In Time | Teen Ink

In Time

December 11, 2015
By DylanSetlin BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
DylanSetlin BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

New york city
September 11, 2001… 8:24 a.m
  "Is that American 11 trying to call?"
"We have some planes. Just stay quiet and we'll be okay. We are returning to the airport."
"Who's trying to call me, here? American 11 are you trying to call?"
"Nobody move, everything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you will injure yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet..."
“ Don't make any stupid moves...”

8:30 a.m
  Instantly the plane was approaching the city of new york, while flying at a low altitude. There were three terrorist standing up blocking the entrance to the c***pit. “ Where are we going” said one man, “the airport is in the opposite direction”. “Please sir, sit down and be quiet”said one of the terrorist. Suddenly a man got out of his seat,he was pale and built,with cold blueish grey eyes, and about 6’0ft exactly,and he wore an all black skin tight suit. He started walking toward the terrorist. “Sir please go back to your seat... now”said one of the terrorist. But the mysterious man kept walking forward. suddenly one of the terrorist started walking toward the man at the same time. The terrorist finally came close enough to the man to put his hands on his shoulders to make him go back to his seat. But as soon as the terrorist put his hand on the man shoulder, the man put him into a rotational wristlock, cranking his wrist backwards until it broke.The terrorist screamed in pain, then the man sidekicked him in the throat.He instantly dropped to the floor, now dead and lifeless. The other two terrorist who were still standing in front of the c***pit entrance were staring in shock. The man started walking toward them slowly with a mocking smile on his face. Suddenly, they both ran at him, the man roundhouse kicked both of them making them spin 360 degrees until falling to the floor. The man walked toward the c***pit door and he kicked it open forcefully.The pilots were dead and there were two more terrorist flying the plane. One of them turned around and ran toward the man with a box cutter.He tried to stab the man, but the man side stepped and kicked him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.
While the other terrorist was still flying the plane, the man took the boxcutter and slit his neck. He grabbed his neck while grasping for air trying to stop all the blood from coming out, but it was too late. He fell to the floor with blood still gushing out of his neck while his eyes were wide open, but with no life in them.The man looked up and out of the pilot's window and the plane was fastly heading toward a tall building. The man jumped into the seat and took control of the plane. He pulled the yoke as hard as he could back and downwards, trying to make the plane fly back up. The plane starts going back up but it seems like the it is going to still hit. As it starts to barely make it over the building, it scrapes of some pieces on the bottom of the plane. “Yes, we made it we didn't hit the WTC, we’re still alive” said one person “that was close”.

1 hour later...
The man walked out of the c***pit with  a very sinister smile. “Who are you” asked one man in the crowd of passengers. “Hehe...I am Belak... and I am The One.”He looked down at his watch, “just in time..”. He started to glow now, like there was a type of energy or aura surrounding his body. “3...2...1…”and just like that Belak had disappeared.
Since the first plane missed the WTC, the other hijackings of the other planes was called off and the 9/11 attacks never happened.

Washington D.C
January 20, 2009… 10:15 a.m
Belak was running up the stairs while carrying his P-06. It was a very unique sniper rifle, firing a rapid three-round burst instead of a single shot. He was almost to the top of the building passing the 12th ,13th, and 14th floors. Finally, he made it to the last floor, the 15th floor. He busted through the door and surprisingly there were no officers. He was in a small room that looked like it had been abandoned for a couple years. It was empty with some cardboard boxes and a window in the corner. He ran to the window,unlocking it then opening it up. He set up his P-06 on the window, where he could just maneuver it. He looked out the window and saw all the people. There were at least 400,000 people there. But, Belak had his eyes on one person, the president at the time, Barack Obama. The president started to begin his speech. “Each time we gather to inaugurate a President we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution...”.Belak held his sniper steady, aiming it out of the window. He adjusted his aim on it, zooming in on his target then focusing on it. He breathed slowly breathed in, then started holding his breath to keep his sniper from moving. He wrapped his finger around the trigger, then he held on to the trigger, charging up the bullet inside of the gun. He finally let go and three bullets shot out like a lighting bolt, leaving a trail of fire in its path. One bullet pierced through the forehead of the president, and left a wide open hole in the back of his forehead. Another went straight through his eye and the other missed.
The people started screaming, and running around like little ants, not knowing what had just happened. Belak, knew he had little time before the police found out where the shot had came from. He hurried and disassembled his sniper, put it in his bag and left the room. He ran up the stairs, hearing voices from below. “He's up there, go track him down”. Belak hurried and got to the roof, kicking open the door. He ran across the rooftop until he got to the edge of the building. He stopped and looked down, he saw all the people that looked like little dots on the ground below. Suddenly the officers were on top of the building. They saw Belak and were closing in on him. Belak looked down at his watch, it was counting down from 10 seconds. Belak took a couple steps back, then he ran and jumped off the building as the officers were shooting at him. As he was falling his watch started counting down.. “3...2...1” and then Belak disappeared as a bright light hit him like a lightning bolt.

End Of Transmission...

The author's comments:

Basically i had to do this as an assignment for my world literature class. Its about a person whos go back in time and makes distortions in history, and thats part 1.

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