Messy Picnic | Teen Ink

Messy Picnic

May 25, 2016
By kylafcv_ BRONZE, Indianapolis Indiana, Indiana
kylafcv_ BRONZE, Indianapolis Indiana, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     Kasey Williams is a twelve year old girl. Her birthday is in four days. When Kasey wakes up,

she feels happy because her birthday is coming closer and closer. Kasey Williams and her family
are going to the family park for a picnic. They put everything they needed for the picnic. (Even the dog ) As they arrive at the park, Kasey’s Dad parks the car and the family gets out.
Kasey and her Mom get the cooler from the trunk and Kasey’s Dad gets the blanket for them to sit on while eating.
“This picnic will be very yummy!” Shouts Kasey.
“It sure will!” Yells Kasey’s Dad.
When the family finished setting everything on the ground, they all reached for a Coke and a granola bar. Kasey’s Dad reached for the biggest piece of chicken with a sprite. (They all got seconds) Suddenly, Kasey felt weird. Her puppy was still in hot car!
    When Kasey shouts her puppy was still in the car, her Dad threw the keys and Kasey unlocked the car. Kasey quickly grabbed her puppy and gently pet Ginger. As she sat down with Ginger, Kasey snook the puppy some strawberry red apple sauce. Kasey’s Dad apologizes for forgetting Kasey’s Puppy Ginger in the hot car.
As Ginger continues eating her strawberry red apple sauce, there was a loud scream in the woods.
“That was odd” Says Dad.
“It was,” Mom commented
Right when that scream was over, Ginger runs out of Kasey’s lap and stormed into the woods.
“Ginger NOO!” Yells Kasey as she runs after Ginger.
“Kasey get back here now!” Shouts Kasey’s Mom.
Kasey’s Mom and Dad both were upset how Kasey ran into the woods and how she left her cell phone.
“Kasey Williams, get back here now,” Yells Kasey’s Father.
“Wait I need to find Ginger!” Screams Kasey.
As she looks for foot prints from her dog, she suddenly trips over a stick.
“This is no point, Ginger is lost and I will never find her.” Mumbles Kasey.
As she digs in her pocket to find her cell phone, she can’t find it.
“Oh no, look what I’ve done to myself, It’s this entire stupid dogs fault!” Yelled Kasey.
As Kasey tries to find her way back to the park, she hears sticks moving around and she sees a shadow around the bushes.
“Oh no I got to go before I die in here.” Whispers Kasey.
As Kasey starts to try to make her way out of the woods, she realizes it’s getting dark, but suddenly she hears cop cars and she’s scared.
    As Kasey hears the cops, she gets scared but she clearly knows her parents maybe sent them to look for her. As she thinks why the cops are here , she hears bushes rambling around. Kasey looks around the bushes and kicks it. The bush keeps moving.
“HELLO?” Says Kasey.
As Kasey speaks, Kasey looks around the bush and she sees a brown furry tail.
But then she takes another glance and it’s a black and white tail! “Oh no is that a.”
Before Kasey could finish, the skunk turns around and sprays Kasey. Kasey tried to turn as quickly as she could, but the skunk turned around faster than Kasey. As Kasey walked around the woods, it got even darker outside.
“Ugh, Ginger please come out, I just want to go home!” Yells Kasey.
“My birthday is coming closer and closer and I have to get ready for it. Gross! I smell like skunk too!”
As Kasey continues to talk to herself, she sees a group of police men and one of the police men stop Kasey and say,
“Kasey Williams? Come with us. Do you have your dog?”
Asks the police men “No I do not,” Says Kasey.
“Two cops, go find the dog now!” Shouts the police man.
   “Wait, where are they going?” Asks Kasey.
“They’re going to be looking for your puppy” Explains the police men.
“But I looked EVERYWHERE sir, my puppy is no where to be found!” Shouts Kasey.
“What is that awful smell? Asks the police man.
“Sadly, I got sprayed by a skunk earlier.” Explains Kasey.
“Well, come with me while the other officers go find your little puppy thing.” Says the officer, “Ok whatever.” Groans Kasey.
As Kasey and the officer proceed to walk back to the picnic park, Kasey asks,
“Wait, how do you know where you came from?” Kasey asked curiosity to the officer.
“Well I and my team make deep foot prints from where we started and we also sometimes leave pieces of paper.” Explains the officer.
   As Kasey continues to ask the officer plenty of questions, Kasey sees her Mom and Dad as she approaches to the park. They were both pacing back and forth hoping Kasey was not lost. They were both worried sick about Kasey being hurt, lost, and many other reasons. As Kasey spots her parents, she runs to them yelling,
“Mommy, Daddy, I’m so sorry for not listing to you. Next time something happens like this I will definitely listen to the both of you.” Explains Kasey.
“Kasey, you have to understand when I and your Mother say stay or go, you listen, you can’t just ignore us ok?” Says Kasey’s Father.
As Kasey’s Mom nods her head agreeing with Kasey’s Dad, Kasey replies,
“Ok, yes sir.”
“Alright, let’s go home; you have a party in a few days!” Says Kasey’s Mom.
As the family all goes into the car, Kasey learns her lesson and promises to never do anything like that again.

The author's comments:

My parents inspired me to write this because they always tell me to obey them.

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