The Dragon-strike elite | Teen Ink

The Dragon-strike elite

May 13, 2016
By Anonymous

As the roar echoed over the three continents, the battle on the lone cruiser seemed to pause, all heads turned to the cave where the fabled Hayven slept. At first, nothing happened, but then suddenly a gold shape streaked out, It was massive. That was the only word for it.

Humans! All they do is fight! The voice seemed to come from all directions. You do not know what the real threat to Zarna is! Look outside! All heads turned to look out.
“What in the name of…” Nightfall began. Small silver and brown shapes got bigger. The kire-milian fighters shot toward them, but the shapes made no reaction. Suddenly, they shot in all directions. The pilots realized too late that it was a trap and were obliterated. The shapes returned to their regular formations.
  “They’re fast,” Drogan observed. “Too fast, We can’t hit them with normal A.A. fire.”
“That’s right, maybe with clusters?”
“No, did you see how they moved?”
“Guys,” Dragonshift said.
“Yeah, but if we use one shell to scatter them, and then use more bombs to take them out…:”
“That’ll just scatter them more.”
Dragonshift shouted so loud, it made Drogan and Nightfall jump.
“Why are you talking about attacking them so much? What if they're friendly? They must have been-” Kaboom!  An explosion shook the ship.
“-Planning to attack us this whole time!” Drogan finished the sentence. You see? Hayven yelled. “is it really possible to yell telepathically?” Night asked. Both Drogan and Dragonshift shrugged at the same time. Boom! 
“Holy sweet mother of all Zarna! What the heck are they?” Drogan yelled over the noise of the sirens that began.
“What ever they are, they must not be from near here. And I’m not just talking about outta town either!” Night screamed back. “They aren’t Mara’Tarian or Kire-Milian. Hayven help us… they aren’t even Zarnian! and by the looks of them, they aren't ambassa-” KABOOM! You're going down! Hayven yelled.
“Well, You are a giant dragon, so MAYBE YOU COULD HELP US!!!” Dragonshift screamed at the top of his lungs. He looked down and saw the ground coming up. Then he looked up. He saw another ship materialise out of the clouds. Soulstealer listed sharply to the right, the thing was twice the size of a large mountain! Yet it was being crushed by whatever was out in the clouds.
Dragonshift was scrabbling at the floor to stop himself from falling“Oh, no, no, no, no.” he heard Drogan say. Then he saw them. They had purplish-reddish skin, their teeth were sharp enough to probably cut through wood. They were climbing up the floor-became wall like spiders, and they looked hungry. At that moment, an alert passed across his visor. There were thousands of these things, climbing walls, attacking, killing, and eating. They would need more than the Dragonstrike Elite. They would need the whole strength of the whole world!  And they would get it.


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