Optimism | Teen Ink


October 15, 2015
By DrakemHatfield BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
DrakemHatfield BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everett ran through the airport trying to get to Flight 218.
“Come on Helix lets go, we are going to miss our flight.”
Everett thought to himself, we are not going to make it.
The intercom came on and announced, “Flight 218 is leaving in 10 minutes, please board your plane immediately.”
“There it is, follow me,” Helix yelled.
Weaving in and out of people, THUD a man stepped right in their way and knocked them both down.
“You guys are in for a treat on this plane,” the man said.
“What was that all about?” Helix asked.
“I don’t know but let’s get on the plane,” said Everett.
Helix and Everett rushed to the gatehouse. They both scanned their tickets, and ran through the jet bridge.
Just as they boarded the plane the flight attendant announced,“Our flight will be leaving in five minutes, please get situated and fasten your lap belts.”
“Helix, there’s that guy again, something is strange about him” said Everett.
Helix pulled out his map and stated, “It’s a long 17 hour flight from Australia to California.” 
Helix and Everett started reminiscing about how they became friends. They had been like brothers ever since they met each other in the foster home in Sydney, Australia. Helix has a smaller, stocky body type and he has brown hair, and bluish green eyes. He is now thirteen years old. He is more of a social person and is very outgoing. His parents left him when he was two years old; they were going through some financial issues and couldn’t support their family. Everett is now fiveteen years old. He is average height for his age, he has a muscular build to his body, and he has brown, curly hair. Everett is a fast learner he can pick up on things really fast. He is a great student and received good grades.
Everett’s dad died when Everett was just ten years old. His dad died from a shark attack off of the east coast of Australia while surfing. Ever since that attack; Everett has been determined to be the best surfer in Australia. Everett’s mom had left him one year after his dad’s death. Everett spent countless nights sleeping on the streets and hanging around the local beaches. People started noticing him and he eventually was turned into a foster home. Everett and Helix met a few days later after Everett was placed in foster care.
When Everett turned thirteen and Helix was eleven, they went to live with a young man named Dave. He lived on Culburra Beach. He is six foot tall and has a shaggy beard with brown hair. Every morning before work he would take Everett and Helix out to go surfing. Culburra Beach is known for its amazing waves. This was Everett’s dream! He wants to become the best surfer in Australia, and follow in his father’s footsteps. Everett told Helix,
“One day I will travel to California and compete in a surf competition and surf the big waves!”
Helix and Everett both knew since they were foster kids, it would be nearly impossible to travel to California.
Summer break was just getting started. Dave was getting to know Everett and Helix really well. Although they knew that after summer break was over, Everett and Helix had to return back to the foster home. So they went on to enjoy their summer together.
Dave had created a web page about Everett and Helix looking for a family interested in adopting them. Two weeks later, he receives a response from a family in California.
Dave told the boys the good news, “They love to surf and they live on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.”
  Dave got this to go through with the foster care. This process takes a couple of years. Two summers later, when Everett was fifteen and Helix was thirteen, they will be able to be a part of this family!
For Everett and Helix those two years seemed like forever. Their flight leaves for California on August 12th.  On August 11th, Everett and Helix had their suitcases packed and ready. Everett could not fall asleep the entire night; he decides to sneak out, and take one last walk on the beach. He could hear the waves crashing and it was very calming for him. He notices a shadow and realizes its Helix. Everett said,
“You can’t sleep either?”
“Yeah, I’m really nervous whether or not the family is going to accept us or not,”
Helix said timidly.
“Sure they will; that’s why they’re adopting us. They want to give us a chance.”
Everett said with an encouraging voice.
Everett and Helix stayed on the beach and expressed their feelings until the sun came up. They both knew they better get back and get ready to leave for the airport. They returned back to the foster home and the taxi was waiting on them.
“Come on boys, you’re going to be late,” shouted the taxi driver; in frustration.
As soon as they got to the airport the boys hopped out of the car, and rushed to catch their flight.
“Man, a 17 hour flight is a long time; I think I’m going to get some shut eye,”
whispered Everett
“Psssst Everett wake up the plane is being hijacked. We have to get secured.”
“WHAT?” Everett yells.
Helix is trying to explain everything to Everett.
“Shhhh be quite. A flight attendant was stabbed and killed. There are three hijackers on the plane; they just took over the c***pit. They announced they are attempting to land in Fiji. So put this mask on and brace for impact because were going down fast.”
“Helix, I’ve always thought you were a great friend and the brother I never had. We are in this together and we are going to make it out alive!”
  Beep…. Beep… Beep. Beep Beep Beep Beep BOOM, the engine to the left of Everett blew up. He looked out the window, as the plane was going down everything was getting larger and larger. Shhhhooo BANG; the impact jolted them both forward. They both jump into action fast. They could see water rising up from the nose of the plane. As they unbuckled they managed to salvage some rope and a couple of suitcases. The water rose up over their heads and they took one last gulp of air and went straight for the exit door. It took both of them to turn the wheel to release the air tight seal on the door. They both swim to the surface, and the whole front of the plane is ten feet underwater already.
“Helix, do you see that young man over there? Let’s see if he needs our help.”
The man is all the way on the other side of the plane. When they get close they see him standing on the wing of the plane; it must have broken off during the crash.  By the time they get over there the plane is almost all the way submerged underwater. 
“Come on hurry up, or you boys are going to get sucked underwater with the plane.”
The guy helps them get up on the wing. As the plane sinks, air bubbles come to the surface. Then all of the sudden the whole plane and the debris around it got sucked underwater, and sank like a bag of rocks.
“My name is Leo. What are your boys’ names?”
“I’m Everett and this is Helix.”
Leo expresses, “Here’s a little bit about myself; I was going to California to join the Marines. So I do happen to have a couple of survival supplies with me. I have flint and steel, and I also have a knife but that’s about it. So tell me why you boys were on this plane?”
Everett sighed and started to tell Leo about him and his best friend.
“We were going to live with our new parents! I have lived in foster care for four years, but Helix has lived there for almost eleven years. My dad died when I was ten and my mom left me one year later. Helix’s parents left him when he was two, because they couldn’t support a family any longer. We met at the foster home and have become best friends through the years. We also enjoy surfing! All that we could salvage is some rope and these suit cases.”
“Anything will help. Wow, you guys have had a rough life,”
“Yeah, tell me about it.” Helix mumbled.
  “Okay let’s check out what is in these suitcases,” Leo said.
“Looks like there is some clothes, which is good for shelter, also some money, which is about useless right now. There is a flare gun, also a stun gun, and a knife,” Leo said with a little bit of excitement in his voice!
“Hey, look it’s a badge of some sort. It says, Officer Josh Veg, this guy must have been in the police academy,” Everett shouted out.
They laid all of the supplies they found on the wing to dry. As the wing drifted, they started to notice, what looked like a land form.
Nightfall came so they decided to try to get some rest before a long, hot day ahead of them.
“Guys wake up; do you hear that splashing noise?” Whispered Helix,
“Yes, what is that?” Leo said.
“I think it must be sharks, because I can see their fins from the moonlight,” Helix said nervously.
“Let’s sleep in shifts, that way we will be able to watch each other’s backs.” Everett suggested.
So the rest of the night they took turns staying awake, and paying close attention to the sharks.
The sun was just starting to rise, as they were waking up. While they were asleep they drifted within a mile of the island. The plane wing had gotten stuck on a coral reef surrounding the island. They all decided that they are going to pack up the supplies and swim the rest of the distance to the island. Once they get to the island they immediately start building shelter. They are unsure of how long they are going to be stranded on this island. They go with a basic lean-to shelter, which provides them with one wall on the back side of them. Therefore they can build a fire on the other side. As night starts to fall, they begin to fall asleep.
“Wake up, Wake up. Get the flare gun! I hear a chopper; they must have sent a rescue team to search for any survivors,” Helix is yelling, Excited for the first time in a couple days.
“Get the flare ready to fire,” Leo said.
Shooo, the bright red flare shot into the sky.
“They see us!” Everett yelled.
The pilot throws down the ladder for them to climb aboard the plane!

The author's comments:

This story is about kids that are in a rough time of life but then they meet someone that gives them hope. Next a crazy turn of events happens. Read to find out more!

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