Untitled | Teen Ink


October 30, 2015
By Anonymous

Time of death- 12:10 a.m. Saturday, October 10, 2015
8:15 a.m. Friday, October 9, 2015
Liam wakes up to the sound he dreads hearing the most- his alarm clock. He turns it off and slowly gets out of bed. The door to his apartment closes behind him just a few minutes later as he begins his walk to work. The mile-long walk feels the same as it does every other day; it wakes him up and makes him wish he had gone to sleep earlier the night before.
Finn rolls his eyes as he is pushed through the hallway of his school; his small frame makes it hard to get to class quickly. He finally reaches his class and sits in the back, as always. He doesn’t pay attention to what the teacher is saying; he instead draws a scene from a recurring nightmare he’s been having recently. He draws himself on an operating table with doctors standing all around him, frantically working to try and keep him alive. He hates the feeling of not knowing what the dream means.
3:03 p.m. Friday, October 9, 2015
As he sits down at a table in the back of the pastry shop, Finn lets out a long sigh before pulling out his laptop to work on his schoolwork. He’s not interested in school and puts his schoolwork away without finishing it only five minutes after starting it. He takes the drawing of his nightmare out of his backpack to look at and analyze it. He’s startled when he suddenly realizes that someone is looking over his shoulder. He snaps his head up to look at them and he sees a worker staring back at him. The worker keeps his eyes on Finn and then shifts to get a better look at the drawing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” the worker says, “I was just looking at your picture. It looks pretty cool.” “Thanks, I guess,” Finn says as he blushes and tries to cover up his drawing. After a couple of seconds, the worker tries to be friendly and says, “My name’s Liam. I see you come in here every now and then. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything.” “Okay. It’s okay,” Finn replies. “Okay…” Liam walks away to avoid making the younger boy any more uncomfortable than he already is.
6:26 p.m. Friday, October 9, 2015
Liam is about to head home from work when he notices a piece of paper folded up on the floor next to a table. He walks over to the table and bends down to pick up the paper, expecting to want to throw it away, but he finds that it is an elaborate drawing. It is, more specifically, the drawing he was looking at earlier on the table. Liam decides to put it in his pocket, and that he’ll give it back to the boy the next time he sees him.
7:04 p.m. Friday, October 9, 2015
When he reaches the top of the stairs leading up to his apartment, Liam is slightly disturbed to find that his door is unlocked. He slowly opens the door and makes sure to lock it behind him once he is inside. He’s not too worried about someone being in his apartment, but he does find it odd that he would have left his door unlocked after locking it every day for the past two years that he has lived in his apartment. He sits down on the end of his bed and pulls out the drawing he picked up off of the floor. It surprisingly makes him feel a bit uneasy to look at it. He tells himself that his unlocked door just freaked him out, but he’s really not sure exactly where this feeling of fear is coming from. He goes to set the drawing down on his bedside table when he notices a note scribbled on the back of the paper.
  Maybe you will understand this better than I do.
Liam is somewhat confused at this point, but he sets the paper down and decides that some sleep would probably help him clear his head, especially since he didn’t get much the night before. He turns off the lights and gets under the covers of his bed in the same clothes he has been wearing all day.
11:59 p.m. Friday, October 9, 2015
Liam is suddenly woken up by the sound of a faint gunshot. He feels like he is still sleeping, but he realizes that the feeling of almost pain caused his heavy breathing must be a sign that he is awake. Images of hospital signs flash through his head, followed by loud beeping sounds. He tries to piece together what is happening, and he decides that the visions and sounds must have been very real elements of a bad dream he was having but couldn’t quite remember. He tries to go back to sleep, but he can’t get the vision of himself as the person in Finn’s drawing out of his mind. He pictures himself on the operating table with doctors standing around him. He feels very afraid for his life after all the unsettling things that have happened to him that day, and the darkness begins creeping its way into his mind. He suddenly has no control over his actions, and his legs are moving as fast as he can out of his apartment, down the stairs, and into the street. He is internally exhausted, but he can’t stop his body from moving as he runs down the street towards the pastry shop. He runs for only a few minutes before he completely vanishes out of the street, and out of that life.
The only thing Liam is good for now is haunting dreams, the way Finn’s late father haunted his.

The author's comments:

I was forced to enter this work by my English teacher

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