The Cat-Man | Teen Ink

The Cat-Man

February 25, 2015
By Anonymous

Following several explosive explosions, the dense clouds of smoke covered the courtyard. Visibility was near zero. With almost no chance, Jor-El could tell that the end was near. An untimely end like this would cost him much more than any amount of money could pay for. As the smoke began to clear away, he knew it was over. Looking across to the other end of the field, Jor-El saw his nemesis, Brock, still standing with all of his commanded warriors strong as ever. There was no chance of recovering. Jor-El’s own warriors had been bruised, beaten, drowned, and electrocuted. All Brock had to do was finish off Jor-El. But suddenly, what stood before him began to change. Little did he know that it would change his career as a Pokemon trainer, forever.
Jor-El’s last remaining Pokemon, Purugly, was lying near-defeat on the ground. Purugly was struggling to get up, but with all of the pain in its legs, it could barely move. It was just then, however, that Purugly took a moment to notice the defeat of all of its teammates. Purugly had a moment of growth, almost inspiration to rise up and avenge its fallen comrades. Suddenly, with no warning, Purugly’s skin began to glow. Light began shining all across the field with enough intensity to knock people to the ground. Jor-El, wearing his fancy sun-glasses, was able to see into the light, but only make out the silhouette of Purugly. But as he continued to look, Purugly’s shape began deforming and reforming into a new body. Boom! An explosion that knocked all the dust into the air occurred just as the light disappeared. Purugly had undergone metamorphosis into what seems to be a man-cat hybrid. Without hesitation, Jor-El pulled out his Pokedex to see what had happened to his Purugly, but he was not fast enough.  As fast as it underwent a metamorphosis, this man-cat hybrid disappeared into the dust cloud of which it had caused. Slash! Smash! Bang! The creature effortlessly defeated Brock’s entire armada without a single command given by Jor-El. With no control over it, the man-cat ran towards a glass window and smashed it with a single blow of its fist. Just before it could dash out of the window, however, Jor-El was able to lock on with his pokedex and identify it as one of the few remaining legendary Pokemons. Purugly had metamorphasized into…The Cat-Man.

18 years had passed since the Cat-Man was brought into the world through its metamorphosis. Being a legendary pokemon, hundreds of thousands of pokemon trainers were out searching for him. He needed to disguise himself so that he wouldn’t be tracked on record. To do this, he separated himself at the very beginning from pokemon fighting to go into school and study business. He wanted to be a man who meant business whenever it came to challenges. As he grew up and went through schooling, many people teased him about where he came from as he evolved from a female pokemon. Coincidentally, many of the people who would tease him were often seen in the obituary of the local newspaper several days later. Aside from school, he had a great passion for exercise. Being a cat from the very beginning, he grew up training his quick reflexes, acrobatics, and maneuverability. The Cat-Man was nearly unstoppable when it came to physical activities like sports and recreational events. He would spend hours training for some of his favorite sports including tree climbing, yarn ball, and cat fighting.
Being an exercist, a being who believes in exercise, he needed enough energy to support his active lifestyle. One of his greatest supplies of energy came from the massive quantities of food which he had stored in his house. The most prominent food category that he had in stock was cereal and milk. Drinking milk while eating cereal, such as his favorite type, Lucky Charms, was amazing. Eating Lucky Charms while reading the newspaper, especially the obituary section where he can recall the people who had gone against him, priceless. But one day, when he was reading the newspaper, he heard about some military testing that was being relocated to a place no more than a couple of miles away. He would often ask people about it, seeing if any information was floating around, but it seemed as if no one had even heard of it. It must be part of a top secret procedure. The Cat-Man assumed that it was going to be more of a toll on his life to worry about it than if he just sat around and not cared about it. So to reduce the amount of stress, he just stopped thinking about it, and resumed eating his Lucky Charms.
BOOM!! An explosion like no other had caused houses to fall, trees to crash, and babies to pop. It made him feel sick to his stomach full of Lucky Charms even though he was many miles away from the explosion. You could call this a Cat-astrophe. There was nothing good that could come from this. It turns out that the military was testing and examining the effects of a nuclear bomb on a live city because making fake people would be too expensive.
News reports were flooding the television concerning the event and its effects. Within days, people began turning into zombies. Zombies were one of his biggest fears. After spending the greater part of his childhood studying their habits, he knew that zombies had a craving for one thing—something soft, moist, and mushy—and he didn’t want to be around when they came. These zombies were covered in radiation poisoning and had a large craving for nothing other than Lucky Charms cereal. The Cat-Man needed to act fast.
Scratch, Scratch, Scratch. Something was scratching at the Cat-Man’s door. He overcame the fear going through his mind of what could be at the door. He slowly paced towards the door. As he stepped closer, the sound just kept getting louder. The scratching at his door sounded almost as if one of his fellow cats were trying to get in! He needed to help them. But suddenly, Crash! His door was knocked down. For seconds, nothing came in, he just stared at the door. It had been torn down with enough force to break the metal reinforced door frame. He began creeping towards the door to inspect. Slowly, he paced over, listening to the quiet hymn of the wind breezing through. It only made him more nervous. He peeked outside and there he saw a group zombies staring at his massive potato. He always knew his potato plant was abnormal, but he was thankful for it as it distracted the zombies.
Crack!! The Cat-Man accidentally stepped on a piece of the broken door. What seemed to be 20 zombies had turned their gaze at him. He bolted inside and the zombies came rushing in as well. The zombies were coming for his Lucky Charms. Without thinking much, his cat-like reflexes allowed him to react quickly, destroying this small zombie assault. However, he knew that the growing zombie population was too great. He needed to enlist the help of someone with great power to take down these zombies. He began to pray on his knees. His catholic priest always told him that the most powerful position is on his knees. It suddenly came to him. Jor-El, his pokemon trainer from long ago, had many strong pokemon that have been training for many years. It could only be Jor-El who could help him. The Cat-Man called Jor-El and asked him the favor. Within minutes, Jor-El and his strongest pokemon had arrived. It was a pokemon with a larger craving for food than all of the zombies combined, Munchlax. There was only one plausible way to stop the hoard of zombies from further penetrating the barriers around his house. Munchlax had to eat the zombies.
After a minute of watching Munchlax do its work, confidence was built that they could hold the zombies back. They were doing it. They held off the zombies and were even forcing them back, many of which began to retreat. But it was only then that the fun had begun.
The zombies had gotten ahold of a magical lamp which contained a genie that could grant them 3 wishes. Although the zombies were not the smartest of creatures, they were wise about making decisions. With the small democratic board that was built among them, they declared the wishes that they were going to make. Using their first wish, the zombies summoned the orcs from middle earth to help them fight for the Lucky Charms. Using their second wish, they summoned a rival that would even scare Jor-El. It was Brock and his hyper-developed pokemon. It had gone too far. With Zombies, Orcs, and pokemon of Brock’s collection fighting them, the Cat-Man and Jor-El were being pushed back.  There were too many offending warriors.
They could do only one thing. A crew of sky pirates which had been passing by were called down by the Cat-Man. He told them what needed to be done. They sent the crew of sky pirates to fly and retrieve the lamp. With several bombings from the sky pirates, they made an opening in the densely packed bodies of the zombies to retrieve the lamp with the genie inside. But what stood before them could only make a man more nervous. There were 5 lamps that they could choose from and the Zombies were starting to recover. At that moment, the captain of the crew randomly chose one. Suddenly, a voice could be heard… “You have chosen…wisely”. With insurance from the lamp itself, they were proud to bring it back to the Cat-Man. The Cat-Man knew what he must do. He summoned the Jedi Force to help destroy the zombies and other invading creatures.
Suddenly, out of the smoke plume where the orcs were appearing from, a Balrog jumped out and began to destroy everything, killing zombies and orcs alike. It turned out that the Genie had a trick up its sleeve with granting the wishes. And before the bad part of the Cat-Man’s wish could even come true, the bad part of the zombie’s second wish had caused Brock’s pokemon, ToxiCroak, to send a flood of water upon the entire city.
Wack! Jor-El woke up in an instant, slamming his head on a bar as he flung upwards. A group of his friends including his best friend, Brock, were sitting next to Jor-El. Brock was pouring water on Jor-El’s head and said, “Finally you woke up! We were worried sick about you.” Jor-El responded, “What happened?! I am so dizzy.” Instantly, Brock replied, “We were having a movie and television show marathon watching things like The Walking Dead, Pokemon, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Pirates of the Carrabean. Then, you stood up walked out of the room saying you were just going to get some cereal to eat, but nooo, you went and did 10 hits of acid in the bathroom. For like the past day and a half we were worried something was terribly wrong with you.” Jor-El quietly reacted “Oh, you were watching me the entire time?” Intensely, Brock responded, “Yeah, half of the time you were talking about your love for cats and the other half of the time, we saw you just sucking on your massive potato. By the way, it’s weird that you have an abnormally large potato plant.” Jor-El embarrassedly responded, “Oh my gosh, let this be a lesson to kids of all ages, don’t do drugs. As good as they make you feel, it can make you hallucinate and do pretty bad things.” Then Brock sarcastically said “You can say that again.”
Not a moment after they finished talking, an explosion like no other was felt from a couple of miles away…Houses began falling, trees were crashing, and babies were popping.

The author's comments:

It was for school

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