The Slushy Thief | Teen Ink

The Slushy Thief

October 25, 2016
By makenna.dilley BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
makenna.dilley BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s summer break in California for my school, and we go back in a couple of days. I’d rather be a spy 24/7 then go to school. My younger brother, Max, hates going to school, too. Max is my younger brother and he is nice, funny, caring, and sweet.
“Alex, family meeting downstairs, right now!” Max yelled.
“I’m coming!” I yelled back.
As I was walking downstairs, I turned to the right and saw my mom, dad, and Max sitting on the couch.
“We have some news,” my mom said, “We have been assigned a spy job before school starts!”
It took me a while to understand because it looked like they were just kidding around, but after all they weren’t. My parents gave me some information about they bad guy and he seemed pretty bad.
“This is gonna be an interesting crime to solve!” I said.
“Yeah it is, but if you wanna finish before school starts we have to start now!” my dad said.
I went up to my room, and sat at my desk. I lifted my laptop screen up and powered it on. I went to google and searched “Michael Riterboggs”. I went to images to see what he looked like, and man…. he was one gross man. In multiple pictures, the same guy, has a mullet, mustache, beard, and rotted teeth. There were knots in his hair, and his clothes were all torn and ripped. I bet he stinks so bad. He looks like he is in his mid 30s. Now, since I have a pretty solid definition of him, I need to know why he is such a bad guy and why my family and I need to catch him. 
“Mom, I think we all need to come downstairs and put all the information that we have together!” I yelled.
“Good idea!” she yelled back.
We all go to the dining room table and sat down.
“Who wants to share their information first?” my dad asked.
“I will,” I said back. “So, I looked up some images and this guy isn't very clean. He has a mullet, beard, mustache, and his clothes are torn to pieces. He does have a family, but he ran away from them because he disliked them. That’s all I have right now!”
“That’s some good information right there. Good job, Alex. I’m super proud of you!” my mom said.
“Well, when I was looking, it said that he broke into the zoo and let all the animals out, and he got away from the cops. He also goes into gas stations and threatening the employees unless they let him get free slushies. That’s why there is a cop at every gas station,” my brother said.
“Nice Max! Mom and I decided to let you guys do the research, so you guys got everything down! Now it’s time to go find this bad boy!” my dad said. “Now you guys need to go get ready so we can go and explore.”
I dashed up the stairs and went to my room. I went to my closet, opened the doors and pulled out my spy shirt. Then, I scurried to my dresser and opened the bottom right drawer and opened it. I pulled out my black leggings. I went back to my closet and snatched my black high top converse. I put them on and ran down stairs. I was the first one done.
“WE ARE COMING DOWN RIGHT NOW!’’ my mom shouted.
We all went to the car and buckled in because you know…. safety first. My dad drove to the location he was last seen, which was at a park near my house. Once we got there, I leaped out of the car and looked all around the park. I saw something hanging on a bush near the swings. It was a slushy bottle. It was empty. Maybe he went to go get another one because they gas station we passed to get here, there wasn't any cops there. What if he is there right now.
I ran to the car and they followed me. I was yelling at my dad telling him to hurry before he leaves. About three minutes later, we were at the gas station and I hopped out of the car and ran into the gas station.
He tried to run away but I tripped him and of course he had a slushy in his hand. My mom, dad, and brother all ran inside the gas station and helped me tackle this guy to the ground and keep him there. After we called the cops, they arrested him and they gave us an award.
“Thank you for catching him! It means a lot to us. You guys deserve an award! Here is $500 for catching him. If I were you, I would be a spy my whole life because you save soooo many people's lives!” the cop said.
“Thank you very much sir! It means a lot to us!” my dad said back.
After the cops left, we got in the car and went home. We ordered pizza and watched movies all night because we were stressed out from today.
“I cannot believe that I, myself, caught the bad guy! I thought I would never do that, but I need to stop thinking and be more positive!” I said.
I kept thinking and thinking and thinking how proud I was for catching the bad guy. I normally don’t catch the bad guy, my dad does! After all I’m still really proud of myself. Then I realize, school is tomorrow. It was 8:58 when we got home. I went upstairs to take a shower and then I gave my parents a good night kiss and went upstairs to my room. I got in bed and checked my phone. To be honest I actually forgot about my phone all day because I was too concentrated. I had sooooo many notifications I couldn’t even imagine. Most of them were my friends telling me good job on the spy job and that I was on the news. Today has been a good day for me and I hope there would be even better days! It was 9:51, so I decided to go to bed and think of how I did today!!

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