Electra | Teen Ink


December 7, 2014
By BeyHive4Life BRONZE, Stockton, California
BeyHive4Life BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on sweetie,” says María. “We have to cook before dad gets home from work”. María is next in line at the cash register in Food-4-less.“I’m coming mommy,” says Electra, running to her mother. María gets her groceries purchased at the cash register. María and Electra walk out to the parking lot. It was raining and very crowded. Several cars were lined up to exit the Food-4-less parking lot. When María and Electra approach their car, María sees special agents and says to Electra.
“Electra ándele,” says María. Electra is putting the groceries in the trunk of their Toyota Corolla quickly. Suddenly Electra’s mother grabs Electra and buckles her up in the car. María is speeding going 90 mph up Wall St to get on the Brooklyn Bridge. Electra’s mother ends up getting on this mysterious highway in Manhattan. When her mother sees that the special agents aren’t behind her, she is filled with relief. Suddenly, a bullet is shot through the window of her Toyota Corolla. Electra’s mother sees that the special agents were beside her. The special agents bumped their car. Because of the rain, their car slid and swerved off the highway onto a deserted road. SCREECH BAM BAM BOOM.  
“Electra, are you okay,” says María worried. “Baby answer me.”As María gets out of the car, the special agents arrive.
“Put your hands where I can see them!”commanded a special agent
As María has her hands held up, she slowly puts them down. Her eyes turn white, her hands filled with full power electricity, then she lifts herself in the air. In blurry vision, Electra sees her mother setting the special agents’ cars on fire, BAM BAM BAM BAM.
Electra’s mother falls to the floor and Electra runs to her mother.
“Mommy! Mommy!” says Electra crying, as she shakes her mother. “Mommy!” Electra wakes up with a gasp. Electra is now 27 years old. She has a slim/curvy body. She has hazel eyes and tight facial features. She is also 5’7. She is a spy. She lives in Tribeca.
“Mission Mission”, the alarm repeated. “Mission Mission”.
“What time is it?” says Electra.          “Ugh, I gotta get up and put on this leather suit and everything,”says Electra frustrated. “Gosh, this is hard to slip on.” “I need to exercise more.”
As Electra is walking outside she says, “Electric Mobile activate.”
“Activated”, says the car’s system.
“Hello Madame Electra”, says Carter.
“Hello Carter”, says Electra. “Whatcha got for me today.”
“On today’s mission, you will be defeating Lord Megatron,” said Carter.
“Wow, I thought he would have a more extreme name,” says Electra bummed.  “I know right,” Carter says agreeing. “Well anyway, good luck Madam Electra.”
“Thank you, Carter,” Electra says.
Electra pushes a power button to crank up her car. She backs out of her driveway. Electra starts driving Vroom vroom vroom. Electra takes Broadway Rd to get on to the Brooklyn Bridge. “Why is there so much traffic?” Electra wonders. Cars are backed up. People are blowing their horns at each other. HONK HONK! Electra assumes that it was a car accident that was causing the traffic, after she stops looking out of her car window.

“Mwahahahahaha!” booms a thundering voice. Electra looks out her window. Citizens of New York are hopping out of their cars and running. Buildings are being blown up.
“Oh no,” says Electra. She realizes that it’s the enemy that she is supposed to be fighting today.  BAM BAM BAM! Electra slowly gets out of her car.
“I am the Lord Megatron,” says Lord Megatron.
“Look, you don’t need to introduce yourself,” says Electra. “Everybody here knows you are evil.”
“You are blowing up buildings and scaring people away.”
“They dont want to look at you nor listen to you talk about how you will take over the universe. So please—”BAM  Lord Megatron cut Electra off by punching her in the face. BAM BAM BAM  More cars blow up.
“Ugh stop,” says Electra angrily.  
“Never!” says Lord Megatron evilly. “Hahahahahahahaha”.
Electra’s eyes turn white, her hands full with power electricity then she lifts herself in the air. BAM BOOM BAM POW. Lord Megatron burns and cripples to the floor. Lord Megatron’s suit is made of titanium so he ends up escaping the scene, but slightly injured. Electra comes back to normal then wonders, “Wow, what just happened”. “Oh my gosh, Romano invited me to join him for lunch today,”says Electra. “I can’t join him after what happened on the Brooklyn Bridge. I am going to cancel”
“Incoming call”, says the car’s system.
“Hey,”says Electra.
“Hey, are you coming for lunch,” says Romano. Romano is 27, the same age as Electra. He is a native of Italy ( He is Italian) but moved to the United States after his parents’ death to live with his uncle, Callisto. He has ocean blue eyes that Electra adores. He is built ( meaning that he goes to the gym). He also has naturally straight teeth. They are white. He has been living in New York since he was 20. He has a crush on Electra, his long time friend. 
“Romano I can’t,” says Electra.
“How come,” says Romano.
“Well…” as Electra is thinking of an excuse. “I am catching a fever”.
“Oh, well I hope you feel better,” says Romano.
“Thank you,” as Electra is fake-blowing her nose.
“Maybe another time,” says Romano.
“Yeah,” Electra said happily.
“Okay,” says Romano. “How about Next Wednesday?” Romano asked.
“That’s okay,”says Electra.
“Okay,” says Romano.
“Okay,” says Electra. “Bye”.
“Bye,” says Romano. “YES!!” BEEP Romano hangs up from their phone call. It’s Wednesday, December 31, 2014. The day that Romano and Electra planned to their so-called date. Did Electra forget her date with Romano? Did either of them notice that it was New Year’s Eve. Let’s wait and see.  This is the part when I say I don't want you; I’m stronger than I’ve been before. This is the part when I break free cause I can’t resist it no more, Electra’s phone plays a tune.
“Ugh, who is it,” Electra says tiredly. Electra sees that it is Romano calling, then her face changes. She taps her phone.
“Hello,” says Electra.
“Hey,” says Romano. “Are you ready for our date?”
“Date?” says Electra confused.
“Wait!” Romano shouts as he realizes what he has said.“I’m sorry,”says Romano. “I meant to say something else”.
“It’s okay,”says Electra.
“No I’m seriously sorry,” says Romano.
“It’s okay, I’m fine,” says Electra. “Okay I will catch you later”. “Bye”.
“Bye,” says Romano. “I feel so humiliated”.
“Bye,” says Electra. BEEP. Electra taps her phone to hang up from the call.   “Wow,” says Electra surprisingly with a smile on her face. “A date”.
After Electra hung up the phone, she got dressed for the date. She wears  a white and gold shimmering dress with rhinestones at the top. She puts on sparkling gold high heels. She curls her hair and puts on makeup. Electra hears the doorbell ring.  

Ding Dong. The doorbell rings. Electra goes to see who is at the door. She looks through the peephole; then, opens the door.
“Hey,” says Electra. As she stood at the top of her doorstep, Romano looked and he had never seen anyone so beautiful in his sight. He had never seen her out of her suit. She walked with confidence down the steps of her porch. He was in awe and thought to himself that it was going to be the best New Year’s Eve ever.
“Hey,” says Romano. “Ready?”
“Yes,”says Electra.
“Shall we,”says Romano. Romano and Electra exit her condo.
From Tribeca, Electra and Romano walk down Times Square. It’s New Year’s Eve!!!!! The day when everyone comes together to celebrate a new year that only comes once in a lifetime. Every citizen came to watch the ball drop. Everybody was ready for a new year, people were dressed to the nines, wearing their 2015 souvenirs and toasting with champagne. All the celebrities came out to New York to celebrate the new year. Singers were rockin the stage and fans were going crazy. Everyone was having a blast.  “Okay everybody, it’s time to start the countdown,” says Ryan Seacrest. “20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10… 9 …8 …7 … 6 … 5 … 4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!” Everybody was screaming, whistling and setting off fireworks. Romano noticed that Electra was smiling at all the excitement. He was amazed by her smile. He thought that she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
Romano taps Electra,“Hey do you want to get something to eat,” says Romano.
“Yessssss,” says Electra. “I am starving.”
“Okay, let’s go,” says Romano. 
Romano treats Electra to Starbucks and Applebees. Over dinner, Electra and Romano laugh about their funny and embarrassing moments in high school and with their families.
“This is my high school picture”, says Electra ashamed. Romano’s eyes widen up. “ Kids in high school, used to call me beehive because it looked like bees stung my face cause of my acne.”
“That’s so messed up,”says Romano. “Don’t worry about that, you are beautiful.”.
“Thank you,”says Electra blushing.
“You’re welcome,” says Romano. Electra and Romano take selfies and laugh. They walk around New York some more. Soon after they explored New York, Romano and Electra take a subway to Tribeca.
“Thank you,”says Electra.
“No thank you,”says Romano. “I had a great time tonight.”
“You’re welcome,” says Electra. Electra begins to unlock her door with her key.
“Electra wait!” Romano shouts as Electra walks into her condo in Tribeca. Romano kisses her on the cheek and hugs her. “Good night,” says Romano with a smile on his face.
“Good night,” says Electra. Electra and Romano are blushing like CRAAAAAZZZZZZZZYYYYY. Electra walks into her house and fangirls until………………
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,” a loud booming voice appears. Citizens are screaming. Cars are being blown up. Electra hears someone screaming her name.
“Electra!” Romano shouts. She looks out the window of her condo. She sees that Lord Megatron has captured him. Electra slips on her black leather body suit. As she is walking outside of her condo in Tribeca she says, “Electric Mobile activate.”     “Activated,”says the car’s system. Electra drives away. 
“Where’s Lord Megatron,” says Electra speaking to her car system. Electra is speeding down Fifth Avenue to get to Lord Megatron. Vroom vroom vroom vroom.
“In a warehouse near the Empire State Building,” the car’s system responds.
“Okay,” says Electra. As she pulls up to the warehouse, she has her game face on.. 
“Electric Mobile deactivate,” Electra commanded. 
“Deactivated,” says the car’s system. Electra walks inside of the warehouse. The warehouse is dark and eerie. There are several rooms in the warehouse, it sort of looks like an asylum. She keeps on walking till’ she encounters a door. Someone is yelling saying “Get me out of here” “Get me out of here” repetitively all over again.  Electra sees Romano chained over a pool of acid. Suddenly a figure appears right behind her, but she doesn’t notice. Romano says, “He’s right behind you.” “He’s right behind you.” Lord Megatron knocks her out.
“Hu—”says Electra. BAM! Lord Megatron hits Electra in the face. 
“Why did you take him,” says Electra angrily.  
“I want to take everyone that you love and watch them burn and cripple just like how I did on the Brooklyn Bridge,” says Lord Megatron.
“You stopped me from taking over the world now I am going to stop you from saving it.”
“Now you can watch your little boyfriend burn in this acid.”
“No,” says Electra. Electra fights Lord Megatron with her martial arts skills. Then Lord Megatron hits Electra in the face. Electra gets in rage, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” and starts blowing up everything. BAM BAM BAM BAM
“Ugh,”says Romano as he tries to get out of the chains. Romano thinks and ends up lifting a key with his mind to unlock him from the chains. While things are in destruction and Electra is in rage, Electra falls to the floor and Romano rescues her and escapes out of the warehouse. With his mind, he picks up the electric mobile. He drives Electra to the hospital.Lord Megatron is dead.

Electra wakes up in the hospital when she notices someone in her sight. Romano is smiling. He gives her a hug and kisses her on the cheek.
“What happened?” Electra says. “The last thing I remember is seeing everything blow up.”
“It’s okay now,” says Romano. “Thank you for saving my life Oh, here I bought you Starbucks.”
“Thank you,” says Electra. A doctor enters the room.
“Electra, you are being  released...it is time for you to go,”says the doctor. Romano walks out of the hospital room. Electra puts on her leather suit because that is the only ounce of clothes that she has at this current moment. Romano waits for her and he is stunned.
“You look amazing,” says Romano. 
“Thank you,”says Electra blushing, as they walk out of the hospital holding hands.


“Come on sweetie,” says María. “We have to cook before dad gets home from work”. María is next in line at the cash register in Food-4-less.“I’m coming mommy,” says Electra, running to her mother. María gets her groceries purchased at the cash register. María and Electra walk out to the parking lot. It was raining and very crowded. Several cars were lined up to exit the Food-4-less parking lot. When María and Electra approach their car, María sees special agents and says to Electra.
“Electra ándele,” says María. Electra is putting the groceries in the trunk of their Toyota Corolla quickly. Suddenly Electra’s mother grabs Electra and buckles her up in the car. María is speeding going 90 mph up Wall St to get on the Brooklyn Bridge. Electra’s mother ends up getting on this mysterious highway in Manhattan. When her mother sees that the special agents aren't behind her, she is filled with relief. Suddenly, a bullet is shot through the window of her Toyota Corolla. Electra’s mother sees that the special agents were beside her. The special agents bumped their car. Because of the rain, their car slid and swerved off the highway onto a deserted road. SCREECH BAM BAM BOOM.  
“Electra, are you okay,” says María worried. “Baby answer me.”As María gets out of the car, the special agents arrive.
“Put your hands where I can see them!”commanded a special agent
As María has her hands held up, she slowly puts them down. Her eyes turn white, her hands filled with full power electricity, then she lifts herself in the air. In blurry vision, Electra sees her mother setting the special agents’ cars on fire, BAM BAM BAM BAM.
Electra’s mother falls to the floor and Electra runs to her mother.
“Mommy! Mommy!” says Electra crying, as she shakes her mother. “Mommy!” Electra wakes up with a gasp. Electra is now 27 years old. She has a slim/curvy body. She has hazel eyes and tight facial features. She is also 5’7. She is a spy. She lives in Tribeca.
“Mission Mission”, the alarm repeated. “Mission Mission”.
“What time is it?” says Electra.          “Ugh, I gotta get up and put on this leather suit and everything,”says Electra frustrated. “Gosh, this is hard to slip on.” “I need to exercise more.”
As Electra is walking outside she says, “Electric Mobile activate.”
“Activated”, says the car’s system.
“Hello Madame Electra”, says Carter.
“Hello Carter”, says Electra. “Whatcha got for me today.”
“On today’s mission, you will be defeating Lord Megatron,” said Carter.
“Wow, I thought he would have a more extreme name,” says Electra bummed.  “I know right,” Carter says agreeing. “Well anyway, good luck Madam Electra.”
“Thank you, Carter,” Electra says.
Electra pushes a power button to crank up her car. She backs out of her driveway. Electra starts driving Vroom vroom vroom. Electra takes Broadway Rd to get on to the Brooklyn Bridge. “Why is there so much traffic?” Electra wonders. Cars are backed up. People are blowing their horns at each other. HONK HONK! Electra assumes that it was a car accident that was causing the traffic, after she stops looking out of her car window.

“Mwahahahahaha!” booms a thundering voice. Electra looks out her window. Citizens of New York are hopping out of their cars and running. Buildings are being blown up.
“Oh no,” says Electra. She realizes that it’s the enemy that she is supposed to be fighting today.  BAM BAM BAM! Electra slowly gets out of her car.
“I am the Lord Megatron,” says Lord Megatron.
“Look, you don’t need to introduce yourself,” says Electra. “Everybody here knows you are evil.”
“You are blowing up buildings and scaring people away.”
“They don't want to look at you nor listen to you talk about how you will take over the universe. So please—”BAM  Lord Megatron cut Electra off by punching her in the face. BAM BAM BAM  More cars blow up.
“Ugh stop,” says Electra angrily.  
“Never!” says Lord Megatron evilly. “Hahahahahahahaha”.
Electra’s eyes turn white, her hands full with power electricity then she lifts herself in the air. BAM BOOM BAM POW. Lord Megatron burns and cripples to the floor. Lord Megatron’s suit is made of titanium so he ends up escaping the scene, but slightly injured. Electra comes back to normal then wonders, “Wow, what just happened”. “Oh my gosh, Romano invited me to join him for lunch today,”says Electra. “I can’t join him after what happened on the Brooklyn Bridge. I am going to cancel”
“Incoming call”, says the car’s system.
“Hey,”says Electra.
“Hey, are you coming for lunch,” says Romano. Romano is 27, the same age as Electra. He is a native of Italy ( He is Italian) but moved to the United States after his parents’ death to live with his uncle, Callisto. He has ocean blue eyes that Electra adores. He is built ( meaning that he goes to the gym). He also has naturally straight teeth. They are white. He has been living in New York since he was 20. He has a crush on Electra, his long time friend. 
“Romano I can’t,” says Electra.
“How come,” says Romano.
“Well…” as Electra is thinking of an excuse. “I am catching a fever”.
“Oh, well I hope you feel better,” says Romano.
“Thank you,” as Electra is fake-blowing her nose.
“Maybe another time,” says Romano.
“Yeah,” Electra said happily.
“Okay,” says Romano. “How about Next Wednesday?” Romano asked.
“That’s okay,”says Electra.
“Okay,” says Romano.
“Okay,” says Electra. “Bye”.
“Bye,” says Romano. “YES!!” BEEP Romano hangs up from their phone call. It’s Wednesday, December 31, 2014. The day that Romano and Electra planned to their so-called date. Did Electra forget her date with Romano? Did either of them notice that it was New Year’s Eve. Let’s wait and see.  This is the part when I say I don't want you; I’m stronger than I've been before. This is the part when I break free cause I can’t resist it no more, Electra’s phone plays a tune.
“Ugh, who is it,” Electra says tiredly. Electra sees that it is Romano calling, then her face changes. She taps her phone.
“Hello,” says Electra.
“Hey,” says Romano. “Are you ready for our date?”
“Date?” says Electra confused.
“Wait!” Romano shouts as he realizes what he has said.“I’m sorry,”says Romano. “I meant to say something else”.
“It’s okay,”says Electra.
“No I’m seriously sorry,” says Romano.
“It’s okay, I’m fine,” says Electra. “Okay I will catch you later”. “Bye”.
“Bye,” says Romano. “I feel so humiliated”.
“Bye,” says Electra. BEEP. Electra taps her phone to hang up from the call.   “Wow,” says Electra surprisingly with a smile on her face. “A date”.
After Electra hung up the phone, she got dressed for the date. She wears  a white and gold shimmering dress with rhinestones at the top. She puts on sparkling gold high heels. She curls her hair and puts on makeup. Electra hears the doorbell ring.  

Ding Dong. The doorbell rings. Electra goes to see who is at the door. She looks through the peephole; then, opens the door.
“Hey,” says Electra. As she stood at the top of her doorstep, Romano looked and he had never seen anyone so beautiful in his sight. He had never seen her out of her suit. She walked with confidence down the steps of her porch. He was in awe and thought to himself that it was going to be the best New Year’s Eve ever.
“Hey,” says Romano. “Ready?”
“Yes,”says Electra.
“Shall we,”says Romano. Romano and Electra exit her condo.
From Tribeca, Electra and Romano walk down Times Square. It’s New Year’s Eve!!!!! The day when everyone comes together to celebrate a new year that only comes once in a lifetime. Every citizen came to watch the ball drop. Everybody was ready for a new year, people were dressed to the nines, wearing their 2015 souvenirs and toasting with champagne. All the celebrities came out to New York to celebrate the new year. Singers were rockin the stage and fans were going crazy. Everyone was having a blast.  “Okay everybody, it’s time to start the countdown,” says Ryan Seacrest. “20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10… 9 …8 …7 … 6 … 5 … 4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!” Everybody was screaming, whistling and setting off fireworks. Romano noticed that Electra was smiling at all the excitement. He was amazed by her smile. He thought that she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
Romano taps Electra,“Hey do you want to get something to eat,” says Romano.
“Yessssss,” says Electra. “I am starving.”
“Okay, let’s go,” says Romano. 
Romano treats Electra to Starbucks and Applebees. Over dinner, Electra and Romano laugh about their funny and embarrassing moments in high school and with their families.
“This is my high school picture”, says Electra ashamed. Romano’s eyes widen up. “ Kids in high school, used to call me beehive because it looked like bees stung my face cause of my acne.”
“That’s so messed up,”says Romano. “Don’t worry about that, you are beautiful.”.
“Thank you,”says Electra blushing.
“You’re welcome,” says Romano. Electra and Romano take selfies and laugh. They walk around New York some more. Soon after they explored New York, Romano and Electra take a subway to Tribeca.
“Thank you,”says Electra.
“No thank you,”says Romano. “I had a great time tonight.”
“You’re welcome,” says Electra. Electra begins to unlock her door with her key.
“Electra wait!” Romano shouts as Electra walks into her condo in Tribeca. Romano kisses her on the cheek and hugs her. “Good night,” says Romano with a smile on his face.
“Good night,” says Electra. Electra and Romano are blushing like CRAAAAAZZZZZZZZYYYYY. Electra walks into her house and fangirls until………………
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,” a loud booming voice appears. Citizens are screaming. Cars are being blown up. Electra hears someone screaming her name.
“Electra!” Romano shouts. She looks out the window of her condo. She sees that Lord Megatron has captured him. Electra slips on her black leather body suit. As she is walking outside of her condo in Tribeca she says, “Electric Mobile activate.”     “Activated,”says the car’s system. Electra drives away. 
“Where’s Lord Megatron,” says Electra speaking to her car system. Electra is speeding down Fifth Avenue to get to Lord Megatron. Vroom vroom vroom vroom.
“In a warehouse near the Empire State Building,” the car’s system responds.
“Okay,” says Electra. As she pulls up to the warehouse, she has her game face on.. 
“Electric Mobile deactivate,” Electra commanded. 
“Deactivated,” says the car’s system. Electra walks inside of the warehouse. The warehouse is dark and eerie. There are several rooms in the warehouse, it sort of looks like an asylum. She keeps on walking till’ she encounters a door. Someone is yelling saying “Get me out of here” “Get me out of here” repetitively all over again.  Electra sees Romano chained over a pool of acid. Suddenly a figure appears right behind her, but she doesn't notice. Romano says, “He’s right behind you.” “He’s right behind you.” Lord Megatron knocks her out.
“Hu—”says Electra. BAM! Lord Megatron hits Electra in the face. 
“Why did you take him,” says Electra angrily.  
“I want to take everyone that you love and watch them burn and cripple just like how I did on the Brooklyn Bridge,” says Lord Megatron.
“You stopped me from taking over the world now I am going to stop you from saving it.”
“Now you can watch your little boyfriend burn in this acid.”
“No,” says Electra. Electra fights Lord Megatron with her martial arts skills. Then Lord Megatron hits Electra in the face. Electra gets in rage, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” and starts blowing up everything. BAM BAM BAM BAM
“Ugh,”says Romano as he tries to get out of the chains. Romano thinks and ends up lifting a key with his mind to unlock him from the chains. While things are in destruction and Electra is in rage, Electra falls to the floor and Romano rescues her and escapes out of the warehouse. With his mind, he picks up the electric mobile. He drives Electra to the hospital.Lord Megatron is dead.

Electra wakes up in the hospital when she notices someone in her sight. Romano is smiling. He gives her a hug and kisses her on the cheek.
“What happened?” Electra says. “The last thing I remember is seeing everything blow up.”
“It’s okay now,” says Romano. “Thank you for saving my life Oh, here I bought you Starbucks.”
“Thank you,” says Electra. A doctor enters the room.
“Electra, you are being  released...it is time for you to go,”says the doctor. Romano walks out of the hospital room. Electra puts on her leather suit because that is the only ounce of clothes that she has at this current moment. Romano waits for her and he is stunned.
“You look amazing,” says Romano. 
“Thank you,”says Electra blushing, as they walk out of the hospital holding hands.

The author's comments:

I hope that people will enjoy the piece as I did writng it. I really wanted the character to be powerful, and to create a story about a young woman who juggles the life of being a spy with a supernatural ability. I made it  action-packed for teens to enjoy along with romance. I also want the story to send off a positive message to young children who are inspired by superheroes. 

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