K-Y-L-E | Teen Ink


December 16, 2015
By Akeem17 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Akeem17 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Have you ever felt so alone that when you look around you see nothing but darkness? I know I have. To tell you my story I have to take you to before the beginning.

My name is Kyle. Just Kyle. I'm the son of Zeus and Hera, the king and queen of the Emperors - rulers of rulers - they don't really have last names. Today is the day I was born, the happiest day for my mother and what would be the saddest for my father.

Moments after my birth an oracle gave my father a prophecy. If I were to stay in the Upper Realm, the domain of the Emperors, I would die. And so, not even a day old, and my father banished me from his kingdom, kicking me down to Dextril in a ball of lightning.

But hey, before you get mad at the big man, hear me out. Zeus wasn't so bad, he puts up a tough image because he's the leader of the most powerful beings on the planet. You can't be a wimp. But... He does care. Though he kicked me out, he never left my side. He took care of me until I was 4, though I didn't know it back then, and when he couldn't take care of me anymore. He brought me to the Island of Sages where a group of monks lived who commanded an island. These monks were called the Thunder Sages and they lived to serve the Emperors. Zeus left me in their care, telling them what to do and went on to fulfill his regal duties.

This is the prologue to the beginning, but we aren't quite there yet. I grew up on the island, training under my mentor Samuel. He was a kind and wise man. Though he wasn't very high up in the rankings of the nine sages, he had influence and he used it to his advantage.

Luckily for me, he was a skilled fighter and an excellent teacher. I probably wouldn't be where I was today if he didn't give me the proper foundation. He taught me math, language, history, geography, physics, he taught me to fight. I trained in self defense, offense and learned almost every martial art that existed in this world. I learned the ways of many cultures, some of which art even around anymore. Samuel was a great teacher, but there were some things he couldn't teach.

On the evening of the second week of the fifth moon when I was 8, while walking about the island, making use of the very little time I got to spend outside of the temple, I heard a faint cry for help in the woods nearby. It sounded like a young girl in trouble. Without thinking I raced off to answer the cry for help.

I arrived just in time to see an ogre about to smash a little girl with his club. Her clothes has blood spattered on it and beside her was a large dog. It looked as if it had ran head first into an oncoming boulder, rolling down a hill.

I rushed in and grabbed the girl before the club hit, successfully avoiding getting hit. I took her and ran. I knew full well I couldn't take on an ogre alone. If only I could fully control my special energy. Samuel said I had a huge and dense aura, but he couldn't teach me how to use it. Apparently I was different.

Anyway, I saved the girl and brought her back to the temple where the sages treated her wounds and took her to the town nearby to find her parents. A few weeks later I met the girl again, this time in town. She was still shaken up by what happened. We talked for a while before I had to leave. Her name was Esther.

A year later and Esther and I became good friends. She was my first friend. I would sneak out of the temple to go play with her. I was happy when I was with her. But that was about to change.

One day Esther told me she and her mom were going camping. It wasn't an odd thing, people on the island went camping and hiking a lot. She invited me to join and I accepted.

That night before I snuck out, I overheard the sages arguing over something, but I was too caught up to care. Esther told me where to meet them. It wasn't too far from the Ogre attack spot, but it wasn't close enough either.

I ran through the woods to Esther. I could hear some activity up ahead. It seems there will be more people going out camping, I thought. I arrived just in time to see the men dressed in black slice open Esther's mom from the waist. Her top half slid from her bottom and she laid their in two separate pieces.

I looked up at Esther, she was making screaming faces, but no words came from her mouth. I counted the men the way I would do subconsciously when surrounded. I counted 16 of them. The main guy turned to Esther and ran his sword through her abdomen.

I lost control of everything. I felt a spark go off in my head. The entire night became bright as day to me. I ran my fist straight through the guy with the sword. Before he even knew what happened, he was dead. Before the others could react I cut them down with my hands alone. 6 more men jumped down from the trees. Tendrils of energy seemed to erupt from my body and struck them mid air. They landed on the ground charred. More men came from the bushes and I disposed of them as they came. I must've killed at least 60 people before they stopped attacking.

I ran over to Esther's body. She looked up at me and smiled, then her eyes looked pass me and she slipped into the void. I watched my first and only friend die in my arms.

Soon after the fight, Samuel and the other sages came running in, but it was too late to save anyone. After seeing me use my special energy, the sages told me about my past, or what they knew. I found out my father was Zeus and I found out that he didnt want me.

That night made me who I am. I became a pacifist. I became a loner. I became regal. I became Kyle McKane."

That's the story my dad told me.

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