Necro | Teen Ink


December 2, 2015
By The_Devil_in_Disguise BRONZE, Winchester, Virginia
The_Devil_in_Disguise BRONZE, Winchester, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Words build bridges into unexplored regions

-Adolf Hitler

Once upon a time, in a land where fact and fiction battled in all out war, lived a creature named Necro. He was feared by both fact and fiction. He was of average height and build, with skin black and charred. If you completed a task that Necro assigned, normally impossible for the mortals who tried, he would allow you to fight him, but no one ever has won. If you defeated him he would grant you a wish, but he would also take away something close to you.

Centuries of constant fights left Necro quite bored. One day in the year 20X, a creature, born of both man and monster, had risen up the ranks in Heaven's Army faster than anyone had ever been able to. This creature was given the title “Angel of Death” and full trust and respect from God himself. With this title was also the task of leading the Army of Fact on the frontlines, but the Angel of Death had married a mortal woman and had with her a daughter and needed to care for them.
On multiple occasions Necro asked the Angel of Death to battle, but every time was the Angel of Death denied the offer to care for his wife and child. After dozens of requests Necro became furious. One day while the Angel of Death was out on a meeting with the other angels, Necro broke into the Angel of Death’s house and killed his wife and infant daughter. Once the Angel of Death had seen what had happened, he vowed to destroy Necro at all costs. He trained and trained till he knew he could defeat Necro.

After 100 years, the Angel of Death confronted Necro. “Ah, finally a challenge for me,” Necro smiled. “YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!” the Angel of Death yelled.

“If you want them back you have to beat me in a fight,” Necro explained.

“With pleasure,” the Angel of Death said.

The fight was long and brutal, the Angel of Death used his 6 foot long, black-as-night scythe and brute strength where Necro used speed and magic.

After the brutal battle was over, Necro sat in his throne with a broken blade inside his chest, slowly dying.

“You beat me, what is your wish?” he asked with his final breaths.

“I want my wife and daughter back,” the Angel of Death explained.

“As you wish.” Necro said, snapping his fingers, sending the Angel of Death back home where he saw his wife and daughter alive and well.

Necro smiled “mortality is your sacrifice”. He smiled and closed his eyes, “it's time I retire.” He smiled softly and died in his throne.

The author's comments:

I've always wondered what if monsters did exsist, not just the boogie man but big names like Jason Vorhees and Freddy Kruger. I created this as a bit of lure on a world where fact and fiction fought. Now i know that there is no real winner if such a war happened, but the conflict would be grand. 

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