The Story of a Life Time | Teen Ink

The Story of a Life Time

October 23, 2015
By Gagetherealdiehl SILVER, League City, Texas
Gagetherealdiehl SILVER, League City, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13
That's Swagelicious
What a Jack wagon

One cold Monday evening, Bread White was riding his bicycle through the New Mexico desert. As he was pedaling he heard a ticking sound and what sounded like a techy jet sound. So he looked to his right to see what would be the craziest thing he will ever see in his entire life. He saw this monsterousley huge military missile coming straight towards him. Bread White instantly jumped off his bike and got down on the ground. When the missile missed him he took off running. However, since this monsterousley huge missile was a heat seeking prototype missile it turned around and came back at him. The missile hit him right in the chest. But it did not explode, no it kept on going with Bread White hanging on to the front.

As the missile was progressively getting faster it began angling upward and into the sky. This missile angled upward more and more until it was going upward in a 90 degree angle. Bread White looked straight (which would be in the down direction) to see himself flying directly away from the ground. As he was flying into outer space, the missile slowly but surely slowed down to a stop.

Bread White thought outer space was so cool, but it was also a little chilly. “Good thing I have a hoodie on” said Bread White. Then something really weird happened. Since he had just barely left the atmosphere, it still had a small pull on him which caused him to start coming back down! Bread White went directly into full free fall, which is 124.274238 Mph. He started screaming his heart out.

As Bread White was still in free fall he noticed something, He would not hit the ground in the New Mexico Desert, but in New York City because of the Earths superfast rotation. Even worse, he was heading straight toward the very top tip of the Empire State Building. Bread White screamed even louder intil. Bam he hit the sharpest very highest top tip of the empire stte building. Lucky for him though, instead of injuring himself he only got the hood on his hoody caught. He was saved!

As Bread white was unhooking himself and beginning to attempt to climb down, a huge updraft blew him off the Empire State Building and into a window on the building next to him. Next thing he knew he was being blown through a window that had to be at least 75 stories high. The entire window shattered as Bread White went through it, and Bread White Hit a wall head first. As he was trying to pull his head out of a wall, a fire extinguisher came off the wall and hit him in the neck and knocked him out.

When Bread White woke up he felt a huge wind blow through the building. Dazed he looked up to see everything being blown around. Windows shattering, doors flying open. Other people grabbing onto things desperately trying to holding on for dear life. Then came very loud monsterous groaning sounds like something right out of the movie “Into the Storm.” Then just as Bread White thought he had seen it all, a huge Tanker Truck flew cab first into that same building exept only 3 floors below him. He once again screamed as the building was being broken in half.

The supports buckled, the beams groaned. The top half of the building slowly picked up speed until it was fully falling over, and it toppled over onto the empire state building and then proceeded to go through the empire state building until it slowed to a stop. As the tornado picked the severed building up, the tornado instantly died out and the storm went away. The severed building however was already off the ground. Fortunately it was still parallel with the bottom half of the building. So when it fell, it fell directly back on top of the bottom, and it even landed straight up and down as if it had never left. Now Bread white was in a flurry of emotions and confusion. He was hit with a military prototype missile, he was sent into space, he fell in New York City, he then got his hoodie top stuck on the tip of the empire state building. Then a huge updraft blew him into another building, he went headfirst through a wall, and was hit by a fire extinguisher. On top of that the building exploded and split in half, then the Tornado picked the building up and died out, which caused the severed building to land right back where it originally was. Like, what in the world!

Bread White sprinted down the fire escape screaming at the top of his lungs. Still screaming he ran out of the building, stole a Ferrari and ran for Utah. He figured “Nothing bad ever happens in Utah, so I will live there for the rest of my life.” Once he crossed the state line his day was still not over. As he pulled his phone out to search for cheap apartments, he accidentally swerved off the road and hit a deer at high speeds! Ever so painfully he reached for his phone and dialed 911 and called for an ambulance.

As the ambulance was on its way Bead White was slowly dying more and more, and so was that deer. He was slowly fading away, further and further. Then the ambulance came just in the nick of time. The paramedics cut Bread White out of the car and sped him off to the hospital. The paramedics rushed him off to the hospital and left the deer to die on the side of the road. They slowly began to bring him back and resuscitate him.

While he was recovering the police set out a warrant for his arrest. By the time Bread White had recovered enough to leave the hospital, word got out in Utah and the doctors’ radded him out. Right as he was walking out of the hospital, he was busted by a whole squadron of swat soldiers. Hundreds surrounding him everywhere. They stuck rifles and shotguns in his face and yelled “Get on the ground!” Then the sheriff came and put him in hand cuffs.

Bread White wearily asked, “What did I do?” The sheriff replied, “You violated the speed limit by incredible amounts, you are to spend 7 days in the state penitentiary.” Bread White was not arrested for stealing a Ferrari, or for getting on his phone while driving, or for T-Boning a deer, but for speeding. So he did his hard 7 days and was let free.

As he was walking out of the jail, he did what was called the “Boooyea dance”, he did  some really hard time. He walked to a gas station applied for a job, and got hired on the spot. Bread White was automatically paid in advance, so he took that money to go get an apartment. He had a completely different life, but the story of a lifetime. He took that story, made it into an article, and sent it in to all of the local magazine companies. It was so loved by all of the companies that they all started offering more and more money to bread white. Then he just decided, “You know what, I will just take it to a book publishing company.” He did just that, and that book publisher absolutely loved it. When his book went on the racks and bookshelves at stores, he made millions. He became a millionaire and became famous!  

The author's comments:

Ultimate Creativity on the Loose

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