Buster | Teen Ink


December 15, 2015
By scribsxo BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
scribsxo BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       “I would like a dog who is very unique in its own way. I mean since I can’t see, it doesn’t really have to be pretty.” Jack told the owner.
       “I have got just the dog for ya, he has bright blue eyes that will keep his eyes on you everyday and keep a look out for you! He has light brown fur with patches of white and black fur on it. He is a bull terrier, and his name is Buster.” the owner of the dog pound says.
       “Thank you so much!” Jack says with excitement.
   As Jack gets home he wiggles around to find Buster and takes of his collar. As he calls him over, Buster walks over slowly to Jack because he barely knows Jack.
      “Come on, Buster let’s go outside it feels great out. Let me just get you some water and food. I have never done this before so you’re going to have to help me out.” Jack giggles with laughter because he just barely forgot that he was talking to a dog.
      “Here lemme help you with that.” Buster says.
   “Oh tha-” Jack pauses. “Wait a minute who’s there?!” he screams.
      “Don’t worry it’s your dog, Buster, my job is to help you with getting food and walking you across the street, or anything else you want me to help you with.” Buster calls out. “Please do not freak out”
      “Wait, you’re telling me that I, me, myself...has a talking dog?” Jack asks.
      “Yes, but I can do a lot more things than just talking, I can also fly, so I can get things above you that may harm you, but that doesn’t happen here very often because this place you live in is very beautiful and has lots of security all around, my powers are for safety and to help you with anything you need me to help you with.” Buster says.
     Jack calls out Buster very calmly so he can do his business. Jack finds where he is at and opens the door very gently, as he gets outside he hears  a bee buzzing all around a flower pot that has a lot of sunflowers in it. Buster runs right in front of him and kills all of the bees in front of him. Jack gets frightened for a little bit but sits down and calms down. As jack sits outside listening to Buster barking at nothing but sirds chirping and whistling. Jack feels around for buster and whistles him over as he hears screeching of Buster’s paw’s running on the concrete. Jack feels around for a stick and says, “Go fetch,” as he throws it he doesn’t hear Buster at all and falls asleep thinking that Buster is still there.
      As he wakes up he tries to call for Buster, but nothing is there. Buster is gone and doesn’t know where he is at but all he can see was a little bit of light and nothing else. That day Buster gets dog napped by a person who has been looking for him for a really long time.

The author's comments:

It is about a dog who is a service dog and gets adopted by a boy whos blind and his name is Jack, Jack finds out sooner in the story that Buster has powers to help people in needs. 

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