The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

December 17, 2015
By CariMaylin BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
CariMaylin BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Those who call themselves ugly do not realize that someone out there thinks they are the most beautiful person in their eyes." -Francis Bonnefoy, Hetalia.

The Storm is coming, and it's coming fast. Many things have been destroyed in its cold, unforgiving path, and it shows no sign of stopping. The remaining animals must find a way to survive together, predator and prey alike. 

Chapter 1: Shelter

A dark storm is beginning. The wind is howling, and the sky is gray. It is cold and the branches of trees violently wave and shiver.

Fragrant flowers cease to be tossed around by the violent winds... The grass calms, the trees stop waving. The Earth is still.

A sudden clap of thunder resonates, causing the Earth to shiver in fear. Lightning strikes a nearby grove, setting fire to the once green land.

Giant droplets of water fall, pooling on the ground.
There is mud as far as the eye can see.
The thunder resonates yet again with a large CLAP, and all went quiet.

After time passes, and the storm clears, the creatures who were fortunate to survive exit their hiding places to see their home destroyed.

The fire burned their grass, and the wind blew over their trees, leaving the surviving ones looking like burnt toothpicks. The rivers and streams were filled with ash, and the air was stale and bitter with the taste of fires, still burning.

The animals of the forest retreated to The Cave. It was a safe place for those who survived the storm. The opening of The Cave howled and moaned in a way that sent shivers down one’s spine. The animals were frightened at the thought that their home was no more, due to nature’s unforgiving wrath. They all sat together at the back of The Cave. Predators and prey alike were huddled together for warmth and some sign of safety or protection.

They do not know what awaits them, or how they will find food. They are scared. When will they get their home back? Why did this happen? Especially now. They were unprepared. The Storm happens every few decades, but this year, it was early, leaving them hopeless and without food or water. They could prey on each other, but that was not their code for when The Storm hits. They rely on each other, and care for each other. It was the only way to survive.

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