The Haunted Amusement Park | Teen Ink

The Haunted Amusement Park

January 11, 2016
By bethany873 BRONZE, Burlington, North Carolina
bethany873 BRONZE, Burlington, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day me and my friend Kyndal were exploring and we came upon an abandoned amusement park.When we went up to it the lights came on and the rides started to move. We tried to figure out why that had happened to the amusement park and more stuff was happening to us it was very scary. We went inside and we explored some more and we heard a noise and we tried to find what was making it. 30 minutes later we went back to the entrance and the doors shut closed and we were stuck we tried everything to get out but it didn't work. So we had to stay the night and our parents called the police because they couldn't find us anywhere and they had never seen the amusement park before and she told the police that we wandered off somewhere and we heard the sirens and they were calling our names and we were screaming and they didn’t hear us. So we obviously assumed that it was haunted and we were freaked out. We went to find an exit and we saw a little girl ahead of us and we started to follow her and she was taking us somewhere and we were really scared. After a while she disappeared and we looked for her and then we found an exit!!! We went out of the amusement park and we ran home and we were out of breath and our parents asked where we were and they ran up to us and gave us the biggest hug we had ever had and they were crying. So they asked where we went and we told them about how we were exploring and we saw an abandoned amusement park. We went in the amusement park and got trapped and how we saw the little girl and how we followed her and she led us out of there. So they asked us to take them there and so we walked all the way where it was,when we got there it was gone and we went home to eat dinner and we went to bed. The next day we went back and we saw the little girl that was there before. Later on that day we went to the police station and our parents told them that they found us and we reported what happened to the police and they did some reasearch on it and they said that there use to be an amusement park where we had gotten trapped.  Next we went outside to play in the yard and we talked about what happened to us and we started crying a lot because we were really frightened about what happened. Then we stopped crying and we looked up and we saw something strange and we followed it and  found out what it was… It was the little girl in our yard, i'm pretty sure she is a spirit. We wondered why she was in our yard and then we went and got our parents again…


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