Captured | Teen Ink


February 27, 2015
By Kristen Lemley BRONZE, Normandy Park, Washington
Kristen Lemley BRONZE, Normandy Park, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up with a splitting headache, blood all over the floor. I felt my head, there is a huge dent in it with blood slowly dripping out. Where was I? I heard footsteps coming, two men walked in the room. They grabbed me with their strong hands and blindfolded me. I had no idea what was going on around me or what was happening. I heard them talking about another American soldier that they kidnapped, and brought to a different room. It was hot, musty and gross here. They would push me around and beat me if I said anything. They had big guns and were not afraid to use them. What was happening? This question kept popping up in my head over and over again. Am I going to die here? I was fighting a war and was with my soldiers yesterday, well I think it was yesterday. I don’t even know what day it is. Now, I’m at this dark cold place. All I could remember was that I was on the ground about to shoot someone when someone from behind grabbed me and put a bag over me and knocked me out.  The guys here were wearing all black carrying around guns and the only thing you could see are their evil eyes.  They brought me to a cold room and took off my blind fold. There is nothing in here. They pushed me to the floor, scrapping my hands as I fell. One of them walked in with me and was beating me, giving me a lot of pain in my body. He wants us soldiers gone. I couldn’t think, so many things were going on my head. I just wanted to break down and cry and scream at him, but I couldn’t do that. He then grabbed me and slammed me to the floor again, I threw up blood when he did this, I couldn’t tell him anything.
“Where the hell are they,” he screamed with anger. I was sweating all over and I’m scared out of my mind. I did not answer him. He punched me again, but this time I blacked out.
  I’ve heard gun shots in the distance, I’ve heard babies cry for their mothers when I was fighting. I would be walking around with my soldiers and I saw a little boy running out on the streets crying out for his mother. Dead bodies everywhere. I have heard people cry when they’ve gotten shot. I haven’t slept for what felt like years. I have had my close friends die in my arms, I have killed horrible people. I am an American soldier and have seen everything. But I thought I saw the worst, but really being treated like this is the worst. It’s hell.
Back home, I have a wonderful husband who loves me and treats me very well. I love him very much and I write to him every time I get letters from him. He is a physical therapist and loves his job. Sometime in the near future, we would love to have children. I have a younger sister who I love and want to see her when she graduates. You could say I’m a caring, smart, and tough person. I would do anything for my family. I have two wonderful parents who support me and love me for me. They write to me when I go on tour. They have been married for thirty-five years and have the best relationship ever. I always look up to them when it comes to relationships.
I heard more screams in the distance, then they stopped after I heard the gun shots. I am in this room with my blood everywhere. I am thirsty, hungry, and tired. I miss all my soldiers and family. Who knows what they are going to do to me. I heard a door slam shut. The footsteps came in and I saw them walk over to a guy who was sitting in a chair, they slapped him so hard that it knocked him on the ground.
“Who is this woman and how do you know her,” as the man yelled at him, showing a picture to him. I saw a lot more people getting beaten in this room. They yelled at him some more and picked him up and brought him outside. You could hear them hit him more and heard him screaming his brains out. I have heard of screams and guns shots for four years now and you could say I am used to it. When it is silent I can still hear the screams and gun shots in my head.
I heard another set of footsteps that came in my room. This time they brought me to another room with a chair in the middle of it. They slammed me on it and started yelling in their language. But then another guy walked in and was pissed off. He was carrying a bucket of water and a wash cloth. What are they going to do to me? No, this cannot happen to me. Why me? Where’s God when you need him?  I cannot die like this. Do the soldiers know I’m gone? Where are they? I have to stay alive. He still wanted me to speak about my soldiers, I cannot give away my brothers. If I have to sacrifice my life for them, I will. They put the wash cloth on my face, I was kicking and screaming but they were strong and were holding me down. I am not giving up. Then they started to pour the water on my face, I couldn’t breathe I am drowning. They are yelling at me to get an answer out of me. Their strong hands are holding me down while I try to get a breath. Then they started hitting me again. I am yelling and screaming with blood coming out everywhere. They continued to drown me more and more, I can’t give up I have people I love and a country to serve. They kept wanting an answer, when all of a sudden an explosion happened and everything was on fire. Thank God! Here’s my chance to escape. I broke free and punched the guy as I ran out of that room. As I ran outside it was so bright that I couldn’t see anything. But all I can see was that everything was burning up. A helicopter swoop in and picked me up. They knew I was captured. It is hard to believe I am alive still. I for sure thought I was going to be killed. I’m going home, I thought to myself.

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