Daggers are a girl's best friend | Teen Ink

Daggers are a girl's best friend

July 21, 2015
By booklion17 PLATINUM, Wind Lake, Wisconsin
booklion17 PLATINUM, Wind Lake, Wisconsin
42 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Libraries were full of ideas&ndash;perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.&rdquo; <br /> ― Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass<br /> <br /> &ldquo;No. I can survive well enough on my own&mdash; if given the proper reading material.&rdquo; <br /> ― Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass

I’m a prisoner. In more than one sense of the word. I’m a slave to those who use my skill set for money. I’m in bondage to my mind, constantly waging war with it over what I should do and what I’m going to do. Also I’m literally in prison.
My name is Katrina, but most know me as a shadow, a flash behind your eyes before you die, danger, wicked. I’m famous for being invisible and untouchable. Infamous actually. People come to me when they need something, unsavory, done. From stolen jewels to stolen lives, I’m the expert. I never used to work alone, but now that my idiotic partner has landed us in prison, I may need to change my strategy as soon as I bust us out of here.
As any good criminal knows, there’s always a way out. You just have to be creative about it. This is certainly not my first time in a prison, so I know what to look for. Guards change every four hours, and some guards are clearly terrified of me. I’ll just use the blade they stupidly left unchecked in my boot, as if I would only carry weapons on my belt. I see no reason I won’t be able to escape this, the tricky part will be finding Caleb, and getting him out undetected. We’ve grown up together, trained together, won together, and now we’ve been captured together. I have half a mind to leave him here to rot for a few days, but as I think of those ridiculous smooth brown eyes, and his irritating puppy dog pout, I know I have to get him out. I’ll find a way to punish him for this later.
Sure enough, right on schedule the old man and the puny blond guard show up. I stare him down with my icy grey eyes and a crooked grin. He practically shakes in his boots, and it amuses me. I wait for him to relax, and I stay as far away from him as possible so that he thinks it’s safe to lean up against the bars. I then slip my dagger out from underneath the sole of my boot, and my arms are wrapped around the little guards neck in a flash. I flick my wrist in the direction of the older guard, and the jade grip of my dagger sticks out from between his shoulder blades.
“Now… unless you want to end up like him, you are going to give me those keys right this moment.”
He does as I ask, I release him as I grab his weapons and key ring and lock him in the cell. I fly around the corner, not thirty seconds after the exchange of keys, determined to find Caleb and get out of here.
I doesn’t take long to find him, my legs never get tired of running and I have a general idea of where I’m going. I hear muffled humming and I know I’ve found him. I slither over to the first guard and hit him over the back of the head, the second one has a knife embedded in his chest before he can let out a scream. I pivot to see Caleb leaning against the back wall of his cell, a piece of straw sticking out between his teeth, and he says,
“Sure took you long enough darling.”
I seriously consider leaving him again. He grabs some gear from the dead guard and matches my swift pace down the passage. Sewage seeps through the stone and he makes a snarky comment about how I should really be more careful about my leather boots. I mumble that I wouldn’t have to be careful if he hadn’t gotten us here in the first place. With a smirk, and a twinkle in his eye, he races down the tunnel. I chase after, mentally planning our next move.

The author's comments:

Should I continue this or not?


This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 8 2015 at 12:01 am
Greenteadragon BRONZE, Rolling Hills Estates, California
2 articles 0 photos 12 comments
This was an awesome, engaging story. Both Caleb and Katrina are intriguing, and their deadly talents make them likeable, at least on the surface. If you fleshed them out into real people underneath, likeable for reasons other than their skills, I think they could be really interesting. One thing, though- when she was breaking out of her cell, you used 'him' so much it was hard to tell who you were talking about. The only other things I could comment on were some of the sentences seemed to not flow very well, and kind of fell into the same format. The title kind of threw me off- it seemed a little cheesy or generic, and I admit I didn't have very high expectations when I clicked on this. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find an exciting story with great characters. I thought that this was really good! You should definitely continue it!

on Aug. 1 2015 at 9:40 pm
BananaBriana GOLD, Bunker Hill, West Virginia
13 articles 1 photo 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Why assume that to look is to see?&quot; ~Piccasso

I love it!