Gears | Teen Ink


May 19, 2016
By jct100503 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
jct100503 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1

Sera, a human populated planet in a solar system outside of the Milky Way galaxy. A peaceful planet, sera was free of war and peaceful, until Emergence Day. E-Day started with a series of tremors, then hurricanes, tornadoes, but these events are nothing compared to what happens next. Sinkholes were happening in all of the major cities on the planet like Jacinto. Out of the holes though, came these monsters. Armed with weaponry, these creatures were swarming out of the holes with backup behind them. They were the size of humans with grey, wrinkly skin and sharp teeth. There were giant spiders, rampaging behemoths which seemed to be blind, and a giant creature 100 stories high with wrist mounted guns and a giant cannon on his back. These holes in the ground were appearing everywhere and destroying cities across the planet. In just the first 24 hours, 4 billion of the 14 billion population was killed by the creatures. The military unit on the planet is the COG or coalition of ordered governments were sera’s military protection. The soldiers were called gears wearing heavy armor with the lancer assault rifle, an assault rifle with a 60 bullet magazine and a chainsaw added on the under barrel of the fully automatic rifle. Their secondary was a pump action shotgun called the Gnasher. Even the battle hardened gears with 20 plus years of experience can’t match the power of the enemy. They call them locust because they swarm in massive armies and destroy cities completely in a matter of days. They gave names for the different creatures. The main soldiers were called drones, the spiders corpsers, the blind beast the berserker, and the 1,000 foot tall beasts as brumaks. The COG were being overwhelmed on all fronts, air, ground, and even the water. The COG were building a weapon that can destroy the locust, but they must find their underground tunnels to detonate the bomb. Enter Marcus Fenix, a COG soldier charged with disobeying direct orders from his commander, Colonel John K. Hoffman and jeopardizing civilian lives. He was stripped of his rank as corporal and sentenced to life in prison. The COG continued to fight for 14 years when the locust mapping device was finally completed. Marcus was broken out of jail since he was the last one in the prison by his best friend Dominic Santiago. Dom broke open the cell door and tossed Marcus his gear and a standard issue lancer assault rifle. Marcus and Dom were ambushed by locust drones by the dozens and were pushed back to the prison courtyard where their raven helicopter was waiting for them. The pilot started taking off and both Marcus and Dom barely survived the prison with their lives.

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