Apocalypse Survivor I | Teen Ink

Apocalypse Survivor I

June 15, 2015
By Chipler79 BRONZE, Niantic, Connecticut
Chipler79 BRONZE, Niantic, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Benny thinks and say three down and only a couple billion to go..."

Benny fell down the ravine, and tons of zombies fell down on top of him from above. As he took a sword to them, one by one , hacking and slashing, one of the zombies fell on him, and knocked Benny down. Benny, thinking he was going to die, heard his brother’s Tom’s voice in his head telling him to “fight.” Tom died from being bitten by a zombie. He was one of the first people to get the infection. Since then Benny has been hearing Tom’s voice in his head. Benny picking up his fallen sword he began to stab and slash at the zombie’s surrounding him. Dark, wine-red blood, dripped down Benny’s face. He started to cry out in anger and frustration. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he heard a hair-raising scream from a little girl. She was close by, looking up, he saw her surrounded by zombies. The bloody zombie’s eyes, snowball white, surrounded the girl forming a u-shape around and preventing her from escaping their clutches. Fearing the zombies more than injuries from falling, she leaped down into the ravine landing on top of Benny. Screaming and hitting at Benny thinking he was a zombie. Benny said, “Stop, I won’t hurt you.” Benny and the little girl finally escaped the ravine. In his bloody hands, the girl was calm and tired. She looked at Benny and said, “Thank you. ` “That’s the least I can do for you,” said Benny, and he went back to camp with the girl. * * * Five minutes later, Benny and the little girl, still on his shoulders, arrived at camp. Benny, about 14 was tall for his age and very strong. He had long hair, because he had nothing to cut his hair with since the zombie apocalypse. Camp was two beat-up old tents, and half dozen sleeping bags surrounding a fire. Mike was the leader of the group, and he wanted to set out to Connecticut in five hours. Benny said that he found the little girl and she needs food. ‘Benny felt sick. He was tired of killing things, but he knew he had to kill to live. He just felt sick. They set off to Connecticut. Benny ad ben worried about this trip for a while. They had to stop for gas, because they were on empty. The car broke down and Mike stayed with the little girl, and Benny started down the road. He saw a gas station. He went inside and saw three zombies. The zombies were eating a decaying body in the middle of the entrance. Benny has trouble with blood and those kinds of things. So, Benny bashed a window open to enter. He snuck inside the gas station and stabbed all three zombies in the head. Benny sighs and thinks, “There down and only a couple a billion to go., “ Searching the gas station, Benny found granola bars, a couple Gatorades, and Ramen noodles, Chef Boyardee and beans---he had a knife, so he knew he could open the cans-- and put it all in his duffle bag. Then he found two five gallon cans to fill with gas. Returning to the car they then drove off to Connecticut. * * * They arrived in Connecticut, zombies everywhere. Hartford was a big city, and you could see the zombies from afar. Buildings were smoking on fire. Benny knew this would happen, and everyone was worried. Before when benny described the city, they thought Benny was speaking nonsense, but now they knew it was bad. Benny asked “What are we going to do? Are we going to stay for the night?” Mike did not know how to answer. They still had 7 miles to go to get where they needed to be. Benny said “No luck Mike,” Mike said, “Shut up Benny, you don’t know what you are talking about. Just let me think.” Benny was not used to being yelled at by Mike and asked, “What is your problem?” Mike said, “Do you want to be kicked out of the group?” Benny said, “No! Why would you want to kick me out of the group anyway? I am a big part of the group. Mike you are stupid for saying that. Mike said, “You think you are a big part of our group. Benny said, “Yes, I do because everyone else seems to think so.” Mike said, “No one likes you, here you were just a kid walking down a highway if we didn’t pick you up you would have been chopped into bits it in the house because you were weak, starving and thirsty.” Benny was getting angry, he was going to pull his gun. One of the group members saw him reach for it and she shook her head no. Benny was so urgent to get it out because he felt Mike was going to hurt him. Mike was still blabbing his mouth about what was said. Then the group member who saw me try to pull my gun said Benny tried to shoot him. Mike was so mad, he got out of the car and threw Benny on the ground and beat him badly. Benny pulled my gun and shot him. He was dead. Blood was leaking all over the street. The group was quiet. Then everyone ran away from Benny and he was lonely. Benny started walking down the road. There were so many zombies because they heard the gun fire. Benny was weak from being beaten up by his group leader that he shot. Benny felt sad because of what he did. He had no idea of what he was going to do because had a couple of water bottles and food was low. He had to keep going. The dead tried to grab him with their cold hands. Their eyes were as white as snow balls. He stabbed and killed them, blood flying everywhere. Benny made it to a house he could stay in. Benny was looking for band aids to cover his wounds and found a pack of them. He was a little happy. He also found alcohol to put on his wounds. After he locked all the windows and doors in the house, he found a bunk bed. He went to sleep and thought to himself, he was one of the lucky ones. Benny woke up the next day and he was still tired. He looked out the window and noticed it was raining. He noticed it was thundering and lightening. He felt gloomy and dark. He was very hungry and thirsty. He found a box of cereal and he put it in a bowl, and ate it dry. He put his water bottles outside in the rain so they would fill up. He had one of them inside. Benny did not know what to do all day. He did not want to go outside because of the rain, so he searched around the house. He went to the rooms and found a sniper rifle with a bug out bag. He put it on and said to himself this a lot better than the one I have. Then he was looting the bodies; he felt sick to his stomach doing it. He threw up. He went outside for fresh air. He realized it was a hurricane, he knew because he learned about it in science class. He went back inside and he took anything he could find and barricaded the windows. He still felt sick from the nasty smell from the blood of the decaying bodies. Time passed and he went to bed. He woke up the next morning. Benny did not feel well. He said that today definitely different. He did not feel right. He went back outside and set out. He went to a couple of housed and found food and medicine for his stomach. Benny heard motor cycle noised and rain inside a house. He peaked and said “Dammit raiders” the raiders busted into the house that benny was in. He was scared. The raider found him and but a burlap sack over his head. Benny was held captive. He was scared….stay tuned for more.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this article by my friends, teachers and videogames.

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Sozeb said...
on Aug. 26 2015 at 9:32 pm
You're whack