town of zombies | Teen Ink

town of zombies

May 13, 2015
By chrisk123 BRONZE, Southfield, Michigan
chrisk123 BRONZE, Southfield, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nick is a 22-years-old and he is alone. Actually, he is with Zombies! But who is actually friends with Zombies. They are the enemy. They eat brains and who is an actually friend with someone who eats brains. This is not what Nick thought when he moved to Iowa. He thought he was going to live a simple life in a small town and open a small diner. When he got into town he did not realize that it was filled with Zombies.
Nick’s first stopped at the local supermarket when he got into town. He wanted to get some groceries before going into his new house. When he got into the supermarket it was quite. He paid no attention to the silence he just assumed it was a slow day for the supermarket. When he got to the register he looked at the cashier and noticed the girl behind the counter looked different. Her face was dis-colored; her hair was patchy in places and could barely form words. Nick didn’t want to be rude and judge her.
Before driving back to his new house Nick decided to stop at the diner he will be opening. He walked in and the excitement filled him with all the possibilities he could have in this new town. He did not know that his landlord for the diner was there too. He never met they only talked through emails. When he turned around and saw his landlord he was got scared. He looked just like the girl at the supermarket. His face to was dis-colored, he barely had any hair and could barley speak as well. Nick didn’t know what to do. He did not know what to think. Maybe the two were related. He brushed it off like it was no big deal again.
Nick then left the diner and decided to drive to his new house. As he was driving he noticed that everyone in town looked like that. He did not know what to make of it. He knew that there is no such thing as monsters but that is what they looked liked. He was confused but did not make much of it.  He was concerned though maybe there was something wrong in the water supply or there was a factory nearby that made the people look like this.
Nick then got to his new house to start un-packing. He had yet to meet any of his new neighbors. As he was unpacking items in his living room his next-door neighbor came over with a welcome package. When he opened the door Nick’s face became white. She to was dis-colored with patchy hair and could barely speak. Nick then looked over her to see that everyone on his street looked like that. He didn’t know what to make of it. He was confused and puzzled and did not understand where he was. He thought he moved to a nice quite town in Iowa. His new neighbor saw that he was confused and maybe even frighten as to where he was. So she left his front door step and went back to her home.
Nick then quickly slammed his front door and started packing around his living room. He did not know what to do. He just wanted to get back into his truck and drive away to somewhere safe. He did not want to be in a town full of Zombies. Zombies eat people’s brains. Then he thought are they going to eat my brain. Nick then got completely scared and started to pack his stuff back into his truck as quickly as he could.
His next-door neighbor saw him putting his stuff back into his truck. She felt bad and did not want him to get the wrong idea of the town. She did not know what to do since he could not understand them and was already scared by them. She decided to call up people in town to help her show Nick that they will not hurt him and that he has nothing to worry about.
When everyone came to her house they all brought Nick something that represents the town and how it became formed. They wanted to show Nick that they do not hurt people. They wanted Nick to be a part of the town and were hoping that this would be a new start for more humans to accept them.
As Nick was packing his stuff the neighbors all approached him at once. This completely scared Nick he did not know what to and started to run away and they began to chase after him. Nick was completely terrified he had no place to go he just kept on running. He did not know where he was running to and the crowd of Zombies just got bigger and bigger as he was running through town trying to find a place to hide.
Nick was starting to get tired and was thinking of all the worst possible scenarios in his head. He thought of how the Zombies would take him and passes his body off to everyone to share. Then he came up to his diner and quickly unlocked the door and ran in and started to move items in front of the door so the Zombies couldn’t get in. Nick moved everything from tables, chairs, stools and as he was trying to push the oven in front of the door the Zombies got in and started to fill the store. They saw what Nick was trying to do and felt bad. They did not want him to fear them they truly wanted Nick to be a part of there town.
One of the Zombies started to put back the tables and counters back to where they belonged. Nick was confused he did not know what he was doing or why he was doing it in the first place. Then all of a sudden the other Zombies from the crowd started to help to put the diner back to place. Nick was only confused at this moment. He was no longer afraid for his life. He just stood in the back corner confused as to why the Zombies were helping to put his diner back together rather than attacking him. Then, Nick’s neighbor came to him and started to speak slowly so Nick would be able to understand him. She told him that
“This town started years ago when Dr. Frankenstein started his experiment and created the first Zombie Monster. This town then got formed after there have been many of them and society was not accepting of them. The town is a small one and that we live a simple life. But all we really want is to be accepted by humans.” She said.
Nick felt horrible about they way he acted towards them. He did not know that they have feelings just like humans do. He did not want them to feel bad. He then decided to start cooking for them to show that he accepted them. He made them his special think crust pizza with grilled chicken and spicy pepperoni on it to show that they could all live together.
The Zombies were relieved that Nick was accepting of them. They appreciated the gesture of him making them pizza. When they ate the pizza everyone was speechless it was the best pizza they have ever had. They all told him it was the best pizza ever! This made Nick excited about starting his new businesses in town and to move into a new exciting town.

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