Diary of a teenage spy | Teen Ink

Diary of a teenage spy

January 11, 2016
By milag0814 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
milag0814 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was cold and dark in the compact place. My eyes fluttered open, and still half asleep, I rose out of my comfy.. wait. What happened to my bed? My eyes were wide open in the realization that I wasn’t actually in my room or anywhere that I was familiar with. Thoughts started to bombard my brain with panic and terror. Where is my bag? How do I get out of here? And more importantly, why isn’t The Sender helping me out of wherever I am? This mysterious place had no windows, bare, white walls, and I was apparently sleeping on the cold hard concrete floors. I noticed one door, but judging by the looks of it the door had to be a trap. It was too obvious.I used my common sense because, well I am a teenage secret agent, and I searched for loose, unwanted items in my pocket. Shortly after, I managed to find a shiny,smooth penny out of the deep depths of my shorts. Aiming the poor penny at the doorknob, I threw it and hit my target. Gun aiming practice can help in desperate times surprisingly. According to my instincts, I ducked just seconds after the penny hit the golden knob, and my assumptions were correct. Part of the floor near the door dropped into unknown places that would probably lead to death. I needed another way out or else I would go into those depths. but first, I needed to know where in the world I was. I scratched my back because the concrete was making me feel uncomfortable. Right then, I realized something on my back. I pulled whatever it was off of me, and pulled it in front of me to process what it was. It was a small piece of paper with something scribbled on it. SHE KNEW TOO MUCH,it read. The paper was clearly talking about me. I was so close to finding out who The Sender is and bringing these attacks to an end. You’re probably wondering what the heck I’m talking about or if I’m some kind of patient in a mental hospital. So I’m going to start from the beginning.

            My name is Brooke Caffrey and this is my diary. How do I write in my ideas in a little book while I’m trying to save the world at the same time you may ask? I’m very abnormal compared to the other fourteen year olds. i use my extra time when not on a mission to write my every action so that when I’m dead, people will not only remember me as a great spy, but an actual human being with writing skills. I don’t remember when I started with the agency. All I’m told is that my mom and dad died in a crash three days after I was born and the next thing i know, I’m off to the middle of nowhere to become a junior secret agent or something. the sad part is that everyone at the agency sees me as a threat because I was taken in when I was very young which means I’m more advanced than the people my age or any age. Everyone just thinks I’m a goody goody and that if they talk to me, I’ll  start tazing them or something because I’m the only student with those types of gadgets. This diary is LITERALLY the only friend I have.

            Skipping a few years, one day I walked into my advanced targeting class, and got called to the headmaster’s office. All eyes were on me as I clicked my heels across the floor to go see the headmaster. hopefully i wasn’t in trouble. I saw the headmaster motion for me to come in the door once I arrived. I shyly stepped up to her desk and waited for her to tell me why I’m in her office. “I have a very important question for you.” she asked. “Yes, Mrs. Smith?”, I questioned unsure what the burning question was. “Have you been getting letters from someone called The Sender? I look through everyone’s mail in the mailroom just to make sure nobody is allied with our enemies and planning to attack, and noticed them. Why didn’t you tell me? you know what this means, right.” I had no idea what she was talking about except for the part about the letters from “The Sender”, though. I remember last week, I got a letter from him or her telling me to get water instead of milk at lunch one day, and I actually listened and got water. later that day, everyone who got milk that day got sick because it was expired.”Yes ma’am I have been getting letters, but I’m unsure of what it means.” I confessed.”ahh I see. I have been investigating because I have ever seen anything like it before either. The Sender also sent me a letter. They are apparently a mysterious person that is supposed to help you and only you with the biggest mission in the world- stop the enemy attacks. your mission starts tomorrow. The Sender will guide you. I know you can do this.” WOAH WOAH WOAH. this was way too much to process. a secret psychic person guiding me? DEFEATING THE ENEMY ATTACKS? This could be the end of Brooklyn Caffrey. I hesitated. “But.. how do I… where do I...um” I stuttered “ The Sender will guide you. I’m unsure of when you go because The Sender has not specified the details, but I assume you should be packing a bag right away.” she answered.” Guess I will see you when my mission is over…” or my grave… “ Good luck Brooke. I know you have it in you, just like your parents.” she called out. Yes, my parents were spies, or so I was told.

                I headed back to the living quarters where I would prepare for my long, hard journey. I had little things in my room, but that was good in my case.I can’t have too much clutter in my backpack, anyway. Observing my gadgets, I needed to pick some to take along. The ones that were most fit for my mission had to be disguised just in case anyone is nosey and decides to go through my bag. Hmmm.. how about my electric mascara? I put the small bottle in the front pocket and searched for more useful items. Right away, i put my cell phone in along with its portable charger. I realized that I needed portable food, so I traveled a short distance to the cafeteria. just as I was about to ask the lunch lady for a large quantity of food i could take with me, a piece of paper flew at me. It was obviously from The Sender. you have an hour to prepare yourself for this mission. there will be a taxi outside waiting to take you to your target spot. Wow, one hour is all I get? I proceeded to get the food, and went back to packing.

                Time flew by, and before I knew it, I had less than ten minutes. I tied up the loose ends and shoved my gun into the now full bag. I hesitated, then walked out of my room for probably the last time. I managed to find the door, slowly opened it, and spotted the taxi in the parking lot. I ran up to it and put my backpack across the seat, then slided into the leather seat. “ Hello Brooklyn, I will be your driver for your mission. my name is Robert but you can call me Bob.” He was a man about in his thirties, with a shiny bald head, and a serious face. “Um hello Bob.. yeah you already know I’m Brooke so…” I was silent and didn’t know what to say. After about an hour of silence in the speeding taxi, I was getting curious. The agency was in Georgia, and there is nothing in Georgia that is potentially dangerous, so where could the enemies possibly be? “ Bob, where are we even going?’ I questioned. “ Someplace where nobody would expect evil to be so that their headquarters will be concealed in goodness. We are going to Disney World!” Well Bob was right about someplace where you’d least expect it. Hours passed as we entered Florida, then Orlando, then we seemed to approach the Disney area.” Am I gonna get one of those cool Disney hotels?” I asked child like. “Yes, it had already been paid for so that you can be closer to the park, where the enemies seem to be. I have a few things before I let you go- Here is your fake I.D. You are twenty two year old Sophia Brown coming for a vacation with friends. Although you look young, I have glasses that somehow make you look older. It’s not any magic, it’s just the look of them. Also, here is a spare bag  that doesn’t let sensors properly detect what’s in it so they don’t see the guns and gadgets. Finally, a wallet with odds and ends like credit cards and money. Ok, I think you’re ready. I put my cell number in your wallet. Good luck.” I gulped as I grabbed the items from Bob.

                 I opened the door, stepped out of the car, and eased my panic. I walked into the hawaiian themed hotel and went to the check in. “ Name and I.D , please?” ‘’Br- uhh.. Sophia Brown.” I stuttered trying not to blow my cover and pulled out my “I.D.”. “Ok, here is your room card and a map” , the kind lady answered. I looked at my room number, and followed the signs telling me where to go. I traveled up to the second floor and managed to find my room. It was large and roomy with a lei on the bed. I set my bag down and plopped on the bed. Of course, I was excited to be in Disney, but my life might end.

                  It was ten o’clock at night, so I was pretty tired and decided to get some rest. I had a long day to go tomorrow. Just then, a paper slipped under the hotel door that was most likely from The Sender. On it, it had a sentence that revealed a lot of useful information.  The headquarters are in the control room of space mountain. You will need to be inside the magic kingdom by twelve noon because that is when space mountain always breaks down therefore, you will be the only one in the ride besides the enemies. I was scared but determined to accomplish what I came for. Setting an alarm on my phone for nine in the morning, I shut my eyes for the day.

                 BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! The alarm trilled in my ear as I weakly rose. Ok. You guys are officially caught up on my “wonderful life”. So… I’m not in my room blah blah.. I don’t know where I am blah blah.. there’s a trap blah blah. Wow why am I saying this so lightly instead of TRYING TO GET OUT?!?! I checked my phone so I could call Bob. No service. Just my luck. Right then, I heard a familiar tune outside the door. “ It’s a small world after all, it’s a small world after all!” it chorused repeatedly. Wait could I be? No, it couldn’t be. I came back to reality and that I was in fact in the “It’s a small world” ride. How could possibly escape? The door was trapped, my phone has no service, no letters from The S-...... A limp paper flew in from a vent above. Figure it out on your own, genius. Huh, that was helpful. A paper can’t just fly through a vent and… I’m so stupid sometimes!! I could get out the way the paper got in! The vent wasn’t big, but large enough to fit me. The vent was high up but I bet I could get up there some how. Also, the vent had locks on its sides. Yet again, I reached inside my pocket and found something that could greatly help my great escape. A bobby pin. It could unscrew the locks on the vent. This room wasn’t completely bare, though. It seemed to be a janitor’s room before a girl was kidnapped and stored in here. I noticed a large quantity of toilet paper nearby. I stood up, pulled things out of my pocket so I could throw them on the floor to check for traps, and slowly approached the huge stash. One by one, I lightly tossed the rolls to the area under the vent. Once all of the paper was over by my way out, I walked back, and started to arrange the rolls so that I could balance on top of them so I was tall enough to get through the vent. with my bobby pin in hand, I carefully stepped onto the toilet paper rolls, and to my surprise, My hand could graze the vent. I whipped out the pin, and started to unscrew the locks. Once I was finished, the vent popped open. I pulled myself through the top of the opening, and I was inside the pipes of “it’s a small world”. I decided to go towards the sound of the annoying song that they always play. I came across another vent that looked alot like it had the line for the ride on the other side.I once again used the bobby pin, and unscrewed the vent. I made sure nobody was looking, and jumped down from the ceiling. Dont worry, I stuck the landing because I took a defense class. I was free again!

                      I once again checked the time on my phone. 11:56 it read. Oh no, it was almost time for space mountain to close! I quickly got out the map that the desk lady gave to me and looked to see where space mountain is. Locating the ride, I headed towards it in a run. Finally approaching it, I realized I had no gadgets or guns because my bag was gone. I also managed to get service and wifi on the good note. I had the agencies police on speed dial, ready to call them once I caught the culprits. I got into the inside line of the ride and not to my surprise,I saw staff members alerting everyone that the ride is closed down. I wonder if it gets closed down so that the enemies can actually attack? But that’s not important right now. I need to hide somewhere so that I can not get kicked out with everyone else. I spotted a tiny bathroom that wasn’t occupied, so I rushed over to hide out there until everyone clears out. Right when I entered the room, I knew I wanted to get out because the foul stench and rusted walls were assaulting my senses.Holding my breath, I waited until the elapsed time seemed adequate enough.

                    Slowly opening the door, I scanned the area. All clear. Carefully, I looked around the now empty halls for a staff room. My eyes widened when I saw a door with the title of “Work room”. Attempting to open it, it crossed my mind that there was a code lock on the door. Thats not easy when I don’t have my code cracking “deodorant”. Hm..1234? too easy. 2468? again, this is an elite agency we are talking about. Right then, I had an idea. The ride closes at 12:00 so they most likely attack and plan then, so their code might be 1200. It’s worth a shot, I told myself. I punched in the code, and the numbers turned out to be valid. How am I going to approach them without them murdering me? Searching my very useful pocket, I fished out the pair of hideous glasses that Bob gave me and slipped them on my face. I was going to “be on the enemy agency side”. It’s going to be tricky because I have never been a double agent before. I opened the door and it looked exactly how I had envisioned an evil lab. It was large, full of gadgets, dark, and had people that looked like they wanted to kill me. Wait was that my backpack in the corner? “Who are you?” a man asked me questioning my identity. “Ummm I’m Sophia brown,” I mumbled. The large scary man walked away, and I was free to go to the intricate computers. Glad I took a class on coding, I began  to hack into all of the plans on the attacks. Oh my, they are going to attack something in what looks like two hours. Oh too bad for them, I sarcastically said to myself as I deleted the plans and deactivated the missiles. I repeated those steps with all of the other plans. Done, I exclaimed in my head about a minute later. “Hey where’d our plans go?” one person said out loud.”Oh, I think the internet is down,” I shouted back trying to cover myself. Now I have to arrest these people.

                   I pressed the number one on the keypad of my phone so I could call The Agency police because it would take about a minute to get here- they have almost too many cops for The Agency.They asked me my reason for call and location. Covering my mouth and the phone as I ducked under  the computer desk, I whispered “ Hello it is Brooklyn Caffrey. I am in the enemy headquarters ready for you guys to come and take away the people assisting these attacks. I’m in the ride Space Mountain and need you to come A.S.A.P.” and hung up. I spotted a large amount of rope in one of the shelves that could be in great use to me. Standing up, I shouted,” Hey everyone! I just got a message from the headmaster. We are going to pay team building exercises! So everybody come get in a close circle in the center of the room.” All of the staff gathered in the middle of the room as directed. I was ready to arrest them. Again, I started barking orders. “Ok, we are going to play a game called rope untangle. You guys are going to compact really close together while I wrap this rope around all of you.  After that, I will give you one minute to think of how you are going to escape, but don’t move just yet. when I tell you go, everyone will try to untangle themselves.” I started to string the rope around the people knowing that they won’t escape when the police come, and asked someone to hold the end of the rope. As I ran around the staff with my rope, nobody still had any idea what I was doing. when I was done I told them that “your minute starts now!” ” Don’t move!” right then, the police walked in, and I had a large grin on my face. “You are all under arrest for terrorizing people multiple times.” The policeman turned to me and said, “ Nice work Brooke. Your taxi is outside. One of the cops will escort you. But first, check the back room for your bag and something else. Somebody called The Sender sent me a letter to tell you.” He tossed me a key and another police man followed me to whatever was in the back room.
                   I opened the door only to find my bag and… wait. Could it be? Tears formed in the corners of my eyes as I came to the realization that my parents were standing right there.” Sweetheart, we have been held captive her for almost ten years with minimal food, drinks, and condition. We were captured during a mission and never found a way to escape. We were so sad that we never got to see you grow up into the beautiful spy you are today, so we reached out to you by becoming The Sender. I could track you by peeking through the small space through the door, where you were on screen because you are very wanted here, I hope we can get to know each other again. ” said my mom, close to tears.”We have a lot of catching up to do,” I exclaimed. My dad nodded his head, and my parents and I stepped away from the scene.

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