the Night at the Bakery | Teen Ink

the Night at the Bakery

December 12, 2016
By Anonymous

On a cold, sunny day in Florida you can see a bakery on the corner of Cypress St. Alessi Bakery is world famous, award winning bakery that has recipes dating back over a hundred years. When you walk in the bakery you automatically smell all the sweet flavors of the desserts and cookies. As you walk in, on your left you smell all the hot sandwiches being pressed in the deli. While continuing the tour around the bakery you can see ovens, coolers, and pots used in making desserts. Also in the front of the bakery above the cookie case there is a painting of all the employees and the owner that everyone admires when they walk in.  During the store hours, there’s always people who are talking, laughing, and enjoying the food while at the bakery. But what no one knows is that there is also a lot of activity after work hours.

In the bakery when everybody goes home is when the desserts come to life. There is one gingerbread man name Gingy who is always in the back of the cookie case with the crumbs.  The reason Gingy is always in the back of the cookie case is because he stands out in a way that nobody likes.  When Gingy was decorated his baker forgot to put it on his buttons as a part of his decorations. During Gingy’s free time he likes to shoot his bow and arrow which is made of a candy cane for the bow and a twizzler for the bow string.  For his arrows he has been collecting toothpicks that he found on the floor in the deli area where they make the sandwiches. For his target practice he shoots a variety of things but his favorite thing to shoot are the price tags for all the different types of foods. Gingy is like most other cookies accept that he gets picked on because he looks different.  But little does anyone know that Gingy will soon be known as a hero.
What Gingys does for fun is him and his best friend smiley go to next to the oven to stay warm and crisp and they have a long talk about when they would get picked. One day while Gingy and smiley were having a talk handsome buzz and his cake pop gang showed up and started to mess with them.  He said hurtful things about how Gingy was missing a button and that he would never get picked to go home. Gingy was very mad at Buzz, so he started to get up but buzz shoved him back down. “Your weak” said buzz while his crew was laughing at Gingy, “I’ll show you one day” said Gingy “I’m better than you think”. “Don’t let em bother you Gingy”, says smiley “I know that you will always be better than them you just need a chance to show them”. “Your right”, says Gingy” I will just have to show them that I’m better than them.” After Gingy and smiley talked he went to go do his favorite hobby, archery. Once he got all of his things together he went out to the main section of the bakery and started to shoot all of the price tags. Whenever he is shooting he just feels so at peace and whole. While he was shooting that same day he noticed something out of the corner of his eye… another bakery.

Gingy looked some more and he saw what it looked like, a black and white ugly building that is named “desserts and food”. Through the window Gingy could see the inside, the color is a nasty green with the whole room filled with nasty looking cookies and cakes. There was one gingerbread man, on him in red icing was the name “Drako”, he was huge and looked very strong. He looked like the leader of the rest of the cookies because whenever he talked or it looked like he told them something to do, they did it. Gingy looked even closer and it looked like the Drako was making a plan with this baker who had a curly mustache and a baker’s hat on. “The plans simple”, says the baker “just find the recipes after I slide you under and get out.” “It’s not going to be that simple” said Drako to the baker,” in that bakery there is other cookies that will try and stop me.” “But look at you your huge, just lock them up somewhere,” said the baker. “Ok then, let’s go get some recipes.” “Ok now just remember, stick to the plan”, said the baker as he slid his ginger bread man under the door.
Once he was in he scanned the room to see if anyone was watching him, he was all clear. He went into the other room to see a whole group of maybe 50 different cookies and cupcakes he tells them to tell him where the secret recipes are but none of the cookies will talk he says, “if no one will tell me where they are then I will have to lock all of you up until I find them.” But still no one said a word so he forced them to go into the cookie case and he locked it. While all of this was happening Gingy was in the back shooting some things, so he didn’t hear any of this happening. After Drako locked up all the cookies he went go look for the secret recipes. After Drako had searched for hours he finally came across this one painting in the front of the bakery and he moved it beside to find the secret recipes on a piece of old paper. “Ah ha I finally found it”, said Drako. While he was talking Gingy overheard him from across the bakery and so he went to the other side to see what was going on. Once Drako had seen Gingy he started to run. Gingy had to do something fast before Drako escaped. Gingy saw a bucket above the gingerbread man so he grabbed a toothpick from off the ground pulled back his bowstring and shot the bucket just right so that it landed for right on top of Drako.
After Gingy shot the bucket on Drako he went to go save his friends by unlocking the cookie case. “Wow” says Buzz, “I never would’ve thought that you would be the one to save us all. I think I owe you an apology”. “That’s ok” says Gingy. Hey guys the baker is coming we better go back in the cookie case says one cookie. “Wait” Buzz says, “let’s put Gingy in the front so he can get his buttons”. All of the cookies agree with Buzz and so they put Gingy in the front. When the baker walks in and he looks around, and then he looks over at the cookie case walks over to it and says, “hey this ginger bread man is missing his buttons I better go and fix him so he is complete. And so Gingy is fixed up and is finally going to be chosen to go home with someone.
The End

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