The Incident | Teen Ink

The Incident

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

5:30pm Monday morning  was when the outbreak happened, in the lab of a corporation called Stars lab. before the accident happened my boss sent me on a business trip to china; My goal was to try and sell our company's newest product virus G to the chinese. “Hello Ms. Chang my name is Frank West and I have come to talk to you about Star labs new product, Virus G.” “Continue” said Chang, the product is the cure for cancer and we tested it to its fullest extent and we know it works. “I can’t be sure until we see the full effects of it ourselves” said Ms. Chang. “I will schedule a day and time when we can meet up and show you what the virus can do” said Frank west. “That sounds good” said Ms. Chang. “TK this is Frank West I just spoke with Ms. Chang and she wanted to schedule a meeting to witness the virus in effect.” “Good job Frank I will schedule an appointment as soon as possible.”

“Chuck this is TK we need you and your team to cook up some viruses so we can demonstrate what it can do.” “Sounds good boss.” The time is now 10:00 pm friday night, and the Stars Lab is now closed for the weekend please leave a message at the tone, beep... “Hi this is Dr. Hemlock from the mountain hills hospital and I have a concern, we used your sirum on a patient of ours and their showing side effects is that suppose to happen?” “Please call me back as soon as possible.” The next morning the corporation got the message and rushed to the hospital to see the patient. When they got their the doctor said that the patient was acting unusual and was only groaning, he couldn't’ even talk. The people from stars rushed the patient back to their lab to run some tests on him and see what went wrong. When they ran the first test they realized something, the serum that was in his blood was the wrong one; Someone had sent out the wrong serum to the hospitals. At this point stars new what they have just started something an outbreak and needed to get rid of the evidence before it spread and got out of hand. At the blink of an eye the patient turned fully into a zombie and attacked one of the workers as he was reaching over the patient's body to get something off the table. After the attacks at star labs it spread to towns then cities and eventually within days to other countries. 12:00 wednesday afternoon days after the outbreak happened my name is Chuck Greene and if any gets this please send help. Most people in the world now are infected, TK is nowhere to be found in the facility and its just me and some of the crew left hiding in the bosses office. Since the outbreak happened food supplies have been running low, many people robbed any food market they could find and now all that is left are crumbs. The schools were also raided and turned into camps for survivors, and the crew and I have no idea if anyone in the factory is still alive; Most of the people that left the room to try and get out or go looking for survivors, never came back. We don’t know if they fell to the infected or managed to get out of the facility; but one things for sure we can make an antidote if, we can get down to the lab and get a sample of, one of the infecteds blood. Frank West is my name and I am a survivor of the outbreak I have no clue who else at the facility is alive, right now I am in china and I was on my way back when my flight was canceled because of some complications. The next day I was notified that the city I was in was being evacuated and that we were to move to a different part of china. The next thing I remember before being trampled on by panicking citizens was someone screaming zombies and then I was knocked out. I woke to the terrifying sight of people slaughtered all over the ground, blood,guts and brains everywhere. The city was destroyed and the remaining people with it. I was so scared and in shock the first place I thought to go to was Ms. Chang's corporation, but little did I know the corporation was full of infected. When I got to the corporation it was filled with people but I didn’t realize that they were the “zombies.” Right before I was attacked by one I heard a loud gunshot that penetrated the zombies head.
“Come quick we need to get to a safer place we don’t have much time they are attracted to sounds.”
“Thanks man for the save I would have been a goner if it wasn’t for you.”
“I didn’t catch your name.”
“It’s Carlito,Carlito keyes.”
“Who’s that cute thing over their.”
“That my sister and watch it you might end up like that zombie if I catch you looking at her the wrong way.”
“Gee sorry man.” 
“If you don’t mind me asking what is her name.”
“Isabela keyes.”
After Carlito saved me we talked about the outbreak and how we get back to stars labs. He told me their was an airport just 20 minutes away from here and he knew how to fly a plane, he could get us back! on one condition he said, you have to do everything I say.The next time I will see you it will be at the airport. After I left the corporation I went to go look for some food, but their was no food and that wasn’t a surprise knowing that the whole world was in distress. When I arrived at the supermarket in the center of the town it was boarded up, my heart started to beat profusely  and I knew their had to be some survivors in their. “Hey, is anyone in their.”
“Turn around slowly and put your hands on your head,” said a voice from behind me.
“Don’t shoot my name is Frank West I work for a big corporation call stars lab.”
“Stars the people who started all of this.”
“What do you mean started, we never created anything that can harm anyone just to help them.”
“Well that’s a false accusation didn’t you watch the news the day before the outbreak.”
“No and who are you anyway.”
“I'm Brad Garrison I work for the beijing police department.”
“Can you help me get into the supermarket I need to get some food for a trip.”
once brad helped me get into the supermarket and find some food, it was time to make my way to the airport and meet Carlito, it was time to get out of here and find out what really happened that day at the lab. When I got to the airport I seen Carlito and his sister Isabela refueling the plane. I got into the plane and we took off I was relieved to get out of that town. We arrived in chicago the next day. When I woke up and got out of the plane the city was decimated and was nothing but rubble. When we got to the city that stars lab was in we went inside to find nothing but dead bodies in the hallways and people with their guts hanging out of their stomachs. It was such a gruesome scene how could these savages do this to someone. We heard noises and loud groans coming our way, we knew that we were in for a surprise; Isabela gave me a gun she found in the plane. Bang Bang went the gun as I fired it at the zombies one by one their bodies were dropping, “we need to get to the boss's room quick he will know how to stop it,” said Frank. We arrived at the front door of the boss’s room and quickly get in, Carlito twisted the doorknob but it wouldn’t open.
“Let us in we are survivors none of us are bitten we need to get out of here they are coming for us,” said Isabela.  The zombies were in inches of getting us when they opened the door. When we entered the room I seen some co workers I knew Chuck Green was their and so was Rebecca Chang. I was wondering where was TK so I asked and they all said they had no idea where he is and they figured out how to make a cure for the zombies, but they needed one thing before they could complete the serum, some zombie blood, and the lab. That was a suicide mission because the lab was infested with the infected.
“Fine let’s go and do this I have nothing to lose.” said Carlito.
“Fine let’s do this.” said Greene and Isabela.
At first frank was a little hesitant, but with the right motivation from the others they were able to get him to go. They had limited weapons and had to get through the zombies quietly without being detected. other wise they would be goners, when they left the room one of them spotted a zombie and killed it, they then covered themselves in some zombie blood so the zombies couldn’t catch their scent. We then headed started to make our way down to the basement of the facility in hopes that the equipment is still in one piece, when we finally made it to the basement we seen an unfamiliar person in the distance wearing a hazmat suit typing on a computer enter what looked like launch codes.
“Turn around and put your hands behind your head.” Said Carlito to the mysterious man.
as the man turned around slowly he said in a calm voice.
“Don't you recognize your own boss.”
Then the man started to remove his helmet and to everyone's surprise it was TK
TK what are you doing here we thought you left and were long gone from here.”
No I have been here all along and was behind all of this you fool’s were just too blind to see it.”
Why would you do something like this.”
It’s simple really after we tested it on the animal subjects I needed to know if it could work on a live human subject’s so I sent it to a small hospital that treated cancer patients, and to my surprise it did work and the people turned into zombies.”
You are going to pay for that you sick demented person and that I can guarantee”
If you can catch me fool’s see ya.”
As soon as he said bye the wall exploded behind him and I seen a man wearing a clown mask drive in through the smoke and pick up TK. Their was only two thing on our minds at this point and that was to make the antidote and disable the launch codes, then get out of their before all the zombies get to us and we are all goners. 5 minutes later and the antidote was done and we were out of their, but one thing is for sure we were going to see TK soon but not soon enough and when that day comes I swear on my life and all those that fell to this disaster, I will put an end to his rain of terror and redeem all the people he hurt.   

The moral of this story is to always double check, otherwise something bad might happen to you or to others. This was shown when the scientist didn’t check the cargo before it was sent out to the hospital. This could have all been prevented if they just would have doubled checked.

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