Lost! | Teen Ink


April 12, 2016
By grace111 BRONZE, Ardsley Ny, New York
grace111 BRONZE, Ardsley Ny, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As my dad yelled “ I see something”  everyone gasped
I feel shaky and lightheaded my eyes start to roll back because the wings on the plane were shaking so much. The next thing you know I'm out not seeing anything its all black.

(Flash back)

There I was sitting at the dining room table singing happy birthday to my grandma she was turning 72. As my Mom was cutting the cake my dad makes an announcement he says
“Me and your mom have made a choice that we are going to hawaii with grandma for her 72nd  birthday”. My name is Grace Cohen, since  I have a fear of planes ever since I saw all these movies and real life plane crashes i'm was really worried. I was scared. i'm usually never like this. It was harder to sleep than usual and it was awful.   The next day and my brother, Jake began to pack are bags I was deciding on what to bring on the vacation. As excited as I was , I was scared on traveling there. We have never had a bad vacation ever so I hope this one is as great as the last.
    The next day me and my family arrive at the airport on a rainy day. I tried my hardest not getting nervous and I didn't get nervous that much after it stopped raining. Me and my family went to go check our bags and go through security check ..
We head to our gate where the plane is boarding once we arrive I go sit down and try to fall asleep until it's time to board...
I wake up a few minutes later we get on the plane and get on to our seats of course I sit in the middle between Jake and Mom.. 10 minutes on the flight and they both fell asleep on me as I hear annoying babies cry and my ears are constantly popping.
While  I look out the window I see the wing of the plane shaking a lot like it was gonna fall off.  jake and Mom wake up and say they say
“what's going on”
I said “I don't know.”

For a little bit I try ignoring it but the longer I waited the more it shook the whole entire plane.
Next thing you know I feel shaky and lightheaded my eyes start to roll back because the wings on the plane were shaking so much. Then I'm out not seeing anything its all black
All I could hear before that was screaming.

I wake up with my Dad and mom hovering over me asking if I was ok I said “yea i'm fine’
My dad told me we crashed on an island..

Once we step out of the plane dad takes a look at the wing he says
“This looks like a design flaw in the new plane and we can't fix it”.
Mom says “Great”.
Mom was freaking out. I mean screaming saying “What are we gonna do the kids are gonna be here forever” Going on and on ,on.
For the next hour after mom calmed down we were all talking about the plane and what we were experiencing and how we thought the plane crashed  it was probably the most scariest thing of my whole life.
Jake says “I think the pilot was old and did not know what to do”
Dad mumbles “it could've been a lot of things”
I think maybe I jinxed it when I said we never had a bad vacation. It's my fault I thought.

The next day we began searching the plane and suitcases cases for any phones as Jake yells
“I Found one”...
It was no hope we didn't have any reception at all.
After all of the complaining and whining for hours it felt like my life was over that we were gonna be stranded here forever. Later me and my brother began searching for food throughout the forest we turn around and there it is FOOD, but eggs that we can cook. I go over there very quietly and as I am so close to the eggs someone says
“what do you think you're doing” I turn around and it's a talking dodo bird ,me and my brother scream the bird says
“Hi i'm Phil”
and he starts explaining why people think they're extinct but they’re secretly not. While he starts talking about the island and all of the secrets if has and a little about his life too.
starts talking about a force field around the island and jake says
“hold up a force field”
the bird replies “yes”
I start thinking that we're never gonna leave and have to be stuck here forever as the bird keep on talking forever he says..
“there's also a monster in the sea called the amille monster the most deadliest creature of all time”. I was so shocked of all this information at once! The bird also explains to me that no one has survived this island ever. I think, oh great. 
Me and jake run back to mom and dad to tell them about all of this.
we get back to my parents me and my brother are out of breath and I tell them
“there's a dodo bird and he speaks and he's small and he's gray and he told us everything about this island” 
My parents don't believe me and my brother.
My brother yells “it's true i'll take you there”
as we walk through the forest we come upon the bird again and he says
“Hi family” my dad stands there in awe
He says “I can't believe it”
“I told you so” says Jake
The bird starts talking
“Welcome to dodo island the island named after us,
“How did you get here?”
“Our plane crashed” my mom says as she rolls her eyes.
the bird starts talking again, “Now let me tell you a little about this island there's a force field around the island that once you get in you can never get out”
My dad says“ Wait hold on a minute a force field”?
grandma says “what's that?”
the bird says “yes let me explain a force field it's invisible and it surrounds part of the ocean in a form of a circle just enough space for the amille monsters under the sea.”
I think this bird loves talking
my brother says “a sea monster?”
the bird replies “yes it's 12 feet long scary with small eyes and sharp teeth, oh and it hates the dodo birds squeaky voices but it can't come on land”
we were all so shocked even though I don't think grandma understood all of it
the bird keeps on going on
“the age of this island is unknown but this force field is the reason why all the dodo birds are alive but we sadly can't fly because of the force field around the island”
Jake looks at dad and says “I told you so aren't I always right ,yes I am ,I'm right like always you are wrong “
dad says “stop it”.
On this island there was nothing no phones,no tv nothing absolutely nothing at all.
The layout of the island was like one big circle with the water the sand, the forest and, then a volcano in the middle at least that's what the bird told me. it's like an onion -- it has many layers.
We find a piece of land to build shelter it is on the sand near the water we start talking tree branches, big leaves.The piece of land we picked out was not a good one it smells like fish and bird poop it was not a good smell at all. It was hard thinking that I could be stuck here for a long time in this tiny shelter that every time you moved it physically hurt you. The shelter we built was tiny it could barely fit anything it was horrible I hated it so much .

The next night after that horrible time of being squashed in a tiny stick house it gets worse half of our shelter is gone and so is grandma! We began searching  for her  yelling “grandma” where are you “  finally one of the dodo birds respond  saying “ we saw her last night wondering not looking so good heading towards the forest”. We start screaming but it was late at night and there was no point because you couldn't see anyway and it would be too dangerous searching on a mysterious island that we weren't even familiar with.so we layed down on the sand trying to fall asleep.
  The next morning I began searching for her right when the sun comes up. I look up down and all around but still no signs I go to sit down after a couple of hours trying to think if I were grandma were would I go? I think for minutes I come up with a plan. GRandma only knows that this island has a forest and a beach so I began searching through the forest to find her and I stumble upon her shoe I take it back to  my parents
At this point all me,And my family could think is how are we getting home? They totally ignored the fact that I have grandmas shoe and she's missing.  My dad says “All the dodo birds were saying you can't there is a force field and deadly monsters here there is no way you can escape”. I start thinking with dad  and throwing large objects at the force field but it would just bounce off. I came up with I genius Idea to build and launcher to throw big object high in the air to break the force field all around and then the sea monsters can swim further off the island.
I question my family one last time and ask is anyone aware were grandma is? They all say no. I start thinking what have you guys been doing grandma is gone! We all start searching for her I thought now would be I good time to tell them that I found her shoe in the forest. After I told them that we sprint into the forest and we look up down and all around but we still couldn't find her.

(Time passes)


   It took days after that but thank god we had  finally found her basically on her own planet on the other side of the Island  lying down and eating. She was fine the whole time all that flipping out for nothing she was in her own kind of paradise. Well back to reality we still had to find a way  to leave this place and get back in time for school and everything.
It was the 10th day and me and dad had finally finished building the launch machine after all of the branches leaves ,wooden screws it was finished we place one big rock on the machine and I feel so excited
“Ready ,ready,steady…..Go!”
… It was no hope it didn't work I sat there and thought for a long time a long ,long time thinking and all the sudden an idea comes upon me.
“What if staying on this island is not that bad? What if we live here forever in the sun ,forest and beach?” My mom and day stare at me like I had 5 heads I see it in my dad's eyes he's thinking it not a bad idea either. My mom says “NO! Absolutely not.” I say plz its not that bad and it's almost impossible to leave this island. Jake agrees with me I say. Dad finally comes up with an idea let the last vote be grandmas decision. We all think it's pretty fair. I run over to wake up grandma and bring her over we all say “Grandma would you want to stay here for the rest of your life? She scratches her head and within no time she says ….
It was a YES!! We could stay here for along time as a family on our own kind of paradise with many layers of this island we can explore ,and on the other hand get to know more animals and dodo birds.


Years later…
As I have now been on this island for 14 years Me and my family have now discovered caves,new animals and some of the most beautiful parts of the island. YES i am still frightened of planes. And threw all off the ups and downs of the island we have had no harsh weather and really good conditions. Jake has been trying to catch the sea monster while Mom and Dad have been going on long hikes in the forest ,And grandma has died 2 years ago because she got really sick ,and last but not least I Grace have been enjoying the island now that I am 26 years old and have been learning new things like how to build a shelter,get food,capture animals and so much more.

The End

The author's comments:

My peice is an adventures peice filled iwth plot twist,creative charcters,action and suprise endings.

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