Maxes big plans | Teen Ink

Maxes big plans

October 24, 2016
By ian.g.mcguire BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
ian.g.mcguire BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Zach was returning home from a long day of work. He is a engineer and makes top secret  weapons that have not been in battle yet. When he got home, it looked like someone robbed him! Although nothing was stolen but everything was trashed. It looked like someone was looking for something. There wa one thing left out, his high school yearbook! On the page that he on there was his old highschool friend Max circled and himself was circled too. Zach went into his room and noticed that Max took some things that belonged to Zach. He stole his plans for a top secret lazer gun. Zach was dirty blonde, blue eyed, he had braces, and he was white. Max was blonde, he had glasses, earrings, he had blue eyes, and he was white. They were good friends in High school.  But not anymore, he hates him because he took his weapons plans for a lazer gun. Now Zach is on a mission to get him.

Max is in his lair where he is able to make the lazer gun. Max has all the stuff he needs to make it. He finished making the gun. Zach is very grateful that Max didn't look in his closet and find his shoes with wings on it. Zach found out where Max is and was headed his was with his flying shoes. Max knew Zach was coming so he left with the lazer gun. Max saw Zach flying above his lair, Max started to run! Zach saw him and yelled, “Max!” Max turned around and shot his gun, he missed but Zach was very surprised that he made the lazer gun. Zach called up some of his friends to get Max, but Max had a plan.

Max was going to lure Zach's friends into a Gang where they steal candy from little kids in Halloween. These kids are very sad when the gang members steal there candy. On Halloween Max dressed up as one of the gang members so they thought he was on there side.

The author's comments:

My friends Max, and Zach insired meto write this

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