Escape | Teen Ink


October 15, 2015
By hunter_jackson BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
hunter_jackson BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The forest seemed to be asleep except for a slight rumble in the distance. The sound got closer and closer. He soon realized that it was the enemy. He quickly threw his sniper to the damp leaf covered forest floor.
He grabbed his rocket launcher and set up just out of sight from the road. Should he shoot? Should he just hide and let them pass, then call for extraction? He quickly threw the launcher to the leaves and got back in his position on the ground. He clenched his ak-47 tightly as the convoy approached… he hoped he wouldn’t have to use it but he was ready if it came down to that. The convoy traveled closer, closer, and closer. Once the trucks passed he finally took a much needed breath. As soon as he caught his breath he realized the trucks had stopped twenty- five yards past where he was. He kept his position for what seemed like four hours. He looked at his SAP phone. 13:15. It had only been fifteen minutes since the convoy had passed. He trudged back to roadside to check the status of the enemy. They had set up a road block. The Pakistan army wasn’t letting anyone or anything out of their country. The only problem was that they were blocking the one and only road he could take to get out. There was one more option to escape. He would have to cross the road in plain sight… unless he could do it at night.
It was go time. All he would have to do is crawl across the road to stay undetected. He crawled down the short slope toward the gravel road. He got down and started to slowly crawl toward the tree lined field on the other side. He got half way over the road. Then, all of a sudden there was what sounded like fifteen guns firing straight at him. He catapulted his pack that contained his food and water supply for the mission. He tried to play dead but the soldiers started too walked briskly toward him. He had no other options… he would have to get up grab his gun and fire at them. There were only four of them. They didn’t have their guns drawn either so he would have a head start. He grabbed the rusty AK-47 from the gravel and checked to see how much ammunition he had left. Four bullets… he had to shoot perfect this time. He rose from dusty gravel road aimed toward the nearest soldier, fired, he dropped. One down three to go, He aimed toward the second soldier, and he dropped slowly to the thick grass. The third soldier was about to fire when but he was already dead when he was ready to. Somehow the fourth soldier managed to retreat to the trucks. He stood there just standing there looking at the three dead bodies. The fourth soldier seemed to have completely left.
He stood there perfectly motionless just wondering if that was the right thing to do. He just decided to move on toward the rendezvous point. Just something seemed like it wasn’t supposed to happen like that, like one of them was more than just a soldier.
He arrived at the rendezvous just after the slow moving sun had just gone over the sandy horizon. The chopper was already there waiting for him. The blades started to rotate very slowly as he approached. He climbed aboard and they took flight. Next stop, home. The captain was aboard the small helicopter. The captain had a look on his face that made him look even angrier than he already was. He had some good and bad news, the man that he had killed was actually the leader of the Taliban. It wasn’t the task of the mission but it would save them another mission.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story for pure entertainment for whoever reads it.

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