The White House | Teen Ink

The White House

December 16, 2015
By Anonymous

One cold, rainy, foggy night, there were very few cars on the teteris, windy mountain

roads, but two cars were driving a little fast for these road conditions.

“TODD! Slow down. You're going to crash,” yelled Todd's best friend and partner Bill.

“I've got to get them. They are going to get away!”exclaimed Todd.

“Just let them go, Todd, We have the license plate of their car. We can track them down later!”

screamed Bill. Bill was very thin, weighing only 150 lbs and was also 6 feet tall. Bill had blue

eyes and brown hair. Todd was a little bigger than Bill he weighed 225 lbs was only 5” 8’ tall, he

had gray hair and hazel colored eyes. 

“You're right,”said Todd as he took his foot off of the gas peddle.

“Let's go back to police headquarters and see if we can find why this car is running from

us,”suggested Bill. 

“Sounds good,” agreed Todd.

Todd and Bill went back to their office and discussed why they thought the car was

running from them.

“I think they were trying to get away from you, because they stole something,” Bill commented.

“Some people run from the cops when they have done something wrong. guess that's why they

were running from us.” said Todd

Shortly after that Bill said, “Hey Todd, let's stop for breakfast and get a cup of coffee. I will


Todd and Bill ate breakfast and drank their coffee for an hour, Then they got called to go help on

a case.

“What do we have here?” Bill inquired to another officer at the scene.

“The victim says he got home and saw that all of his electronics were gone his tv,laptop, and his

home computer,”one of the officers informed them.

“What was the total price of all of the items that were stolen?” asked Bill.

¨The total price of everything that was stolen came out to be $ 1200,¨another officer said.

“Really!”commented Todd.

“Do we know why his eletronics might have been stolen?” asked Bill.

“The victim's name is Tom and Tom said that he had some very important blueprints for the

White House on his computer,”said Bill to all of the officers on the scene.

“Tom works for the CIA,” said Todd. “The CIA is going to build an add on to the White House

until the blueprint were stolen.”

“What was the add on going to be?” asked Todd.

“It was going to be a secret room where the CIA could store some weapons and some

important files, but now that someone took Tom’s computers we don't have the blueprints and

we can't work on the new addition,” Tom said.

“Okay,” said Bill and Todd as they headed toward their car.

Its getting dark, rainy and foggy,” said Todd.

“I’ll drive very carefully,” said Bill.

“WATCH OUT!,” yelled Todd

“That car is headed right for us!” said Bill as he swerved so he wouldn’t hit the car.

Bill was able to get control of the car again and cased after them for some time. Then the bad guy

car crashed and there was a massive shootout. The car that the cops were chasing were shooting

at them. the police returned fire. Both of the bad guys were killed and the computer with the

white house blueprints was found and kept safe from then on.

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