THE CHASE | Teen Ink


October 6, 2016
By Mizoita BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Mizoita BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fake Cop



One day I was riding on my Dirt Bike,Until I saw a Cops lights so I started to pull over. Then I heard gun and i saw that all around me shots were being fired they were shooting at me. A fake cop? I pulled the throttle and went as fast as I could I looked back and there was the cop with a “KALASHNIKOV” firing at me.  Blood pumped through my body. adrenaline was taking over. I pulled to the left and tanked into the forest I looked back then I realized it was a swat car. They were following me plowing down the trees like toothpicks He was getting closer and closer all I heard was the storm of bullets flying everywhere. I was thinking of what to do, when I had a plan. “What if I can scare them and Get them to turn around. So I Turned it to neutral gear and revved the engine the engine backfired it sounded like Gunshots. Then I quickly sped forward.
I looked back with joy thinking that they would be gone but they were still there. Then I was just frustrated and I didn't know what to do. Then I saw a road finally I quickly sped out to the road the Swat truck stopped firing but the lights were still on. I zoomed to the nearest car the woman inside the car had her window open I said  “CALL 9-1-1!”. The woman said “why?” “THE VEHICLE BEHIND ME IS CHASING ME AND THERE WERE SHOTS FIRED!”  “Ok.”
5 Minutes into the high speed chase I heard another police siren. I pulled over and so did the vehicle behind me two men came out of the swat car with hockey masks. They surrendered. The “Real” police ran up to them and tackled them...

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