Gotta Catch Em All | Teen Ink

Gotta Catch Em All

April 29, 2016
By AndyJang BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
AndyJang BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You wake up one day and you realize that you’re not in the real world. You’re dazed and confused because you do not know what’s going on. You leave your room to go look outside and everything looks animated. You start freaking out because you’re even animated too and you have no idea where your parents are. You go outside and look around and you start top remember what environment you are in. It’s Pokémon!!!
Screaming for your parents, you stroll out of your room and venture off into the animated world. Your parents are nowhere to be found and you start to get worried. A job interview in 9 hours and you still have yet to leave this mystical world.
All of the sudden, there is a knock at your door. You go to open the door and you see Ash standing there. You obviously know who that is so you open the door full of excitement and you hear his voice “Hey what’s up dude?”, but you are confused as to why he is at your house. You let him in and you try to explain to him that you are stuck in his world but Ash doesn’t seem to understand. He doesn’t get that there is another world out there then the animated world.
Ash shows you his collection of Pokémon and he asks to see yours, but you have none. You know without any Pokémon you can’t battle. Ash decides to help you find and catch some. Both of you go out and explore looking for Pokémon, and you guys stumble upon a rare Pokémon. Of course, you want it because you have none, but Ash decided that he wants to catch it too. You guys get into a huge argument, and he decides to just leave.
You’re left alone with this rare Pokémon but you don’t know how to catch it or even what to do with it. You take a poke ball out of your bag and throw it at it, and you see it magically disappear into the ball. You think that you caught it but to be safe, he tucked the ball back into his bag.
You still don’t know how to leave and now you have no one to assist you. You start to lose hope and you start to deal with the fact that this may be your life from now on. You remember In Pokémon, you have to train your Pokémon so you decide to sign up for a tournament. As you are strolling by, you see a poster advertising a tournament so you immediately sign up.
You somehow make it to the finals and you see Ash getting ready. You’re scared that you won’t win because he’s way more experienced than you are. Your rare Pokémon defeats his whole line up, and you win the tournament!!
Once you get handed the trophy, you blink your eyes once and somehow you got back to your bed in your world. Best dream ever. 

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