The Pedestrian Sequel | Teen Ink

The Pedestrian Sequel

October 22, 2015
By dylangrant BRONZE, Lino Lakes, Alaska
dylangrant BRONZE, Lino Lakes, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr.Mead is singled out in his world. Yet he is given a second chance in another universe.

Chapter 1: The Pedestrian

It was a cold November night when Mr. Mead was out on his nightly walk. He was headed in the westerly direction, wearing his sneakers to prevent alerting people of his presence. He walked for hours, then started to head home at around midnight. It was then, that a car with flashing lights pulled up. There were two police officers in the car.
“Get inside the car Mr.Mead!” commanded the cops.
“Not Again” replied Mr.Mead.
Mr. Mead had know idea where he was going. It was only when the cop in the front seat turned around and shot him with a dart. The next thing Mead knew he was blacked out in the back of a cop car.
When he gained consciousness he had never seen before. It was a city, but not like the one that he lives in. This one was different.
“Where are you taking me?” questioned Mr.Mead.
“We have taken you to a different universe. The old universe is not a right for you.” answered the cop.
“Will I be able to go back to my real house?” Mead asked.
“In one month you will be given the choice, but I strongly advise that you take a good look at your situation and which universe is better suited for you.” the second officer replied. As Mead was taken to his house he noticed there were no other cars anywhere. When they arrived at Mr. Mead’s new house, he noticed that his yard was very large, it also came surrounded in a picket fence, a garden and no TV. When the police officers showed him to his new house his neighbor came over to greet him.
“Hello there! I am your neighbor, you must be the new one right?” asked his neighbor.
“They arrested me, then shot me with a dart. The next thing I knew I was here.”  answered Mead.
“Yea that’s how everyone arrives here” commented the neighbor “but this place is not so bad after all, unlike the old universe there is way less technology, instead of cars, we walk, we were not given a TV or cell phone or anything.” exclaimed the stranger that lived next to Mead.
“I knew something wasn’t right when I first got here.” pronounced Mead.
“Oh I’m sorry I forgot to give you my name, my name is Alex.” added the new friend of Mead.
“Thank you. I wasn’t sure what to call you.” replied Mead.
After Alex had left, Mr. Mead headed into the house as the officers were leaving. He was starting to think that this place wasn’t such a bad place after all.
The next day Mr. Mead and Alex decided to go into the town. They went to one of the thirty libraries that the city had, which Mr. Mead loved.
“I don’t think anyone has told you, but did you know that this city is next to a lake?” asked Alex.
“No, can we go there?” questioned Mr. Mead.
“Yes, it’s called Lazy Lagoon Lake, let’s go” exclaimed Alex as happily as if he had just won the lottery.
The lake was gorgeous, it was as gorgeous as a swimsuit model on a beach in California. Also with its calm blue waters, glistening sun, and smelled like fresh roses. It also had perfect trails for evening walks under the moonlight. The moonlight tonight was as if it wasn’t even the moon it was so warm. They next went to a restaurant right on the lake for lunch. 
“This is the best food I’ve ever had!” said Mead super excitedly.
With every activity him and Alex did over the next couple of weeks, he slowly fell more in love with this type of universe. When it came time for him to make his decision he already knew what it was. As the policeman strolled up to the front door Mead was already waiting for them to arrive. He opened the door.
“Have you made up your mind about to stay or to leave Mr.Mead?” questioned the first officer.
“Yes, I would like to stay.” replied Mead.
Now all he needed to do was sign the the papers to make him a legal citizen. It was getting late so they decided to save everything for tomorrow.
As the sun rose, Mead was already getting ready for his big day. Today was the day that he officially can change his lifestyle, start over in a better environment. The policeman were to escort him to the Courthouse where he was to do the official signing of the document claiming his new freedom. As the were about to leave Mr.Mead had to do something.
“Wait I can’t do this by myself” blurted Mr.Mead.
He quickly ran over to his neighbor’s house.
“Alex I want you to come with me to the Courthouse, I owe you a lot” exclaimed Mead.
“I would be honored to go with you” replied Alex.
As they arrived at the courthouse Mr.Mead decided to give thanks to Alex
“I can’t stress enough of how much you impacted my life Alex, thank you” Mr.Mead said before giving Alex a big hug.
“Anything for a neighbor.” replied Alex.
Mr.Mead now had walked into the court with his new best buddy known as Alex. his neighbor and got ready to sign the official paperwork. The judge asked him a series of questions and then handed him the paperwork and a pen. Mr. Mead was so anxious he could here the paper saying
“Sign me, sign me, sign me” called the paper.
Mr.Mead signed his name and that’s when it was official. His neighbor gave him a firm handshake and congratulated him. They went out to celebrate at the restaurant by the lake that they had eaten at so many times. After that they went to the library and got a couple of books, they walked to the lake and sat down on a bench. They each read their book for the next hour or so then decided to head home. That night marked the day that Mr. Mead got to start a new and better life.

The author's comments:

The due date

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