Crippled Man | Teen Ink

Crippled Man

April 12, 2016
By TstuartP BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
TstuartP BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I ask Jennifer to turn on the radio and the AC.  She says drive quicker, so I start to drive quicker.  Since it’s the biggest mall We are headed to the mall of America to celebrate my 21st birthday. 

“Are the bazookas ready?”
“Alright get in your positions.  On my signal, you fire the bazookas to break in, and then get the hostages.”

In the mall we go to a restaurant called Rock Those Tacos were the main dish is pizza.  After about 1 hour there I hear an ear piercing sound.  Is it thunder? Is it the water park? Is it the roar of the roller coaster?
“IT’S A GUN!” shouts Jennifer.
I immediately grab her and go under the table.  “What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?” I look into her eyes and see fear.
I know I have to be the strong one because she is a mess, so I respond saying, “It’s okay it’s okay it’s okay.” 
Suddenly I hear the words, “Get on the ground,” and I grab Jennifer closer and tighter. 
I start to hear more gunfire and say to Jennifer, “We should go out to an exit”
She said, “Fine.”

As we start heading out, I look at the mall and see that it is hectic, and coming toward us I see a suspicious person.  Why is he wearing a mask?  Did he just go to the store?  Why is he wearing all black?  I suddenly feel Jennifer let go of my arm right as the guy walks past me. I look back and no one is there.  I start screaming, “Jennifer where are you.” 
I see a guy walk past me, and he is going crazy by flailing his arms and shouting, “Help, Help” and he hit me straight in the face. 
I start looking and I find this group of friends that seem quite nice.  I started running towards them for help but they started running because they wanted to get away from the action.  They went in a hiding spot in a restaurant so I followed them in there and I find them hiding under the counter.  I explained my story and they agreed to help me. 

As Sergeant Burkhart walks up to me he says, “We're almost done”
I said, “hurry up or you know what.”   

We carry on looking for Jennifer, we are all screaming, “Jennifer,” and we hear a response and it seems she escaped the terrorists.  In a few moments, we find her and she has a ripped shirt and she is very dirty.  I run up to her and give her a big hug.
“I am so happy to see you,” she says in relief.
“I am happy to see you too.”

We start to look for a clear exit and I see one.  I tell the group and they are so excited I tell them, “Calm down so they can focus and get to the exit as fast as we can,” but it is so hard to focus with all these gunfires.  I start to breathe very heavily, but I don’t know why probably because of the gunfire and I think one of them is going to hit me.  “Let’s start to run” I state, so the group started to run, and suddenly I feel piercing pain in my head and I fall to the ground.  I see blood.

“Load em’ up boys get all of them on.  We have to get out of here before the S.W.A.T comes.  Do we have all the cash”
“Good, good.  Let's go.”

I lift my head up and I am seeing double, plus I feel a sharp pain as if someone is giving me a Chinese torture.  I wipe off my bloody watch and see the time is 4:30 or it is 44:3030--I can’t quite tell.  I look around and I see bricks and stones falling.  I stumble to get up and I am all red, I yell, “Is anyone here.” No response,
I yell again.
No response.
And again.
No response again… wait, I hear something in the distance and I think it said, “Yea.”  I start to search.  And search.  And search.  I see something in the distance. I can’t tell what it is, but it might be a person. I yell one more time and I don’t hear anything.  I start to lose hope.  I fall to the ground, and now my head really hurts.  I stay here for a little bit. 

Then I hear a voice. I gain confidence again and I get up and start to look. I see someone now.  Who is it? Is it a medic? Is it a random person who did not escape?  I walk closer, to where it is only 40 feet away from me.  I keep walking and now I can tell it is a girl.  I trip on a stone falling and now my ankle and everything hurt.  The girl starts getting closer
And closer,
And closer,
And closer, to a point that she is only 10 feet away.  I know
I know now,
I know now who,
I know now who it,
I know now who it is...It’s
It’s Jennifer
She yells at the top of her lungs, “Chaaaaaaad!!!!!!!!!”
I'm so weak I can't even talk. She hugs me so hard I am starting to suffocate, I’m starting to go blue and finally she lets go.  I am a crippled man that can barely walk.

We went to the hospital.  I feel creeped out and I don't feel comfortable.  I hear moans and groans in the other rooms and I wonder Is that going to happen to me? Am I going to die?  We get into the room and the nurse is doing tests on me and doing things I don't know what the heck they are, she starts sticking needles in me, she is giving me a concussion test. I think I failed.  When she is done she tells me, “The doctor will be with you any second.”

The doc walks in. 
The doc says, “It’s not good.”

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