After Ares | Teen Ink

After Ares

April 29, 2016
By Killing_Kronos BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Killing_Kronos BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best way to predict the future is to create it" -Abe Lincoln

                           1st book of the killing Kronos series                                     

  The blood pooled at the door, death lingered in the air the handle was icy cold. The flames lunged at me when I gently swung the door open so I retreated into the hall way for I was only a bell hop at the Greek Grove Hotel. I took a deep breath and steeped in. The room was surprising cold for flames were leaping from wall to wall, blood was dripping from walls, SLAM!!! The door shut behind me as the room filled with warm salty blood, I heard my radio crackle to life “Beau! Where are you?!” the blood was dark and swirling then the ceiling seemed to be hurtling toward me… I awoke in a soft linen bed, it was warm and sunny, and a fountain in the middle held carp and the house had mostly open walls. Intercate designs were etched into the pillars holding up the beautiful house.  A woman in a white cloth dress walked up to me, “To ónomá mou eínai kaló ángelo” at first I was confused yet I realized that she was speaking Greek I responded with my Greek name ’’To ónomá mou eínai Thavmastis’’ She responded in weak English” My name means Good Angel’’
A storm was rising on the horizon, building up strength it was like a charging stallion, then a bolt of light came down and struck the roof, as the roof crumbled kalo ángelos grabbed me as huge magnificent wings sprouted from her back and we dashed to the corner of the house. Kalo Angelo whispered ‘’ Zéfs” The man hovered there shrouded in lightning, he howled out ’’Poú eínai o adýnamos gností os Poseiden?’’ A tall watery figure rose out of the fountain, a trident in his grip then I realized this was God vs. God, water vs. Lightning, Poseidon vs. Zeus. Then a beautiful strumming flew through the air calming the anger driven gods. Then a bulky man came striding in with wine and a grape vine crown, believe it was Dionysus the god of grapes and wine, he stumbled over to the gods pouring wine into their mouths calming the gods. PTWING!!! An arrow flew through the house landing in a pillar,  an army of death marched in as Artemis stood in front of them, the gods were in conflict Ares rose up with Zeus at his rear and Athena and a platoon of cyclops rose to Poseidon’s lead. The tension grew as each of the most powerful gods seemed to have a team or an army.
Kalo Angelo grabbed me and we projected towards the garden as the gods clashed and fought then Hades appeared in front of us knocking Kalo Angelo to the ground. Hades grabbed me and held me up by my collar, then the ground hit us in a black foamy ooze surrounded us, we appear in a temple of flame, we were in HELL. He was speaking in growls and grunts, these black figure flew by and they each held their own disfigured faces and torn off legs or arms. Hades strode back to me with a white cloth with gold weaved into the weird skirt like thing. He tossed it to me and with a few words the skirt like object appeared around my body as my other clothes disappeared off of me. Then we teleported again and ended up back in Kalo Angelo’s house.
Death whispered through the air while the gods fought we just watched, I noticed Ares even being the god of war was trying to stay out of the fight. Then an explosion of the gods powers ricocheted off the wall about to kill the nearby citizens Ares grabbed it toward him, the blast killed him sending him into the abyss. The Gods calmed and the dust settled around the garden they stopped fighting which was good yet fire still burned within them, Poseidon and Zeus were still staring each other down wanting to kill each other. The other gods started to stride through the ruble to us.
Kalo Angelo grabbed me and started to sprint away from the gods, Poseidon and Zeus still did not move while the other gods headed towards Hades filled with sorrow and furry. They were angry that they caused Ares death and wanted Hades to bring the God of War back. I strained to hear what Hades said ‘’I want Kronos Dead’’. At that moment everything stood still, everything except my heart which beat with a metallic ringing that was whispering through my skin into the air ‘’ Chrysí Kardiá’’ it rung in my eardrums carving into my brain, I felt cold as if covered with metal...

I awoke in the same area yet nothing was frozen anymore, the gods were staring at me I was clad in golden Greek armor, even my skin was coated in thin gold. I whispered ‘’Chrysí Kardiá’’ which blew the gods back a couple feet, I arose as if the golden armor was a feather. Kalo Angelo came over to me ‘’ you found your name, your true name.’’ I was a god, I was a powerful God I was Chrysí Kardiá, I was Golden Heart one of the most time bending history making god of all time. ”I will kill Him’’
                                 THE END

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