded?” yelled Conan
“You don’t need to know Conan,” shouted Brody
“Okay,” said Conan. “Sir Bob bring the money.”
“Okay,” Sir Bob said
“You really got the 3,000 dollars in just 2 days,” said Lulu. “ Okay bring it here for your mom.”
“GO KILL THEM GUYS!” yelled Brody as he charged at Conan with a steel bat.
“Sir Bob here,” Said Conan as he throws Sir Bob a steel bat.
“Sir Bob don’t kill them because I want to ask them something,” yelled Conan.
“Okay,” said Sir Bob as he starts tying them up.
“Why did you guys kidnap my mom?” asked Conan as he walk up to his ex-friends.
“We wanted some money to support our families,” said Brody as he starts coughing out blood.
“Then why didn’t you kidnap anybody elses mom?” asked Conan as he beats up his friends.
“We didn’t know anybody else that was rich like you Conan,” said Cody as he moans of pain.
As I was beating them up I was thinking of how mean they were. Sure, they we my friends but I can’t forgive anybody who kidnaps my mom or hurts her. I was punching them until I could barely hear them moan. I went towards my mom to take off the blindfold but then i realized that she saw what I did to my ex-friends. After noticing that, I knew that I was in for a ride for the rest of my life.
“MOM!” shouted Conan.
“BABY!” Shouted Mom
“Mom I am so sorry for what my friends have done to you,” Conan said.
“It is okay mijo,” Mom said. “The thing that matters is that we’re finally reunited.”
“I know Mom,” Conan cried.
“What did they do to you mom,” Conan asked.
“They were nice enough to feed me some KFC,” Mom said.
“Oh,” Conan mumbled.
“By the way, Mom said. “How did you get the 3,000 dollars they asked for.”
“I totally didn’t use your savings and use it to sell it at our local bakery,” Conan mumbled
“When we get home you will give me the 3,000 dollars you have earned from that bakery,” Mom said.
That was all my mom was thinking about. She was thinking about the money I have made. When me and Sir Bob were going to take our own paths. I gave him his cut. He made about 20 dollars with me. I later thought in my head before I went to bed was, why didn’t I let them live and put them in jail instead murdering them. Well, it’s too late. I will not live my daily routine the same as I used to. My mom has told me not to speak of what I did for the weekend. This event has changed me and my Mom’s lives.

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