Greedy Gold | Teen Ink

Greedy Gold

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

During the gold rush in Alaska there was millions of people who had gold fever, and wanted to become rich. But most did not succeed because they died of the extreme cold, or they fought each other for their riches, and perished. One of those people was Walter Louis, he was a very farfetched person who though he could do everything.

It was one cold winter day in Anchorage Walter was at his cabin he was about to embark on the most dangerous trip of this life, and leave his family forever and never sees them again. Walter started to gather all of his things like food,clothes,tools,and a tent.he went into his barn to get his pickaxe and he went of grab it when he heard the most heart stopping sound ever, a faint discrete sound of a rattle. Walter jumped back in fear and yelled.

“Hooo-weee, that scared the living daylights out of me!”

after all that  had packed all of his supplies and put it all on his waggon, this was backbreaking work for walter, he complained the whole time to his wife, saying things like

“Why don’t you do anything around here, you’re useless!”

but awhile later he was on the road on his way to pick up his good friend Augustus clare. Augustus owned a home stead down the road from walter, he was an old grumpy bearded gizzard who didn't like to share anything with anyone. So walter picked up Augustus and said.

“How you doing you doing partner, ready to go find some gold?”

  they were off to find their lost treasure. They sang all the way there all the rusty old tunes they could come up with like, “The Days Of Forty-Nine” or “There’s a Good Pile Coming, Boys”.

After the long treacherous trek to the gold rich paydirt, they finally made it. They both start to yell and scream.

“ Woo-hoo, we made it time to go collect our bounty!”

The mine was beautiful with conifer trees as far as the eye can see, and rivers and streams cutting through mountain sides and coming down from the glacier melt off.

They both started to mine for gold using their pans and sluice boxes, in the stream. Walter was down by the stream, panning for gold he grabbed a shovel full of dirt and panned it out he noticed there was a rock that was glimmering in the sun, he picked it up and realized it was a big nugget of gold he started to dance and run around and singing with excitement. Augustus comes over and asks

“What are you so excited about, what is that in your hand?”

Walter says”you won’t believe what I’ve found it is the biggest nugget I have ever seen!”

Later that night Augustus went into Walter's tent when he was sleeping, and grabbed the gigantic gold nugget and slips into his overalls pocket. After that
Augustus went to the creek and picked up a oddly shaped rock, and went back to Walters tent and slipped the rock back into the black pouch that he took the nugget out of and went back into his own tent, like nothing had ever happened.

the next day Walter and Augustus were going back to town to cash in the gold so they could become rich, but what walter didn’t know that he didn't have the gold he had a worthless rock instead.THey both got to town, and went to the gold shop to exchange the gold for cash. but Augustus said

“Sorry man I have to leave, my cattle have gotten out at my home stead!”

“Ok you buddy see you later.”

When walter got to the exchange place walter took the little pouch and opened it and handed it to the clerk and the clerk said

“here take this back, get this out of my store!”

He was puzzled, and angry.Walter was furious he thought he new who had done this vicious thing to him, so he raced to Augustuses house to get what is rightfully his. he walks inside of his house and bellow’s for him and he comes out and walks over to him and stares at him like a coyote looking at a big chunk of meat. and Walter says.

“why would you double cross me like that, you lying sack of dirt!”

Walter pushes and shoves him until he falls onto the coffee table, and smashes it into a bunch of little pieces and Walter picked him up and throws him against the wall and screams and yells at him for taking his gold and he knocks him out cold with one clean punch and he falls to she ground with a big plop onto the floor. Walter reaches into Augustus's pocket and takes out the pouch that Augustus had put the nugget into that night and reaches into the pouch and pulls out what he thought was the nugget but was note that read

“ Dear Walter, I put the nugget back where it belongs so know one will find it and know one will fight over it ever again, ps- I am sorry!

Walter was destroyed, his dreams were over, his life was over. Walter had decided to stop gold prospecting for the rest of his life, but something happened the next day. It was walter's birthday, and he invited Augustus to come and a lot of other people to come to family, friends, and neighbors. Augustus arrived and he walked over to Walter, he said

“I was thinking about hiding the gold from you, so I think this would be a nice present.”

Walter opened the little box that had a little white tag that read “hope you like it, i'm sorry!” he opened it and there it was a big shiny golden nugget, he was so surprised. he took it out and said I forgive you.

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