World of Crimson | Teen Ink

World of Crimson

October 25, 2015
By Lost-Enigma BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lost-Enigma BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I fell from the 8 story building I recited those words to myself one more time.

August 12th 1999, a zombie outbreak exploded in Fukushima, Japan. Over 5000 humans have turned into zombies and the numbers continue to grow. The Japanese soldiers tried their best to take out as many zombies as physically possible. But they are humans with emotions. They couldn’t bring themselves to shoot a child. This one commander saw his daughter and broke down crying right in front of her. I threw a knife that hit the little girl right in her little head. She then fell to the ground and died. Then I threw another one and killed the commander as well, He had too much emotion and heart to live in this new world.

My name is Toshiro. I am only 15 years old. I’m the only African American in Fukushima, Japan. I instantly was labeled as a pariah among most of the kids. Slowly but surely I became heartless. I joined a local gang in Fukushima. I then overthrew the leader of the gang and renamed them Crimson Ronin. It tells of how we were born without a master, samurais without a master. Crimson was the color that we always aimed for, which gave us such a vicious reputation. We are known as the most cold-blooded gang in Japan. It isn’t hard to spot me, I stand out on purpose. Red contacts and black, curly hair with a red streak in it. You are probably wondering where my parents are. Well my father went back to America, and my mom was murdered by a rival gang member I had. I know exactly how to take care of myself but i usually stay in the house of my friend, Anika. She has had a difficult life just like me. Both of her parents left her to die after the outbreak. As a result, we take care of each other. It’s like we are a married couple.

But anyway since we are so heartless we are being paid by the government so we can kill all of the infected. Right before I leave I go and give Anika a hug and tell her I will come back home. I sent every member of the Crimson Ronin to take out as many infected as possible. I although just sat there on the roof of a building and wrote poetry in crimson ink. I tend to do that a lot. I thought back to what I say to Anika everyday. “I will come back home.” She is always worried about me because she doesn’t want to lose me. I’m all she has after all. I really like her, I dream of kissing her in the sunlight. Let me snap out of it. I have a job to do. I jumped down from the 8 story building and unleashed my variety of attacks. I threw my samurai sword in the air and jumped on it, gliding through the air. I went ballistic as I was standing on my sword, throwing knives and shurikens at heads of the infected.Then stood a 2 month old baby that was already a zombie. With seemingly emotionless eyes I stabbed it right in it’s head. As time passed we got rid of almost all zombies. I got back onto the roof where I left my stuff and what I saw shocked me..

There I saw Anika infected. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I raised my sword to her, but I couldn’t swing it. Anika bit me. My heart could not kill her. I fell from the building. As I fell from the 8 story building I recited those words to myself one more time. “I will come back home.” I threw my last knife at her then. To put her out of her misery. As she fell I caught her and kissed her before I died. Funny how most soldiers died from having heart and I died the same way. Maybe I am not a pariah...but nothing but a mere human like everyone else..I was living in a fantasy world where I thought that I couldn’t be touched.

The author's comments:

I for one love the power of the human mind. We all have so much potential. It's fun to break away from reality and write something that we are proud of. This story I thought of in 5 minutes. That shows how creative we all could be. I at times felt like I didn't care about others but it was always one girl who made feel like I was human. Humans show emotion and she was the one who brought that out of me the most. I built this story off of that idea.

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