the breakup | Teen Ink

the breakup

March 11, 2016
By Anonymous

Tanya had just gotten home from “work” and her boyfriend Jeremy seems upset. To try and comfort him she asks what’s wrong.

“Shut your mouth you slut I don’t want to hear your s***!”

“Jeremy what’s wrong why are you so upset?”

“I know what you’ve been doing Tanya.”

“What do you mean, “what I’ve been doing.””

“I know about Rick.”

A look of terror had taken over Tanya’s face.

“Rick? Rick who I don’t know anybody named Rick.” She responded fearfully.

“Rick the guy you’ve been sleeping with for the past couple weeks. Hell it could be longer that’s just as long as I know about.”

“What I would never cheat on you Jeremy.”

“Cut the bullshit Tanya I saw emails from him on the computer.”

At this point Tanya had no idea what she could say to get herself out of the mess that she was now in. She realized that the best thing to do would be to come out and say the truth.

“Ok, you caught me, but what was I supposed to do you have been out of town a lot and the house has been so lonely.”

“Are you serious I’ve been overseas fighting for our freedom, paying almost all of the bills around here, and you have the guts to tell me that you were too lonely and you couldn’t help yourself?”

“It’s a bad excuse I know, but I’m sorry, I just didn’t know what to do. I promise it will never happen again.”

“You’re damn right it won’t happen again, because I’m done with your s***. Consider yourself dumped; now get the hell out of my house. You have until the morning to get all of your stuff out after that it’s all going in the trash.”

“Are you serious Jeremy, after all we’ve been through?”

“Just get your s*** out of my house before I call the cops. I’m going to the club.”

Jeremy storms out of the house and gets in his car. When he gets to the club the parking lot is packed. He gets inside and there is no shortage of hunnies. He walks over to the bar and spots a girl with the perfect body. He walks over to her and ask if he can buy her a drink.

“Yeah, I’m having gin and tonic.”

He asks the bartender for two gin and tonics.

“What is a girl like you doing at the club all alone?”

“Oh, I just found out my boyfriend has been cheating on me for the past 3 months.”

“Are you serious, why would someone ever cheat on you? You’re perfect.”

“Thanks, but apparently he didn’t feel that way.”

“Well obviously he was an idiot, do you want to get out of here?”

“Normally I would say no since we just met, but I’m feeling nice today.”

They leave the club, and head back to her place. While they’re driving Jeremy fails to see a light has turned red and he plows through an intersection and hits a car. When they get to the

hospital Jeremy is already dead, they try to save him but he’s too far gone. The girl he was with gets out with minor injuries. She has made the plan to be sober the rest of her life.

Don’t drink and drive.

The author's comments:

very inspiring

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