U.S. extermination | Teen Ink

U.S. extermination

May 27, 2016
By Anonymous

Josh quietly woke up from his nap after a tiring day on the bench. Waken up to the sound of siren down the street. Then minutes later he hears a big boom and runs in one of the closest stores that he could find. The owner of the store asks “are you okay.” Responding scared he says “yes”. With the entire adrenaline running he paused and didn't know what to do. Everybody paid attention to the television. While it was broadcasting live from some nuclear power plant near Chicago saying that something in there must have set off something to make the building explode. Along with people dying within a five mile radius.  Building was also torn apart and just straight sadness on the screen. He walks out the store walks for a couple of hours and sees the catastrophe. All he sees is a big hole with bright red blood ring on the edge.  He runs away as fast as he can try to get that sight out of his mind. As he runs he ran into something really hard and knocks out. He stays their laying on the floor for a day. It was morning time two days after and wakes up on a bench near Chicago and wondering how he got on the bench but he doesn’t plant to waste time sitting around, he gets up and starts looking for help, but unfortunately he found no one by the k to the city there was nobody there. He kept looking but, he never found anyone. There was a television shop and it was broadcasting, that they evacuated   the city into another for people who wanted to leave. He realized he was in the city by himself. He decided to stay in the television shop just in case anything else came up in the new for the U.S. He decided to make himself useful and look around other stores to gather food. He walks into a restaurant, walks into the back, and looks in the pantry.He finds a terrible  amount of food,and took all he found. As soon as he is about to leave with all the food he has he notices a foul smell. He looked behind the island and saw a dead body.”Oh my god!” he yelled. He  was disgusted by the sight of the body laying there on the floor. He wanted nothing to do with the body. He walked out all looked around with stores that look good to loot.

The author's comments:

an asiment that we had to do 

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