The Size Family | Teen Ink

The Size Family

October 10, 2016
By Shyam.the.plum BRONZE, Dublin, California
Shyam.the.plum BRONZE, Dublin, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't change so people will be Like You, Be Yourself and the right people will Love the Real You

King Size (first and last name) had a small loving and caring family. His wife was a Twix bar named Fun Size and their kids were both Snicker bars named Junior Size 1 and Junior Size 2. The family had so many differences, but at the same time that didn’t stop them from loving each other and caring for each other unconditionally . Their entire lives were amazing, except that they lived in a big piñata. If you were to walk outside of you would be immersed in blue light radiating from everywhere including the ground even! They were all put there for as long as they could remember, all the candy wanted to come out. But they tried, and tried, and kept trying but couldn't find a way out. After the longest time, everybody came together and decided not to invest their time on something they couldn't accomplish.
Rumors spreading that every single candy piece that came out of the piñata, was slowly killed. Everyone started to believe it. Every now and then, there would be an earthquake. Most were short but some lasted longer than usual. Everybody thought it all happened at random. Nobody knew when the next one would hit. But what they didn’t know is that the earthquakes were them being transported from the factory they were made from, to their killers….
It was just a normal, horrible monday. But it turned out to be their last normal day alive.  “You guys are late for school! Stop playing on your phones and go!” Fun shouted frustratedly, “Can you help me get them to school?”
“Guys, listen to your mother and go,” King yelled with less than half his attention to the situation. .
“Okay father.” Junior 1 said.
That's when it all happened. It was another earthquake. ¨Everybody get down¨ King yelled. The earthquake lasted for more than 30 seconds. But it didn't completely stop. The piñata was spinning in circles slowly. Outside were the sounds of little kids and adults singing ¨Happy Birthday¨.
Something was not right. We all had left the house. Everybody was in the town square all murmuring all facing different directions. After the ¨Happy Birthday¨ song was done we all could hear cheering. The loud sound of footsteps could be heard coming closer….
All of a sudden everyone fell! The entire piñata jerked to one side! After that, the deafening sound came. “BOOM!” We could hear children screaming with happiness from the outside. But it was the exact opposite on the inside. Everyone was screaming their lungs out of fright. “BOOM!” It kept happening 3-4 times. Then came the last one. But this time we saw a completely different sight….
Everybody shrieked. It was a big hole in the bottom of the piñata. Everyone started to fall into the ball of light….
“Hunger Games!!” a kid yelled. The minute everyone hit the ground, their legs shattered. Nobody dared to move in the thought that the giant kids would leave them alone. Footsteps were heard from every direction. King lost sight of Fun and Junior 2. All these big fat monster kids were blocking his line of sight. Junior 1 though, was still holding his hand.
Suddenly, our neighbors, family, and our most dearest friends, were being lifted off the ground by big monsters one by one. That’s when King saw his family. King first saw his wife’s parents, his in-laws, get taken. “Phew” at least they were gone. Then he saw the last thing any parent would want to see. He saw Junior 2 get tossed into a bag. He felt like screaming but his legs hurt too much and there was a chance that his and Junior 1’s lives were going to put in more of harm's way. Junior 1 gets quickly yanked. But he is not alone, Fun was with him! Junior gets put in another bag, but Fun…. Fun gets put into a fat, chubby and hell, even drooly mouth.
King, still trying to remain as silent as possible, was now crying. The only person he ever cared for was most likely dead. It was in this moment he had a sudden realization of great truth.
“You need to spend whatever little time you have left with the people you love.”
How can such a good day turn into the worst day he has ever lived so fast? When his eyes are closed, he feels a giant hand wrap around his chest. He gets picked up. When he opens his eyes, he realizes that it was the same chubby kid that ate Fun, his wife! This kid wasn’t going to put King in a bag, he was going to eat him! Anger surged through his body as he saw the oddly colored yellow tongue of his All he saw was black… He had passed out.
King slowly opened his eyes. His entire body ached. Although the fat kid had ate him, he was still slowly moving. The ground was all squishy. He tried to get up but his legs still hurt. He looked down at them. There was a bandage on it!
“You are finally awake!” Fun said relieved, walking toward him.
“Fun,,,?!, Oh My God. I thought I had lost you forever, !” King exclaimed.
“We both made it through,”
“Do you know where we are?”
“We are in the monster’s stomach,” Fun suddenly sounding like she met the devil..
“Do you know where this tunnel leads?” King asks.
“Yes…. but you're not going to like it….,”

The author's comments:

I was inspired by Halloween Coming up. Its a short story about a family of candy in a giant Pinata. This story describes there last day alive...

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