Save The Day | Teen Ink

Save The Day

October 9, 2015
By oceansabo BRONZE, Pierceton, Indiana
oceansabo BRONZE, Pierceton, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In New York, they have many small apartments. A middle aged guy lived in one of them. His name was Kimble. Kimble was thinking to himself that something was wrong. He didn’t know what it was but he had a weird feeling in his gut.
Kimble walked downtown and went to go out to eat. He decided to go and sit in at McDonalds. He got a Big Mac and a Coke. As he ordered a little boy, about three years old, stood behind him throwing a tantrum because he couldn't play on the playground until after he ate. Kimble sat down at a regular two person table and watched the little boy eat his food as fast as he could so he could go play.
Later on that day, he was walking home and he saw this tall person about seven feet tall standing by a white van. He was curious so he walked up to him.
"What's your name?" Kimble asked.
"My name is Galctirisauris," he said.
He had a really deep voice like a transformer. It sounded animated. After he said what his name was, he started asking all these questions and Kimble didn't answer.  He walked home really fast because he didn’t know what would happen if he didn’t.
As he walked home, Galactirisauris followed. He stayed quite a distance back as he creeped behind him, watching where he was going. He didn't say anything to Kimble, he stayed quiet the whole time. He didn't let Kimble know he was following him. After Kimble got to his apartment, Galctirisauris left.
When Kimble went home, he walked up the stairs to go into his door and one of his neighbors stopped him.
“Hey, I always see you walking around town and coming home to your apartment. I live in apartment C3 which is this one right here. What’s your name? Mine is Justin.”
“My name is Kimble. Why haven’t I seen you around?”
“I haven’t been home much lately. My girlfriend, Lexi,  just recently disappeared. I’ve been out looking for her. I’ve also been at the police station hoping they could tell me anything more, but they couldn't." He says as he starts crying.
"I'm sorry," Kimble says as he leans in to hug him.
"No, don't. It will just make me cry more."
Kimble walks into his apartment, kicks off his shoes, and plops down in his reclining chair. He turns on the news to see if they talk about anything new. They have a video playing of Galactirisauris. He is kidnapping all these innocent people. They have the cops there but he is holding the people hostage. They can't move no matter how hard they try. He has six people stuffed in the back of the white van he had saw before but this time it was locked with more than one lock. Galactirisauris also had two peope in his arms.
He throws his shoes back on and runs back into town. He gets to where the scene is after ten minutes. He sneaks up to the end of the van and tries to unlock it. He couldn't get it so a boy throws him a piece of wire to stick through the open cracked window. He gets the keys hooked and he pulls them out. He tries three or four and they weren't it. He finally finds one that was fifth one he tried that worked. He gets the people quietly out and they are crying and thanking him so much. He sneaks up on top of a fifteen foot tall building. When he gets up there, he jumps onto Galactirisauris.
Galactirisauris lets go of the two people and he falls on Kimble. Galactirisauris jumps up and takes a run for it.
"Get him! Run! Faster!" Everyone shouts to Justin as he appears out of nowhere.
Justin catches him and it takes five police officers to get him handcuffed and into the cop car.
Kimble lies on the the ground, aching with pain, after Galactirisauris fell on him. The EMS rush him to the hospital in an ambulance. He gets to the hospital and they unload him and get him settled into the room he was going to be checked out in. With all of his aches he thought it felt like forever for the nurse to come in, but it was only seven minutes.
She comes in and says "Hello, Kimble. I heard about what you did. You are so brave!"
"Thank you, but can you help me? My ribs and legs are aching!"
"Oh, yes sorry. Let's get you in for an X-Ray.”
They take him in for an X-Ray and news reporters crowd into the hospital trying to get information about Kimble but they cannot give out information to anyone unless they are proven family members. They call security and have all of the reporters removed from the hospital.
The people Kimble saved get taken to the police station to get questioned and get information about Galactirisauris. They get let go and they all agree to go to the hospital and wait for Kimble to get out of the X-Ray to go up and thank him.
When he gets the results from the full body X-Ray, he has four broken ribs, his left ankle is broken, and he has a broken collar bone. He is given a paper to take to a local pharmacist to get medicine. He gives permission for the people he saved to come up to his room. They come up and thank him then leave. He gives permission for three people from the local news team to come up and they give him a $25,000 check to buy a new car because he didn’t have one. He always walked but now that he can barely move he needs one.
When Kimble gets released they take him out to go buy a car. With his $25,000 check and his life savings, he buys a black and turquois 2020 Mercedes. He thanks the whole news station and drives home in his new car. As he gets home he sees Justin and waves him over there. When he gets over Justin tells him they gave him a $15,000 dollar check to buy anything he wanted because he caught Galactirisauris. Justin helps Kimble up to his room and get him settled in. They sit down and Justin starts talking.
“Thank you,” he says.
“For what? Jumping on him and almost letting him get away? Everyone should be thanking you. Without you being there, he would’ve got away.” Kimble says.
“No,” Justin says.
There is a knock on the door and Justin gets up to open the door and it is Lexi, Justin’s girlfriend. She screams and says thank you. He comes back in and she sits on his lap.
“This is why I’m thanking you. She was in the back of the locked van.”
“Oh, no need to thank me but you’re welcome.”
They leave, then there is another knock on the door.
“Come in” he yells because he can’t get up. It is a police officer. He comes in and assures Kimble that Galactirisauris is going to spend the rest of his life in prison so he does not have to worry about him stalking him or planning a murder revenge. The police officer leaves and Kimble sits  in his reclining chair. His kitty named Millie climbs up on his lap and they curl up and fall asleep.


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