four brothers | Teen Ink

four brothers

January 20, 2016
By Anonymous

At the start of this story nothing was wrong with these four people's life will change, but what will soon happen is going to change their lives for ever. My name is Tomas in the beginning of the the day they were preparing for the perfect robbery.  This one was going to be the “BIG ONE.”  My older brother Jerry always talked about this one and how if we do it we won't have to rob or steal ever again. My brother continued to say that we will be out of a job but we will all be millionaires.  Somehow, we are able to pull this off, even though we are wanted by almost everyone you can think of, starting from the cops to the C.I.A., F.B.I. and even random people who have put bounties on our heads. My brother started saying ,”We are all going to move a far place out of this country like Mexico or some european country maybe even a place in Canada.
Going back to today, we are all set up for this heist.  My brother handles the explosives.  The reason why he is so good with explosives is that he used to set up building with c4 when they needed to be demolished, so they can put a new building to replace the one they destroyed.  Our friend that handles the guns is Butch.  He takes care of the cops, security guards and the civilians. He is the one that is good with guns and can be used in many ways.  He also was in the military.  I don't know much more about him, just that he was in the military. The last man that can be one of the most important is our driver.  He can get us almost out of any situation.  His name is Marty, and he has been driving since he could even walk.  Not literally but for a long time.
Today we were all here ready to rob this bank in a city called Charlotte,North Carolina
.  We were all there dressed up as some Naturally cleaning crew that is going to clean this bank.
“Not suspicious at all,” I told my brother.
My brother said, “Don't worry.  They will never know the difference.”
We were all walking into the bank all dressed up and ready to roll.  No one had any idea what was going to happen. In their minds it was all just another day in their life. We all put our masks on then yelled, “GET ON THE GROUND!”  We shot the cameras that were in the room  then yelled at all of the tellers to unlock the door or will kill them.  Then my brother and I walked into the back where the vault is.  I was making sure one of the tellers wouldn't hit the silent alarm.  Suddenly, a man jumped up holding a .44 Magnum and shot Butch right between the eyes.  I panicked.  I didn't know what to do, so I just shot the man several times, and he fell to the ground.  There was blood splattered everywhere.  All of the people on the ground were screaming and yelling in fear while covered in blood.  My brother was setting bombs on the vault.  I asked him if he wanted to know what happened, and he said he already knew. suddenly Marty ran in and saw the mess and told us we had to leave now because the cops were coming but my brother said go ahead but we already gotten too far and lost too much just to leave my brother went ahead and blew open the vault the all three of us saw what was in there and it was allot of gold and cash we walked in there all stuffing our bags at once with gold and cash we were all oblivious to the fact the cops have arrived we were walking out of the vault all shooting cops trying to make it out of there we were taking a big part in this firefight blasting several officers then Marty had gotten shot and killed.At the end it was just my brother and I siting there i noticed he has been shot also but didnt want to tell me he said “we are going to make it out of here if it is one way or another”.The cops had been yelling at us telling us just to give up,my brother gave me all of the money and told me to give him my gun he said he will take care of the problem,them he looked into my eyes like never before and told my to run out that back door and never stop runing he also said that I cant stay here anymore because they will find me here. So i jumped on a boat and found myself in a place in canada living on a island almost in total regret from what I did, it definitely changed my life in a drastic way and it will never be the same.

The author's comments:

The thing that inspired me to create this story is the influence from movies about crime and bank robings.Also this story reminds me of my favoite teacher that helped me inprove all of my skills with literature.

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