Survivors of Rock Fall | Teen Ink

Survivors of Rock Fall

January 28, 2016
By AntoineBoivin BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
AntoineBoivin BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨I will find a lazy person to do every difficult job, because he will find the easiest way to do it¨-Bill Gates.

Johnny kicked the nearest rock, walking and walking for what seemed like forever with his best friend. I just had to go on this hike, didn't I? he thought sarcastically. He was getting tired of just looking down at his feet, step after step... Rumble! There were rocks falling. First small, then bigger, than bigger. He then saw a huge rock falling from the cliff above, spiraling down to the only path way out. Johnny ran, trying to make it before the rock crashed. Step after step again he ran and ran until finally he heard a crash, and everything went black.

John. John! John heard this far away voice that sounded like someone was talking into a blown out speaker. John! It was becoming more clear. John! Now he could hear it very clearly. John, it's me Darren. John now got up and saw his friend beside him. “You got really close to the crash” Darren said with a look of worry on his face.
“Did we make it to the exit?” John asked.
“In a way we did” Darren explained “We got to the exit path, but the rock crashed first and made a hole in the ground that we fell into. Then you hit your head on the fall, and got knocked unconscious.”
John looked up to see if this was true, and saw a massive opening above him. They were now in the ground with no way out!

John remembered once that he took a survival camp over the summer a few years back. He thought it was a waste of time, but it came in handy now when he was gathering supplies that fell in the hole with him. He found sticks, leaves, and some berries. He got a half decent fire to start, and he took the berries and tried to test if they were edible by tasting one. They were not sweet which meant that they were non poisonous. John turned around to give some berries and half of his granola bar to Darren, but when he looked back Darren was gone.


“Darren! Darren where are you?” John screamed
“John!”  is what echoed backed.
“Darren!” John said again.
“John, I’m here ! I'm at the top.” Darren said.
John looked up, only to find himself astonished. He saw at the top of the hole that Darren was standing on what was the real ground that they were both standing on just hours ago.
“How did you get up there” John said, still in shock.
“The walls of the ditch are made out of dirt. I just made hand and foot holes in it and climbed up. Well, what are you waiting for?” Darren responded, almost as if he was impatient.
At that moment john looked at the nearest wall, scanning for a firm part. He knew that if he was climbing on a weak dirt wall, it would most likely break off the wall because it would be under too much pressure. He finally found a secure wall, and dug his finger into it. Then his next, then his next until finally he made a hole big enough for his entire hand. He made another one, then he dug his shoe into the dirt and kept doing this until he reached the top. When he made it out, John saw debris everywhere. Some shattered rocks that belonged to bigger rocks before they made impact to the ground. There were many backpacks and bags scattered upon the floor. There were no casualties except for one man that lay motionless on the ground. John thought he heard a noise sounding like a dying animal.
“Oh, Ow,Ow”
John thought that maybe there was an animal hurt by a falling rock.
“Ow!,Oh, Ow”
There it was again, John had no idea what it was.
John started walking toward the sound.
“Oh! Ow!”
John started running, the faster he ran the louder the sound.
“Ow!, Someone help me!”
John stopped in his tracks, it was a human, it was the one man they had found earlier.

“Darren!, Darren come help me. There's a man stuck under a rock!”
Darren rushed over, and saw the poor soul. They both pushed the rock with all of their might, and with luck they rolled the rock off of the man’s foot.
“Ow!” the man yelled!
“Are you OK?” Darren asked as John examined the man’s foot.
“His foot is broken” John said.
“My name is Jaden” The man said in a weary voice. “Thank you for saving me” He added.
John got one of Jaden’s arm around his shoulder and got the other on Darren’s shoulder.
“I’m John, and this is my friend Darren” John said.
“C’mon guys I can see the way out!” Darren exclaimed with joy.
“We’re going home!” John said with Darren’s remark.
RUMBLE! RUMBLE! RUMBLE! Rocks were falling! First small then bigger, than bigger.
“Oh no, not again!” Jaden yelled, trying to be heard over the sound of crashing rocks.
“RUN for the exit!” Darren screamed.
The three ran and ran and John kept thinking step after step again almost laughing at the thought. Finally they reached the exit, and then loudness overcame John. All he heard was ringing in his ear and a scream, while grains of sand were being lodged into his eyes. After that, for a second time everything went black.

There was a gentle sound of  humming. Not like the ring that was in his ear, but a softer sound. It got louder and louder until he could make out the shape of red speck, floating in the sky. As his vision cleared up, he now knew the speck was a rescue helicopter while it was getting bigger and bigger.
“John, are you OK?” Jaden asked, not able to move with his broken foot.
“Yeah, are you?” John responded
“Yes, but where is Darren? Jaden asked
“I don’t know, but I will look.” John assured
As he started to see like before, he found Darren. Actually, he found his arm. He was under a rock, a massive rock. No person could survive that, Darren was gone.
“So, did you find him?” Jaden asked
“He is gone” John said in the most bleak voice”
John had remembered he heard a scream when everything went black, it was Darren’s.
The rescue helicopter finally found them, and a man came out. The sound of the blades were overwhelming in a way, but to John, nothing really mattered anymore.
“My name is Joey, I’m here to rescue you” the man said
John and Joey helped Jaden up and started to carry him to the helicopter.
Out of nowhere another rock fell, but Jaden was not letting another person die today. He pushed John and Joey to the side, and fell to the floor. The rock had hit Jaden, but to everyone's surprise, he was alive because the rock just hit Jaden’s side. He now, by the looks of it, had a few broken ribs.
“You are a hero Jaden, you saved two lives” John said
“That’s nice, but let’s just get out of here” Jaden responded with a laughing tone.
They all got on the helicopter and flew away and they were now safe. Jaden was treated to his wounds and lived a well lived life and John grew up to be a successful survival expert.

The End

The author's comments:

I am a young seventh grader who loves poetry and writting. Writting lab is one of my favorite subjects, and it is where I made this short story piece. 

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