Vortex | Teen Ink


May 27, 2016
By mason1234 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
mason1234 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                        Get to the shelter Finn!
                                               9 Hours earlier

Me and my dad were both up early watching the weather forecast. Thunderstorms and lightning starting at 3:30. Also A high percentage chance of of 45 MPH wind starting at 3:45. “It will be okay Finn the forecast is not always right,” Dad stated.

“We need to get you to school Finn it’s almost 8:30,’’Dad said. My Dad and I hopped in the truck. When we arrived at the school my dad said, “ I know it’s hard for you to move to carolina and make new friends alright alright bud.’’ Alright bye Dad.

I met with my new counselor in school. He gave me my schedule for the year.
                                         Pd.1  Wellnes
                                         Pd.2 math
                                         Pd.3 band
                                         Pd.4 robotics
                                         Pd.5 language arts
                                         Pd.6 social studies
                                         Pd.7 science

The first five periods flew bye. The social studies teacher Mr.Lemar is nice. I sat next to this guy named Elijah. We talked before class and he is really cool. He is the first friend I have made in Carolina. Mr.Lemar gave us five free minutes after class. I went to the window it was very windy and rainy, I also saw two bolts of lightning.
                                                                                                                        The bell had rung and I went to my seventh period. I was halfway through my seventh period and a loud boom came from outside. The lights flickered on and off then back on again. At the end of seventh period I ran out to my dads truck. “Hop in Finn,”Dad said. The sirens were going off. “We have to get home and get in the shelter,”Dad said.
                                                                                                    We took off going 80 MPH. We were about a mile from home. All of a sudden I looked back and there was a tornado close behind. Go! Go! Go! I yelled. The tornado is catching up. We pulled in the driveway and hopped out. My seat belt got stuck in the door.
                                                “Get to to the shelter Finn!”
I got my seatbelt unstuck.
                                                          I’m coming!

All of a sudden a strong force of wind pulled me back. The tornado was whirling me around. My body felt shut down. I thought that it was the end. Then a bolt of energy came to my system. A lightning bolt had struck me inside the tornado. The tornado had stopped and threw me a mile.
“Finn! Finn!” Dad yelled. I woke up dazed . My whole body was sore. I struggle to sit up. I look at my arms and legs. They had bruises ash and a huge cut on my left leg. I got to my feet. I yelled “Dad!” Finn!” Are you ok”? Yes I said”. I looked around and all the houses were destroyed. I limped to the truck. “Let's get you to the hospital” Dad said. My dad rapped my leg with his belet to stop the bleeding. We sped to the hospital.

When we got there It was packed like the dinner table on Thanksgiving. They rushed me to the emergency room. I took a pill and everything went black. I woke up with six stitches on my left leg.

After a couple months I got the wrapping off my leg and was helping the people rebuild their houses. 

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