Sons of War: A Branch Starts to grow | Teen Ink

Sons of War: A Branch Starts to grow

April 20, 2016
By Anthony99 BRONZE, Freemansburg, Pennsylvania
Anthony99 BRONZE, Freemansburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hmmm  hello there young Traveler come sit there is a  tale to tell. this town is one, that is all of the greatest Warrior to have  ventured the universe and Conquer bounties. he is the god of Chaos, who created peace many times, this man's name is Jack, he was born of the Greek human God Ares end of the Roman goddess Bellona he was born mortal body although Immortal soul, he was born to and at his age of 20 he destroyed it with the powers he hadn't known of. after the destruction of Earth he was taught to use his powers by a man named sendoy (sen-du-oy) on a remote planet. he was taught alongside bullster a great friend but soon to be  rival after the 7 years of teaching. why they become Rivals is that bullster Had decided to taking their masters blade and kill him with it, not Jack, Sendoy. he ended up succeeding although Jack took their masters blade to honor him. And after a couple days he realized he shall become a teacher himself he came to teach three youngsters Sinstor (sin-store),  16 extremely intelligent, Rock, 25 able to bend any type of rock to his will,  Fiory (fee-or-a), 19 can use fire of any source. those were students until more and more came  when then took out a man nickname  core killer.  once they had  defeated much word spread about Jack. although the to skip ahead 4 year.  around this time Jack Was sent to  kill a dimension destroying dragon. He had succeeded but only at the cost of his wife, who had just given birth in the past day or so, and to the cost of his great friend Rock.  while killing the dragon the dragon had offered Jack his life for his wife although Jack and thought the dragon  was tricking him little did Jack no he wasn't. after jack found out that his wife had died the flicker of Rage inside him clicked. this caused him to go into an immense rage That's when he started coming back to the planet he attempted to destroy it although Rock had gotten in his way. just as Jack started to regain sanity the last thing he saw before he was fully  sane  was him holding his best friend's head in his hands and popping it like a balloon. although let's skip ahead another three years to where he finds another named Nancy but then 11 years later his son Nick who was born not too long before his mother's death he was tricked by a man who planned to destroy space, and could do it, That Jack was the reason his mother died. Jack first tried to make him realize that it wasn't his fault but once his son had caught him with his blade he knew he had to end this. he ended up beheading his own son and obliterating The Man Who tricked his son. now things start to slow the word spread to Jack that there was  a supposed God  and wasn't possible kill. the Bounty I brought him to his father Ares who told him that he was his father and what he planned to do. Jack didn't like the idea the  Ares had given so he ended him. although that is all for now young Traveler. after that the true story beginning. but till next time traveller”

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