The woods | Teen Ink

The woods

May 18, 2016
By Puppy13 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, CO, Colorado
Puppy13 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, CO, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A dark and stormy night. Raining with all of mother nature’s power. A umbrella flying away in the dark night of July. I stand there, in the rain, my rain boots are filled to the rim, making my socks and legs wet. I was abandoned. Lightning flashed in the distance.

                                                      Earlier that day…

‘’Come on, let’s go you two.’’ My dad yelled from the truck. We were going camping. I had to sit in the bed of the pick up truck on the way there, with the  blue tents,  silk sleeping bags,  and the pillows. There were also 4 pairs of rainboots, my dad said it was going to be rainy later at the Brown Bear campsite. They were my mom’s( blue) my dad’s(Brown) My brother’s( green) and mine,(yellow). I had my earbuds in, and my mp3 playing as loud as they could. I had to hide under the blue burlap blanket so no cop or some one would see me.

The truck stopped. It was suspicious because we had been on the highway for a while. I risked a few things to look out of the blanket. Nothing. ‘’ Get up, come on.’’ my dad said shaking the blanket violently. We were at a gas station. Maybe to use the bathroom, to get ice for the cooler, or maybe to grab a snack. Once as I got up, I realized it was raining. The blanket was wet, but only on the top, it had not soaked through, yet.

I came out of the gas station, but no one was there, none of my family. I walked up and down each aisle, even though I could see every aisle clearly.  I looked out at the gas pumps, even the 5 car parking lot. No truck. I called my dad, no signal.’’ Of course!!’’ I yelled as loud as I ever had before. I through my phone down, it didn't break. That is the only good luck I had in days. I talked to the store clerk, but he didn’t watch anyone, that gave me no help. Maybe they thought I was already under the blanket. I hope that is why they weren't here. I was lost. In the rain at 6 at night. And no shelter.  I walked down the road, into the forest.
A dark and stormy night. Raining with all of mother nature’s power. A umbrella flying away in the dark night of July. I stand there, in the rain, my rain boots are filled to the rim, making my socks and legs wet. I was abandoned. Lightning flashed in the distance.

The author's comments:

I just started writing

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