Layers of Society | Teen Ink

Layers of Society

December 9, 2016
By Bmangreatwriting BRONZE, Sandeago, California
Bmangreatwriting BRONZE, Sandeago, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was only eight and I knew there was something wrong with the earth and the people controlling it. I lived a normal life with my family but that all ended when I turned 12.  My family was dying and the doctors did not know what was causing it. However, they did know it wasn't affecting me, Zoe Carter. As we left the doctor’s office we decided to walk home but on the way we saw body bags. There was some crazy guy going up to people saying, “It has started, the beginning is farther than the end.” Then he saw me. He walked up to me and said, “Zoe you will be the savior of our race.”  My mom told me to keep walking. I did, but I couldn't stop thinking about what the man said. How did he know my name?
  It was 3030 and I was 14, I knew there was definitely something wrong with our lives. It was Christmas Eve and I was now all alone. I had nothing to do, no normal life, and no family. I sat down in my mom's old chair in her room waiting for my turkey, which was about to be delivered. It was my saddest Christmas ever! I had a hungry stomach and I needed to eat. It took longer then I thought for the turkey to arrive and by the time I got it, it was cold.
I was so hungry but Instead of digging into it, I simply picked at it for a couple of minutes. To my surprise, as I was picking at my turkey I saw a powder substance stuffed into the meat of the bird. I poked around in the meat further and saw that the entire bird had the strange powder on it. In some places you could see it clearly but in others you couldn't see it at all. Before my dad died he was working to become a doctor so he had many medical supplies I could use for extracting the substance. I placed it Into a small plastic bag and put it under the floorboards. This was the hiding spot we used for those inevitable, holiday searches by the government. Without fail every holiday: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Vermintide, Summerween, and Heaven's Day the government would search each house. These searches were my family's worst nightmare. It was a way for the government to control us. Always searching our houses and telling us what we could and could not have. They would send Ghosters to search our house, at least that's what we called them. We gave them the name Ghosters because they would show up at your house out of nowhere and then just disappear, like a ghost. I always hated these searches but I was always was prepared. I hid all my stuff. Up until now I thought that's what they were searching for, but now I wasn't sure.
It was a long Christmas but instead of moping over my losses I spent it studying the substance I had found on my turkey. I used my dad's old microscope (that we weren't suppose to have) and his old text books, hoping to find some answers. I researched late into the night. As the sun began to rise I was ready to give up and that’s when I decided to seek help.
I was only 14 and I was fighting against the government the most powerful people in the world. My family had a friend they always trusted and relied upon but I didn’t know where he lived. The only thing I knew was his name, Melchior. I started asking around the town, trying to find Melchior only to get doors slammed in my face.
I saved the scariest looking house for last. It looked dead but it was my final hope to find Melchior, I knocked on the door and instantly an old man opened it.
“You shouldn't be asking around for me,” said the man.
“Are you Melchior?” I asked.
“ Yes, but you must keep your voice down, they might hear you, you should come inside, Zoe.”
I was a bit scared that this crazy old man was telling me to come into his creepy old house, yet I knew it was for the best. As I entered, I saw his windows were boarded up and there were no electronics inside. “Your parents were good friends and were the only ones that believed in me.” Melchior said, as he brought me a glass of water. He had offered me a seat but I politely decline because I decided I would like to stand just in case I needed to run.
We started to talk about my parents, as he asked where they were he instantly saw that look in my eyes and he understood.
“ Would you like me to order some food?,” Melchior asked.
“Actually that's why I’m here.”
I began to tell him about my discovery. I saw his expressionless face begin to smile and finally he jumped out of his chair with excitement. He began talking with great enthusiasm. “We live on the outside of the world where they don't care about anything that happens to us, they provide us with food and that's it. I have always wondered why, and I have been looking for an answer all my life. I was just like you, questioning the government at a young age but you have actually found evidence, this is great news! It’s my understanding, anyone that has any notion of rebelling, is killed.”
“But, why after so many years have they made this mistake by revealing the substance? How can we stop them from hurting anyone? Why did they try to poison me?” I asked all these questions, with considerable confusion, not fully understanding his explanation.
“You are just like your parents, always wanting to help people. As for your first question, they probably just slipped up because of the rush of the holidays, for your second question, I don't know, and for your final question probably because of your parents. Before you say anything you should know your parents were trying to help me bring down the government.” Melchior continued,  “Now that we have evidence we need help to find out exactly what this is. But that’s why you came to me isn't it?,” said Melchior
“Yes,” I said.
“Well I can't help you but I can take you to someone that can.”
I never asked more about my parents and that’s ok, because right now I want to remember them the way they were when they died.
We continued our conversation. “That would help tremendously, thank you,” I said.   
As we walked back through the town Melchior started to talk about my parents. I listened intently, not realizing where we were going. “Finally, we arrived at a strange house, I haven't walked that far in years,”  said Melchior. I wasn't paying attention to anything around me, I was still thinking about all the things I didn't know about my parents. Melchior had to push me inside the house. It was a nice house filled with cheer but inside there was no one to enjoy it. We looked around the house trying to find Melchior’s friend. No one was there and the house showed no sign of a struggle.
“Where is he?,” I asked
“ She seems to be missing, probably taken by the Ghosters.”
“Why?” I asked.
“ Probably because they found out about her, after your mom died. Before you ask another question I should probably just tell you. The woman that lived here, was your mom's sister.”
“Why didn't you tell me on the way that we were coming to my aunt's house? “Why didn’t my mom tell me she had a sister? Why would the Ghosters want her?” I still had more questions but I new we didn't have much time.
“Because I was hoping she would explain everything to you when we got here and I also assumed your mom had told you about her twin sister,” Melchior said.
“Twin?” This explains a lot because twins were not aloud in our world.
“Ghosters are precise and quick never leaving a trace. We will most likely never see your aunt again”
“Have you ever wondered where Ghosters disappear to?,” asked Melchior
“ NO!” I replied very interested in the answer.
“Remember all those old bedtime stories about the under worlds and the different societies, well that's all true every single part of it.” “Ghosters are sent by the highest class of the government who controls all the other classes, especially ours. They have amazing technology down there that they keep to themselves. One piece of technology is a Elifter which will quickly take you from the bottom world to any other layer of the world. The Ghosters use Elifters to transport faster between houses throughout all the layers. The government is more strict on our layer than any other layer. They have Elifters scattered all around the globe for controlling us quickly.” He told me so much I could barely take it all in, it made my head spin. Now I wondered what was the bigger surprise, this information or the substance I found in my food?
All of a sudden we hear the door opening, but there was no time to hide so we just stood there. We thought it might be the Ghosters but it was just a young kid about my age.
“Who are you and why are you in my mentor's house?,” asked the young boy.
“It’s my aunt's house, what are you doing here? and…..,” I was cut off by Melchior
“Let's all just hold on, James we are here to get help from my friend, your mentor.”
“How do you know my name? Where is she?”
“We don't know.,” I say when I finally get the chance. “We think the Ghosters took her.” Melchior finished my thought.
“I Know all about them and this does not look like a job done by them, It was probably done by the 4th level. They have a grudge against messy places and my mentor, that is apparently your aunt,” James says.
“Can you help us?” I asked.
“Of course what do you need?” James responded.
“ We need help finding a way to expose the evidence that Zoe found against the government,” says Melchior.
“ Well that’s a problem because there is no way to bring down the government and if you try you will end up just bringing down yourself,” James says, with a depressed expression. “I do know that Maria was….”
“Wait, that's my moms name,” I say. I had to say I was very confused with all of this.
“Yes that’s right, they had the same name so that they would not be discovered but right now that's not important. We must find out what James has to offer,” Melchior says. 
“OK then, as I was saying, Maria had a plan but I don’t know what it was. She hides her work up in the attic, in her secret room.”
“There's a room in the attic?”
“yes,” he replied “I will go fetch her plans.”
Melchior and I waited grew tired of waiting for James to return so we went in search of him.
When we got up to the attic we found James on the floor studying a sheet of paper. As he heard us coming, he began reading out loud from my aunt’s diary. “3030 December 24th, I have tried and tried to find a way to bring down the government but nothing has worked. Only one thing we can do is escape. I have finally found a way. It took time but I found someone to help me. I can not say who it is but he works in the government and sends me information. Yesterday he sent me a telegram saying he may have been compromised. He went on to say he found a ship they are holding in the 3rd level that can carry over a million people, When I heard this I knew there was a chance for us to be free, so I started forming a plan to infiltrate the ship and escape with as many people as possible. This ship can help us find a new world where we can live freely. If I am not here right now I have ether been taken by the 4th levelers because of my attempt to use there Elifters or I have already taken off with many people and could not afford to bring you. If I do not write tomorrow I am already gone.” I felt deeply sorry for her, she was captured trying to save our future.
“This was written two days ago, that means the ship is probably still there and Maria is probably still alive,” James says.
“We need to act fast and make a plan. James, gather people and start spreading the word to as many as you can to meet in the middle of town,” Melchior says in a commanding voice.
“But what if the government hears the word spreading?” I ask.
“We better hope for the best because this is our only option.” Melchior says with little hope in his voice.
“We can not afford going to save Maria it is what she would've wanted.” said James.
   * * * * * *
It took a few days to make a plan and spread the word but our plan finally came to life.
“We will bring the 10 strongest people down to the 3rd level to capture the ship and take it up to the surface for everyone to jump in so we can escape. I have to warn you some of us may die, are you ready?”
“How did that sound Zoe?” asked Melchior,
I honestly thought it was great but I do not know if it was going to please the people in this town so I just said
“It's fine.”
“What is it Zoe, is there something on your mind?”
“No, just nerves,” I responded.
It was a lie there was something on my mind. I just kept thinking about my parents and how they died trying to save this level and now that they were gone, and my aunt was nowhere to be seen, I was the last of our family.
Melchior bravely delivered the speech at the risk of the government having people there. The ten strongest came up front and by the look on their faces they were ready, ready to finally be free from the government. We walked them toward the Elifter. James had found the location of it by studying Maria's notes. There were 13 of us in total and we had to get through much security, as well as, take the ship to level 1 to pick everyone up, this was going to be a tough job.
“How do we get this Elifter to work?” asked one of the ten.
We didn't have the time to learn each other's names so I responded boldly.
“We wait.”
We waited for more than an hour until we heard something. The Elifter began humming, some one was coming up. “Prepare yourselves they might be Ghosters,” Melchiors says. We all stood in a circle around the platform waiting for someone to pop up. We had no weapons only our fists so we had a small chance of actually beating them. But when we saw no heads poking out from the top we knew it was empty. “Stand down its empty,” James yelled! Trying to sound brave. As it rose we could finally see it wasn't completely empty, it had supplies; bullet proof jackets guns and knives as well as helmets. At first I thought it was a trap but then I remembered that my aunt had someone on the inside. “My Aunt’s friend must be trying to help,” I finally said. Everyone else was motionless as if there was a bomb about to explode. “Let's get geared up,” one of the men yelled! We all grabbed a jacket and a weapon and hopped on the Elifter.
I had never seen so much beauty in my life. Of course we had the sky with stars but the 2nd level had restaurants and glowing buildings that you could stare at for hours. When we entered the third level it wasn't as pretty. It had more of a dark glow with factories and different substances polluting the air. The Elifter stopped and we all jumped off and hide behind a wall. We had been dropped right next to our target, which was the compound holding the ship. “Ok people act normal. Remember since we are wearing these uniforms they should not be suspicious. ”Again James tried to sound like a general, “let's get going!” As we walk to the front gate we see a key card reader. “Everyone look in your pockets for a key card. We need it to get in.” I reached into my pocket and found a key card as well as a note that read, “I wish you good luck, this will be the last help you get from me because the government is on my tail.” I didn't tell anyone I just stuck it back in my pocket and slipped the card in the slot. The gates opened and we entered. The halls were long and empty. I had to say it was strange, even though I had never seen inside this place before. We got to the end of the first hall and turned the corner, when all of a sudden we heard footsteps behind us. Then in front of us we were surrounded by Ghosters, at least 20 of them. All we could do was drop our weapons and surrender. They lined us up and walked towards the ship. As we got closer to the ship, instead of keeping on a straight path, we took a right then a left, by the next left I began to lose track. Then all of a sudden the Ghosters past out.  A voice appeared overhead. It said, “I am glad you all made it, where is Maria?” James replied in a yell, “My mentor was captured by the 4th level so we decided to follow out her plan and save our level.”
“Well how brave. I know I said I couldn't help further but I lied. Anyway it seemed like you needed more help. Now you should get going.”
We started walking back, we made the hard decision not to go back for our weapons since we were in somewhat of a time crunch. As we stumbled through the halls some of the men were starting to doubt the plan but Melchior reassured them.
We finally got to the ship. It was huge. No one could have imagined this ship fitting in this small building. It was the most advanced technology I had ever seen. Before we approached, one of the men, Henry, who I actually knew, asked “How are we going to fly this thing?” I hadn't thought of that so I did not respond. Melchior responded, “We don’t know how different it is from riding a bike until we get inside.”That being said,  I walked up to it and the doors opened, the door was a platform that lowered and raised, almost like a small Elifter. A man appear on the platform and by the look of him I could guess he was here to help us. “I will be your pilot today,” the figure said. As I got closer I saw that it wasn't a man at all, but a robot shaped like a man. We all stepped onto the platform next to the robot, the small Elifter raised into the ship then I ask myself the question, how long will it take to get all these people into the ship with this small Elifter? We boarded and followed the robot to the operations room. I had told the 10 men to wait at the door to be ready to help load people on board. James inputted all the information into the computer so the robot knew what to do. I walked around looking at the ship it was beyond belief, it was huge.
Finally we took off. I went to the Elifter to be ready for helping to load people aboard. We went through some sort of an invisible passage to the surface and landed in the center of town. When the doors opened the town was empty but then people started pouring out of buildings, rushing toward the ship. People began boarding in groups of  20.  All of a sudden we heard a gunshot, it came from deep in the crowd. Then we saw it, hundreds of Ghosters coming up from behind, killing innocents that were trying to board. Melchior must of heard it too because he came out of the ship with 30 or more people armed with weapons.
“We found some weapons and equipment stored in part of the ship,” Melchior said.
“You are to old to fight,”
“And you are too young.”
“Now take this and guard these people while they board the ship.” Melchior said bravely.
We ran onto the battlefield, we knew we had no chance but it was for the better good. We fought off hundreds but they seemed to keep coming. As the last group was boarding, Melchior said heroically,  “It’s time, you must get on the ship and go, we will hold them off,”. Out of the 30 fighting on the battlefield there was only 5 left. Without arguing I ran toward the ship, I ran over mountains of unfortunate souls that were killed by this cruel society. I jumped on the Elifter as it started to raise with the last group of innocent people. As the door started to close I turned to see Melchior’s horrible fate as well as many others. It was the risk we all knew we had to take in order to escape this world for a better life. I just wish that it was me out there and not Melchior.

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