One Stormy Night | Teen Ink

One Stormy Night

May 31, 2016
By 1870059 BRONZE, Lake Forest, Illinois
1870059 BRONZE, Lake Forest, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cold, stormy night. Lightning shown in the background of the German base. The rain dripped off his M-16. Frank and the others waded their way through the deep pond, trying to stay quiet as the Germans were placed just above them on the deck. Each drop of water sounded like bombs dropping right next to them. Soon, Frank dropped his M-16 to his side, slowly lowering it into the pond. He then unsheathed his knife, ready to silently kill the German that was right above him. He signaled to the four others to stay quiet and stop moving, and so they did. Frank slowly surfaced from the pond, knife in hand, and grabbed the German by his collar and pulled him into the water. Struggling to stay alive, the German wouldn’t stop kicking Frank in the legs as he was slowly impaled by the knife. One down, two guards to go. Frank pushed the dead body under the deck, so no others would see it. Then he and his four partners continued on towards the next guard. The second German guard was facing the other way, walking towards the third guard to have a talk with him. Frank and his four men would need to kill the two guards simultaneously if they didn’t want to alert the whole base. So, Frank signaled to the others to stay low and quiet as they approached the two Germans that were conversing with each other. Then, he signaled at Tyrese, known as Ty, to slowly creep out of the water with him. The others stayed submerged in the pond and watched as Ty and Frank sprung up at the Germans, stabbing them both in the back and pulling them into the water with them. All guards that could see them were now dead. Frank, Ty, and the three others crept out of the pond and sprinted towards the nearest wall so the guards inside the base would not notice them. This was the start of the end of World War II, April, 1935.

As Frank and his crew sprinted towards the nearest wall for cover, a laser sight aimed straight at Simon. Frank, Ty, Sharpe and John were already behind the wall, yet Simon was a bit slow to get there. he was right in front of what looked like a large hole in the wall, and a loud crack echoed through the night as Simon dropped to the ground with much force. the bullet tore through a side of the wall and straight into Simon's left eye. A tear began to show in Ty’s eye that soon grew to anger. He called out the troops on his walky-talky to invade the German base. Our mission was to clear out the base before calling in the rest of the army. Frank tried to stop him because he knew it would end bad, but Ty didn’t listen. Within 10 minutes, a group of one hundred American soldiers flooded the German base. Frank and the now three others joined them as they opened fire on the Germans. Although they put up a fight, it did end poorly. John was quickly shot in the leg and soon put out of his misery by a Nazi soldier. The group of nearly one hundred soon died down to fifty, then twenty, and before they even knew, only Frank, Sharpe, and Ty were left. They were opening fire in a building on the right side of the German base. Nearly forty Germans were left to hunt down Frank and what was left of his crew. After they cleared out the one building that they were barricaded in, they quickly scavenged as many trip mines and explosives as possible, stocking up on ammo to prepare for an all out attack. If Frank and his team could somehow take sole control over this German base, that would increase their chance of defeating the German Nazis by quite a bit. Giving them a strategic advantage to invade many parts of the German Reich. Ty and Sharpe walked out from their hiding spot in order to place down a few explosives before the Germans found them. As they were hooked the mines to the wall many Germans spotted them. Right away five laser sights shined right into the eyes of the two soldiers. A person who seemed to be the commander in charge screamed loudly in German, probably giving Sharpe and Ty a choice of being killed or taken as prisoners of war. I was about to run out and distract the soldiers but Ty gave me a subtle signal to stay back. I then noticed that Ty had snuck a grenade in his sleeve while he was raising his hands to signal that he was surrendering. I could see small, slight movements in his sleeve that seemed like he was pulling the pin of the grenade. Ty then willingly walked towards the German group, knowing that he has 7 seconds left of his life. Sharpe kept his distance from Ty, as he was trying to stay alive for he had a wife and two kids. 4 seconds remaining on Ty's life span. The German commander was screaming at Sharpe to come forth or he will be shot. 2 seconds. 4 soldiers quickly grabbed Ty and aggressively pulled him towards the group of Nazi's. However, one of the soldiers noticed the grenade resting in Ty's hand. He tried to shout to the other Nazi's but right as he opened his mouth, the grenade blew up. As the explosion spread across many Nazi's, Sharpe dove over a barrier to save himself from the grenade.

Frank then sprung out from his hiding place, hand gripped tightly on his M-16, he opened fire across the German base to ensure that there were no survivors. A few Nazi’s had ran to the back of the base right after the explosion and were still alive, yet Sharpe and Frank did not know that. Sharpe put his two hands on top of the barricade in order to hoist himself up over it. However, right as he came across the top of the barricade, a Nazi yelling in German started to shoot at them. Frank screamed at Sharpe to get down while he was diving head first behind another barricade. Yet, Sharpe was too late. Two bullet penetrated straight through his chest and out the other side. Frank’s foot was sticking out from the barricade and a bullet pierced him straight in the ankle. Frank started screaming and crying to himself due to the pain of the gun wound and because his whole team had just been killed in one evening. He then controlled himself, took hold of his shiny metal machine, sprung up from the barricade and again opened fire on the Nazi’s as adrenaline rushed through his body. As he shot three Nazi’s in front of them, there were two that had made their way behind him. Frank did not know they were there. They both walked right up behind him and told him to drop his weapons in German. Frank knew by context what they were saying. He lowered his weapon as the German’s seemed to be ready to execute him in the middle of the base. But, as Frank had his M-16 on the ground with his hands behind his back, there was a small pistol holstered in the back of his waistband. Frank tried to grab it without the Nazi’s noticing, luckily, they were conversing on what to do with the captured American. Frank then quickly grabbed his pistol, fumbling it a little in the process, and fired two quick rounds near the Nazi’s vicinity. A bullet pierced one of their legs and the other hit the other Nazi straight in the stomach. The Nazi’s, wounded and slow, began to grip the weapons in position to shoot at Frank, but he shot back ten more rounds, pelting the Nazi’s straight in the chest. A sye of relief showed in Frank’s face as he rested with his back against the barricade, wrapping his ankle wound with a bandage from his first aid kit. Then, all of a sudden he heard the sound of what seemed to be an abundance of trucks and soldiers. He peeked from the side of the barricade. What he saw was something that he could not take on by himself. Frank started to sweat as he tried to call up the nearest American group of soldiers whom could reach him. The walky-talky had no signal. The sound of a Nazi commander rang in the background as Frank’s hand shook while holding his gun up to his head.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece when my teacher gave us a few topics to write about. I saw one of them was to "rewrite history" so I chose to rewrite when WWII would end. It seemed like a very interesting topic that I could really delve deep into.

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