Championship Game | Teen Ink

Championship Game

May 1, 2016
By Anonymous

Crack! The sound the bat makes as Matt connects with the fastball right down the heart of the plate. Matt knows he squared this ball up when he hits it, he takes off for first base all the while thinking of reaching second. The crowd screams and roars as the ball flies for the fence. Coach Smith waves Matt around first sending him to second, then something crazy happens. The left fielder makes a leaping catch to end Matt’s hope of reaching second or any base at all. The opposing teams fans and players erupt in a roar of whistles and screams at the amazing catch while Matt stands there in amazement. Now it's the top of the sixth inning and Matt’s team is down by 3 runs. Matt steps on the mound and knows he needs to strike all three batters out in any hope of not letting any more runs score because of the horrible defense that stands behind him. One, two, three. Matt strikes out the side in order, only building confidence in himself. Now Matt’s team is up to bat getting closer to the last inning. Bobby is up to bat and draws a walk but the next two batters strike out, stranding Bobby at first with two outs. The next batter smacks a line drive to right field advancing Bobby to third base. Runners on first and third now with two outs. Conner is up to bat, he hasn't had the best day and isn't the one you want to bat in this situation. Conner watches two fastballs right down the middle of the plate never making an effort to swing. “Strike three!” the umpire yells as Conner watches another fastball right down the middle go by. Matt strikes out the side again, making the fans cheer and scream knowing this is the last chance for the team. The top of the order is due up and Matt is the fourth batter. Everyone hopes Matt gets the chance to hit knowing he can hit a homerun to possibly win the game. The first two batters are walked putting runners on first and second. Josh is up to bat now, he watches two fastballs on the outside corner go by and called strikes. Next pitch comes inside and scrapes Josh’s jersey sending him to first on a hit by pitch. Now is the chance to put the game away. Matt walks to the plate nervous as his team's fans cheer for him, screaming “Hit a homer Matt!”. Matt watches a curveball on the inside corner go by but the umpire calls it a strike. Matt knows this is the last chance and he has to win the game for his team. Next pitch comes and Matt knows this is the pitch. He swings with everything in him and connects with the ball but fouls it off straight back. Two strikes on Matt with the bases loaded. The next pitch is a hanging curve ball and Matt's eyes light up cause the ball looks like a beach ball floating towards him. He swings. The ball flies off Matt's bat. He knows he hit it good but doesn't think it'll make it over the fence in left field. The fans gasp and watch the ball, all eyes focused on the white object flying through the sky. The left fielder turns and watches the ball disappear over the black fence. Matt's team runs out of the dugout towards home plate jumping up and down as he jogs around the bases. Matt wins the championship game with a grand slam. Game over.

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