Alaska The First Frontier | Teen Ink

Alaska The First Frontier

March 13, 2015
By Trey11 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
Trey11 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Work until you make it, then work more.

The day finally arrived, I was going to go on my first hunt as a guide in Alaska on the newly bought property I just obtained. There was 900 acres of pure hunting land, but I wanted to take these guys to a new spot that no one has set foot on yet. It was at the western end of my property about 4 hours walking distance and 20 minutes by plane.

The hunters finally showed up at the cabin around 10 a.m. and it was to late to go on a morning hunt so we would have to wait till the following morning. When they stepped out of the small 4 person plane, it didn’t look like they had much with them so I was kind of nervous at first, but they put all their belongings in the storage space under the cabin of the plane as well as there rifles.
“Hi, my name is Chase and this is Ryan and Jake my good friends” said Chase
“ Nice to meet you, I’m Tyler. Do you guys want grab all your stuff and we can take it into the cabin?” asked Tyler
“Yeah that works! Where should we put it?” asked Chase
“There’s three rooms for you guys so you can pick which one you want and put your stuff in there” said Tyler
After we got settled into the cabin and everyone arranged there stuff so they knew where it was, we went out to the kitchen table to eat and start making a game plan for the next morning. Off the bat I could tell that Jake was kind of a trouble maker because he was already pulling pranks on his friends and I noticed that Ryan was really quiet and shy. But I got past that and we started making our plans for the next morning.
The next morning finally came around and we all still had sleep in our eye’s even though we were so pumped up for this hunt. I made coffee and breakfast for everyone since we were going to be out for a few hours. After breakfast we went to get out hunting attire on, loaded our rifles and stuffed some extra shells in our pockets just in case we needed them. When we were finally ready we made our way for the small plane.
“Is this plane going to fit us all in it as well as our gear ?” asked Jake
“Oh yeah, no doubt, I’ve had way more stuff in this plane and fit four people in it” said Tyler
“Okay cool” said Jake with a little excitement in his voice.
We had the plane loaded and just got airborne a few minutes before 7 a.m. and I could tell they were all ready for this hunt. On the way there I had a quick briefing talk with them to make sure that everyone was on the same page. I told them there is rumored to be a lot of bears around the spot were going and it is said to have some monsters there. As soon as I said this there eye’s lit up and they were all joking around with each other and saying who was going to shoot the biggest bear.
We landed right at 7:20 a.m. and grabbed our guns and started walking to the spot. There was a really heavy feeling on your shoulders walking through the trees because we could hear stuff rustling the leaves around us but couldn’t see what it was. When we got the spot I wanted to sit, Chase had already seen two bears off in the distance and they looked like monsters. Jake really started getting on my nerves because I didn’t know how to be quiet. The ultimate goal was to kill a bear while doing it safely, and that meant being quiet so bears didn’t know we were here. 
“Tyler! I see a bear, its about 60 yards ahead of us and its walking this way!” announced Jake.
“Okay, let it come in about another 30 yards and take the shot, but make sure you have a clean shot to drop it there because if you don’t there known to charge people” said Tyler.
“Got it” said Jake.
The 30 seconds it took the bear to walk into shooting range felt like three years. I could see the nervousness in Jake’s eye’s, but he was determined to drop it with one shot. It was finally close enough to take a clean shot so I gave Jake the “go ahead” and he fired, but he missed. The bear came charging at us so I raised my gun to take a shot at it but my gun had jammed when I pulled the trigger and the next thing I knew the bear was on top of Jake mauling at his chest and out of pure adrenaline I kicked the bear in the head and then smacked it with the butt end of my rifle and it must have done something because it sent the bear in a frantic sprint off into the trees.
Jake was bleeding profusely from the chest and neck and I knew we had to get him to some medical attention as soon as possible. So I took of my shirt and wrapped it around him hoping to stop some of the blood pouring out of his chest. I picked him up and started running to the plane and told Chase and Ryan to grab my gun and watch our backs. We got him into the plane and by that time he was going in and out of consciousness and had lost a lot of blood. I fired up the engine and flew as fast as I could to the nearest hospital which was 15 minutes away. When we got to the hospital Jake was unconscious and they took him to the emergency room and began operating on him. It was a long four hours before the doctor came out and gave us the news.
“Jake will survive, but it will take some time for a full recovery. Whoever tied the shirt around him to cut of the blood is what saved his life” said the doctor.
“Oh thank god” said Tyler
After we got the news that Jake was going to survive I saw Ryan and Chase take a big sigh of relief and we headed back to the cabin so they could pack up all of there stuff as well as Jakes stuff. I took them back to the hospital so they could wait with Jake till he was able to leave and then gave them a ride back to there home.
There’s always a chance to get hurt or killed when your hunting. Your entering a predators domain where he is most familiar with the surroundings and the ability to survive, and if you mess up, your in for a rude awakening. And unfortunately Jake experienced that first hand and has to live with his mistake for the rest of his life.

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