We Could Be | Teen Ink

We Could Be

February 23, 2015
By MistressEvan BRONZE, Saint Paul, Arkansas
MistressEvan BRONZE, Saint Paul, Arkansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometime you need a good laugh in life, that's why I'm here." -Dalton Ford

Jaiden, aged 14, walked into class carrying with her a blue binder, an old fashioned camera, and a pencil pouch.  Her hair was cut short and her clothes were guyish.  Jaiden sat at her seat; last seat in the second row.  She set all of her equipment on her desk and focused on the teacher, Mr. Hopkins.  Mr. Hopkins was quite young looking for a teacher, though he was actually in his late 40’s.  All the girls in school would drag their heels to his desk, bounce up and down, and, well, flirt with the teacher.  Mr. Hopkins didn’t really seem to care about his students, all except Jaiden.

Jaiden looked over at a girl, who no one but Jaiden knew the name of, and smiled.  They were best friends.  Victoria, the high school bully and the most popular girl in school, crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it at her head.  Jaiden stood up, kicked her chair back, and plowed herself right into Victoria’s stomach.
“You leave Lacy alone! You hear me?” Jaiden screamed, pulling on Victoria’s delicate blonde hair. “DO YOU HEAR ME?!”
“Yes, yes. I hear you, just let go of my hair.” Victoria screeched, digging her nails into Jaiden’s arm.  Mr. Hopkins walked into the classroom just in time to catch Jaiden letting go of Victoria’s head of hair.
“Ladies! Ladies! What’s going on here? Why am I witnessing a fight? This is a classroom, not a battle ground! Jaiden Harper, you better tell me why you lashed out on Victoria right this second or you are going to the principal’s office.”  Mr. Hopkins was not pleased.  He was annoyed that his favorite class, and worse yet, his favorite student had attacked another student.
“She-” Jaiden cut out, cleared her throat and looked over at Lacy.  “She was bullying Lacy and I won’t let her do it anymore. Isn’t it the teacher’s job to take notice of these things? Isn’t it your job to make sure all students are being treated fairly and that no one has to suffer through bullying? Huh? Isn’t it?!”  Jaiden yelled, walked back to her seat, grabbed her camera, textbook, and binder and walked out of class.  “Jerk.” She mumbled under her breath for the sake of disrespecting her favorite teacher.  She ran to the bathroom, splashed some water on her face and ripped her photo to shreds, dropping it to the ground.  That’s when the bathroom door opened.  She ran to the back corner, hiding behind all the stalls.
“No one can control me! No one can tell me what to do. I am Norman Nickle; it is my job to be in control. This is my school! MY SCHOOL!” a guy yelled at himself.  Jaiden peaked from behind the stall and saw Norman screaming at himself in the mirror.  The door began opening again.
“Norman, I believe you owe me some money! Pay up!” she yelled.  At least, this time, it was a girl in the girls’ restroom.  “I said up!” she screamed.  Jaiden poked her head back out, looking to see what was going on.  A girl with pink hair was yelling at Norman.
“I won’t let you push me around! This is my school! I am in charge here,” he said, pulling a gun from his pocket.  “You don’t control me, no one does, not even my parents!”  He shoved her into the wall, waving the gun around.
“You better let me go, Norman. You’ll get in even more trouble with this than with drugs. Let me go!” she screamed.  POP!  POP!  He shot her in stomach.  Jaiden threw her hand out, as if she could stop the shot.
“No!” Jaiden yelled, still holding her hand up.  Next thing she knew, she woke up, back in Mr. Hopkins class. ‘‘Holy crap!’’ she said in her head. ‘‘That dream was so surreal. What if it wasn’t a dream? If Victoria throws the wad of paper at Lacy, I’ll know for sure.’’ Sure enough, a wad of paper flung and hit Lacy right in the head.  ‘‘Oh my gosh!’’ Jaiden murmured to herself.
Full of fear, Jaiden ran from the room and back to the bathroom. ‘‘I have to stay calm and do this all over again. Crap. First, I splashed my face of water.’’ She was speaking to herself. She splashed water on her face, ripped her photo and hid behind the stalls. She noticed that the janitor had left behind his supplies. She shuffled through his stuff, finding a hammer. As soon as the boy came in, she stopped and waited for the girl to come back. She did.
“You better let me go, Norman. You’ll get in even more trouble with this than with drugs. Let me go!”  Jaiden looked at the two and saw the gun moving towards the pink haired girl’s stomach. Jaiden hit the glass covering of the fire alarm and pulled the lever down. Norman gasped, after getting kicked in the groin, and fell to the ground.  The girl ran from the bathroom, Norman collected himself and put the gun in his pocket before running out of the bathroom after the girl.
“I…I saved her! Holy crap. What is wrong with me?” she said, looking at her hands. “I’m…an… ALIEN!” she screamed at herself, looking in the mirror, expecting to see something wrong with her body.  She’d have antennas right?  And black soulless eyes?  Nope, she looked like her normal self.
“This is a gift! I could become and international hero or something! Sick! I have to tell someone!”  Jaiden was excited beyond belief, and went around the high school, rewinding time to save some kid who got hit in the face with a football, or someone who was shoved into a locker.
“You twerp! Better pay up, now! Oh, am I scaring you? Grow up!” the janitor said, shoving Lacy to the ground.  “Oh, I’m sorry, did that hurt? Good, because I don’t care.”  Jaiden hurried and grabbed her camera, took a quick picture and ran out to stand in front of Lacy, who was on the concrete ground crying.
“Leave her alone! Are you sick or something? I can’t believe you! I have photo evidence that you were hassling Lacy, and don’t think I won’t tell Principal Bowker. Now, you better grab you gear, walking out of my sight, and head back to your office before I call the police for the physical abuse you did to Lacy.”  She stuck her hand in her pocket, dialing 9-1-1 while still standing in front of Lacy.
This is 9-1-1 emergency services, please state your emergency.  Jaiden heard the quiet tone of the phone, though it was inaudible to the others. “Janitor Jacky, from Berkley Arkansas is harassing a student and is standing in front of me right this second.  I had to intervene.  He threw her to the ground.  I have photographic evidence.”
“You better shut your mouth, kid, before you end up just like Lacy!”  A few minutes later, the police arrived, took Jaiden’s picture, and shoved Jacky into the cab of the car.  Jaiden’s day had been crazy.  She could reverse time!  That was a lot to put on her mind so she grabbed Lacy by the arm and ran around the corner.
“Lacy, I have this…this power.  I can reverse time.  We…we could be heroes!  I could reverse time, and you can be my sidekick! What do you say?”
“Heroes? Powers? What is this nonsense? Jaiden, are you on something? You have to be!” Lacy said, looking at Jaiden with worry.
“I’m not joking! That’s how I got the picture of him. I saw him throw you to the ground, I rewind the time and saw him hassle you.  I took a picture right as he threw you to the ground and that’s when I ran out there. Why was he asking you to pay up?”  Jaiden asked.  Lacy flipped.
“You actually can rewind time!  Dude!  That is SICK.”  Lacy jumped with joy. “Sick, meaning AWESOME!  Dude.  Heroes!  Yes!  Man, now no one can pick on me.”
“Yeah… heroes. Let’s do it!” Jaiden said. Through the rest of the year, Jaiden and Lacy took care of students, caught the bullies, and saved a bunch of people from torture and agony.

The author's comments:

The Life is Strange game was my inspiration.

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