The Tunnel | Teen Ink

The Tunnel

April 29, 2015
By Dangerousfox BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
Dangerousfox BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Corridor

Sitting in a chair in the interrogation room, you wouldn’t believe it, but this is the fifth time this month. Five arrests in just one month, an all-time record for me. But this time, it was different. How, you ask? Well, this time I didn’t commit a small crime like robbing a gas station or mugging someone. This time, I had killed someone.
The cop comes through the door. This time, he cuts to the chase and tells me what’s happening. I’m being sent to a maximum security prison this time, instead of the low security funhouse I normally go to. And better yet, I get a life sentence. The prison is in the middle of the ocean, ‘bout 50 miles off the coast of Honolulu. Well, look on the bright side, I might have some fun there.
The boat is close to the prison, I can see it from here even though there’s a fair bit of fog. As we close in on the prison, I can see where the ship is going to be docked, along with 4 figures standing in the gloom. They didn’t look very official, with their non-uniform clothes. I look away, and when I look back, they’re starting to walk away.
An hour later, I’m sitting in my nice new cozy cell, along with my cellmate off course. When I asked him his name, he stayed silent. He was pretty tall with red hair, a fairly long beard and a tattoo of what looks like a fish, but he keeps telling me it’s a shark. For the rest of the day I don’t do much besides the normal activities. At night an officer comes over and gives us our meal and, I have to admit, it wasn’t half bad. A little bit after that, lights out is yelled out and we all go to bed. But that night, I swear, I felt like someone was watching me.
I open my eyes to the sight of Jimmy staring straight back at me. “Whoa!” I yell as I scramble away from him, “Get away!” An officer (who I assumed was the warden) came over and asked what the trouble was. Before I could say anything, Jimmy said “He just fell out of bed, that’s all.” The Officer gave me a strange look and then walked away. A little later, some bailiffs came over and opened up our doors so we could go outside to the exercise area. As I got to the exercise zone, I noticed how large the prison actually was. Yesterday, I had learned that the prison could hold over 50,000 prisoners and was made for high class criminals.
I walk over to a treadmill and get started. A few minutes later a tall, bulky inmate along with a short, but equally bulky man approached me. “Hey you, come here, I gotta show you something.” I thought about it, and eventually decided to go along with them, being pretty curious myself. And if need be, I could yell for a bailiff and tell them that they were kidnapping me.
They led me over to a corner and then told me that this was the place. I got a bit scared, them leading me away from everyone else and into a corner and all, and I was about to yell for help, but the short one told me to look closer at the wall. As I slowly approached it (making sure to not let my guard down) I noticed that there were some cracks in it. These cracks weren’t the normal size cracks I had seen everyone else, these were larger. “Did you call me over here just to show me some cracks in the wall?” I ask after a moment.
“Of course not, lemme show you what you’re really here for.” The tall guy stepped forward and started to pry off the wall. “What are you doing?” I whispered. “You’ll see.” Once the guy was finished prying it off, there was a hole in the wall about 2 feet wide. There was a long tunnel in it, the tunnel was so long in fact, I couldn’t see the end of it. “This is our ticket outta here.” “How’d this get here?” “Well, you’re “roommate” is the one that dug this tunnel, he’s been here for over 30 years now. On some days, he tells me to come over here and take off the panel and then put it back on while he’s diggin’ and then when he knocks on the panel, I take it back off” “Wow.” I say in amazement.
Suddenly, the short guy says, “Move, he’s coming.” he said, followed by “Hi Jimmy!” “His name’s Jimmy?” I whisper to the tall one. “No, he’s never told anyone his name, so we just call him that.” As Jimmy approached, he looked at me with a stare which made me feel like he was looking into my very soul, which they probably were. He dropped to the ground and made his way into the hole as the big guy closed it off.
After about half an hour, Jimmy knocks on the wall and the big guy, whose name he told me was Jeff, moves it. During that time, I also learned that the shorter one’s name was Ben and that both of them had been in jail for 7 years on counts of arson.
A little while later, some officers yelled that it was time to go back inside our cells. Once we all get back to our cells, Jimmy talks to me for the first time. His voice doesn’t match what he looks like. He talked to me about the tunnels, but not much. A little bit after that, it was lights out.
When I woke up the next morning, Jimmy wasn’t standing in front of me, he wasn’t even in the cell. I eventually got the attention of an officer who I asked about Jimmy. “An officer saw him standing in the corner muttering to himself. When he came inside to see what was wrong, Jimmy turned around and assaulted and even bit him. So we had to move him over to solitary to keep everyone safe.”
After the officer left, I thought to myself, who’s going to complete the tunnel now?
When it was time to go out to the exercise zone, I went over to Jeff and asked him a question that I’d been wondering about for a while. “Have you ever been inside of the tunnel?” “Well, no, but I have seen the inside of it and boy does it go on for a while.” “Has anyone ever been inside of the tunnel besides Jimmy?” “Not anyone that I know of.” “Why hasn’t anyone gone in there, actually why don’t we go in there?” “Jeff agreed, but he said that I should be the only one to go and that he didn’t want to. When I asked him why, he just stayed quiet. Jeff went over to the corner and slowly pried off the wall. I got down on all fours and started my way down the tunnel. I couldn’t see the end of it from there. “Man, this is a really long tunnel.” When I got nothing in reply, I turned my head to see Jeff. But then I noticed something.
The Tunnel entrance. It was closing. And a few seconds later, there was no entrance anymore.


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