The Art of Magic | Teen Ink

The Art of Magic

December 12, 2016
By Anonymous

A train whistle blew, I woke up startled by the strange noise. I couldn’t see anything, everything was blurry and difficult to make out. Though I couldn’t see I could tell that I was moving, or at least inside something that’s moving. My vision began to clear up and this started to be easier to make out. When I could see fully well I realized that I was inside a small room with a door and window. I was inside a train car.
I was asleep for so long that I had completely forgotten where I was. I looked out of the window to see where I was, ice on the window made impossible to see anything out of it. I looked at the clothes I was wearing, my pajamas, I quickly changed into my regular clothes, Long pants shoes and my favorite jacket my aunt bought for me. After I changed into my clothes the door of my room flew open, a blond haired kid around 16, my age, was in the door way “About time you woke up dude” He said in a kind voice “Who are you?” I asked him “Oh right, the names Grey, nice to meet you” he held out his hand. I did the same and shook his hand “the names Kirito, good to meet you. By the way how did you know that I was asleep?” He let my hand go “I thought this was my room this morning, you’ve been asleep for about 6 hours past this morning” he explained.
I can’t believe I just slept half the day away. I invited him inside and we began to talk, he told me that he was from a family of two brothers and three sisters. I told him that I was an only child, and how my parents died when I was only one year old. He then started starring at my hair “What, is there something wrong with my hair?” I asked, he shook his head “no it’s just, how is your hair blue?” I guess it was only a matter of time “I was actually born with it, my mother had the same colored hair” I explained to him.
Hours pasted, the intercom of the train turned on and announced that dinner was ready. “Come on Kirito, lets head to the dining room” Grey suggested “where’s that?” I asked him “Follow me” and so I did.
I followed my friend into multiple train cars until he stopped at the entrance of one “Okay” he said “this is it!” He opened the door to the car and what I saw was amazing, the car was enormous, and the air was filled with the scents of a thousand dishes for more than a thousand people all sitting in rows of tables as far as the eye can see. I’ve never seen anything like it before, Grey snapped me back into reality “This place is awesome am I right?” he asked “It’s the most amazing thing ever!” I yelled. We found a vacant table near a window and sat down, we ordered our food and talked to pass the time “So, Kirito, what brings you too this part of the train?” he jokingly asked “Same as everyone else” I explained “I came to learn how to use magic!”
Our food arrived and Grey was served a large meal that had nothing but cooked meat, and all I had was a slice of pizza and a Pepsi. After we ate I looked outside of the window to see what time it was. Still covered in ice. Grey saw me looking out the window “Here, let me help you with that” he said, he snapped his fingers and a small flame appeared in his palm. I was flabbergasted, I’ve never seen fire magic until now! He took the same and blew it onto the frozen window and thawed it out.
When the window was unfrozen Grey gestured me to look outside, so I did. When I looked out the window I saw a snowy mountain range with a lowering sunset in the background, breathtaking, not something you see every day in a village in the country. After looking outside of the window for what felt like an hour it became too dark to see anything outside “Whelp, looks like it’s time for bed” Grey suggested “We got a big day ahead of us and it’s no use being half asleep tomorrow” after saying that he rose from the table and left. I did the same and went back into my room. When I got into bed and turned off the lights, too only be awakened by the noise from the train car.
After about two hours of restless sleep I had enough and left my room to go to the restroom, which was five train cars away. I through two cars until I accidently tripped on air and fell on someone, this was embarrassing, especially since I fell on a girl my age. I quickly stood back up and pulled the girl off the ground and apologized “I-I’m so-so-so sorry about that!!” The girl didn’t answer but ran past me with a face as red as a lobster, no time to waste any time I thought to myself, and I kept walking. I returned to my room and tried to go back to sleep, this was going to be the ‘best night’ ever.
Chapter 2
The morning sun beamed down on me from the window, please Lady Irene give me five more minutes. I couldn’t go back to my dreamland so I gave up and got dressed. I checked outside the window to see where we were, same place, a snowy mountain range. The door opened and I turned around expecting to see Grey at the door, but it wasn’t. Instead of Grey there was a guy who seemed to be a year older than me with black hair and blue eyes, “Sup, just wanted to look around the train and greet myself to others” He said smugly “Well then, it’s nice to meet you and would you please leave me alone, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed” I explained “OH, sure thing I’ll get out of your hair. Oh and by the way my names Gene, come talk to me if you need advice about anything” and just like that, he left.
Well, that just happened. Hopefully today won’t be one of those days, but that’s something that never comes true. Hours passed and I was reading a book called ‘Harry Potter’ that my aunt gave me for the long train ride to the magic school, but then there was a knock on the door. I walked over and opened the door to find Grey at the door waiting for me “Kirito, quick look outside the window!” he yelled, I did so as he told me to and looked outside, and what I saw was outstanding. I saw a building in the distance that looked like a palace for a giant, not only that but it reached the clouds at the top. “That’s awesome! Isn’t that where were going?” I asked Grey, he nodded “Yeah man, that’s where we’ll learn about magic’s in an hour” I instantly hard the word ‘hour’ and my brain went into overdrive, AN HOUR!! THAT’S TOO SOON! NOT ONLY AM I NERVOUSE BUT I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE MAGIC!
“Sorry dude but I got to go get packed” I told him “sure man, I’ll leave you to pack. To be truthful I’m a little nervous and I also need to pack”. He then left the room and I was alone in the room, what am I waiting for? I got to pack up my stuff! I grabbed the clothes on the floor and grabbed my book, but before I put it away I might as well rad a chapter or two.
When I finished reading about five chapters of my book I looked out the window to see how far away we are from the palace and all I saw was an enormous castle above me with a small town at the base of it. I wasn’t even done packing and we were already here. I stuffed my book into my back and ran out the door heading to the exit, but on the way I tripped over myself and fell over someone on accident. I quickly got up off the person and saw that I fell onto of a girl who seemed to be around my age. She had long raven black hair, and her eyes were as shiny as pearls. I quickly stood up and helped the girl off the ground “I’m so sorry about that! Please forgive me!” I begged, she said nothing but her face became bright red and she ran out the exit, nice going Kirito you just made a girl mad at you. I came back to reality and I made my way to the front exit, I stood there at the exit, and I made my first step into a new life.
Chapter 3
Welcome to Fairy Tail
To think that I was only a country bumpkin a week ago, but now here I am in a faraway town that’s having a festival. The first thing I saw when I came out of the train were fireworks being shot up into the evening sky and exploding making flashing lights. The place was crowded with people walking to and fro bumping into each other, I made my way through the crowds trying to find my way to the school but that seemed to be impossible due to how the crowds of people couldn’t even let me pass through without being shoved or pushed out of the way.
I thought I wasn’t going to make it, but I then felt someone grab my wrist and pulled me out of the crowd. I looked at my savior but no one was there, only the crowd was there with me. I put the thought on hold and began to walk aimlessly around the place, until I found a gigantic stairway up a hill that lead to the biggest building I’ve ever seen. Bingo.
I started to walk up the stair way only to find how difficult it is to climb it while holding a bag of things, but I kept on going, and I wasn’t doing this along for others who are participating the school were also having trouble. After for what seemed an eternity, I finally made it to the top of the hill and I rejoiced. But the celebration was cut short due to a large crowed that was in front of the main entrance, I was glad I was wearing warm clothes because the whole place felt like a the north pole. I sat on a nearby rock waiting for the door to open, but that was taking too long so I opened my bag and cracked open my book and began to read.
As I was reading my book I heard an ear piercing “CCCRRRREEEEAAAAKK” that caught my attention, the front doors were opening. People began to pour into the building as I was grabbing my bag, when almost the entire crowed was inside the place I joined up with the crowd of kids and grownups. The place was amazingly large from the inside, and it all looked like some old castle for a king and queen of the world. The crowd was walking through multiple corridors and I followed not knowing where to go, but at the corner of my eye I caught something moving. I turned to my right to see three shadowy figures being sneaky and went into a door of a hallway, I became curious and I went to the door and tried to open it but I wouldn’t budge, locked.
Not knowing how to get in I ran back to the crowd that had already left me behind. I was able to catch up with the group as they were piling up in a large room that had rows of seats and a stage at the back. I navigated my way through the crowd and found a seat, I sat down and waited for whatever was about to happen.
Not long after every one sat down the lights went down and the stage lights were on, then a man who seemed to be middle aged came up to the stage and the crowd began to clap for this guy. He held a microphone to his mouth “Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to those new comers to ‘SAO School of Magic!’ Those who are second year students and higher please head on over to your dorms and enjoy your stay.” As he said that more than half the room stood up and left the room into a long hallway “Now then” he continued “I do believe that you all are first year students?” he asked “Well then I shall introduce myself, my names Mr. Snicket and I’m the vice headmaster of this school. I’m afraid our headmaster had some important business to attend so he couldn’t make it here. But enough of that, everyone please follow me and I’ll show you to your dorms” He put the microphone away and stood at the hallway.
I stood up with the rest of the other and we followed Mr. Snicket as he rambled on about how the place was founded, I spotted Grey in the group and ran over to his side “This place is awesome!” I claimed. He didn’t answer back so I tried again, but he still didn’t respond to me. I then noticed that he had ear buds in his ears so that explains why he can’t hear, probably because of Mr. Snicket rambling about boring things about the place.
We soon stopped at a large door at the end of the hall way almost ten times my size. “Alright everyone, we will soon enter the courtyard of the school and I would advise you to stay near me for this area can be kind of dangerous” Mr. Snicket explained “Alright then, lets continue on!” as he said that the large door began to open and a blinding light emerged from it.
The courtyard was ginormous and it was the area of the side of two mountains with a large gap in between. “This here ladies and Gentlemen is the courtyard. As you can see there is a large gap between the courtyards do to a cliff, but do not worry the bridge to cross it is right over there” He pointed at a large stone bridge that reached all the way to the other side of the gorge “As we cross the bridge it would be a good idea to watch your surroundings and try not to fall into the pit. The pit below us is a dungeon too hard for any student and you may fall to your death” at this point I have no idea if he’s trying to scare us or being negative, hard to tell.
Mr. Snicket led us onto the bridge and we began to cross it “Now if you look to your right, you will see the training grounds where you will be able to practice your magic type anytime you want to” I pulled out one of Greys earbuds to grab his attention “Hey what the heck?” He asked “Check it out, down there!” I pointed to where multiple students were using their magic’s on training dummies with fire, water, rocks, and even wood. Just then I felt something flying through the air, I grabbed Grey and I shoved him away. When I did a stray fireball came flying between us and if Grey was still there, he could have died! I could hear a faint “Sorry about that!” from the training grounds, Grey stood back up and looked like he just saw his life flash before his eyes “Well sweet mother Irene on the back of an ancient dragon! I almost died! How did you know it was heading towards us?” he asked, “I actually have no idea” I explained, I wasn’t lying, how did I fell that fireball fly through the air?
We continued crossing the bridge until we made it across, Mr. Snicket lead us to an area that had four doors leading into separate rooms. “Now, for this final part of the tour you will each show me your kind of magic and you will be chosen to open one of these doors” He explained, he pointed at the four doors behind him. At closer inspection I saw that each door had a symbol on them, each different, “Now if everyone could show me you skills you have so far with your magic I can show you to which door you belong to.” Everyone started showing him they’re magic and they went to the doors they were assigned to, I still don’t know magic, what will happen? How can I avoid this? I realized that I was next to show him my magic.
I can’t avoid it now, I began to walk forward towards Mr. Snicket. I stood in front of him, he looked at me and gave me a smile “Well young man, let’s see what you got of me”, this is it, end of the line. I got ready for the inevitable and took a deep breath, but I was then overwhelmed by a feeling of power course through my body. The deep breath I took turned into a raging whirlwind blowing in every direction possible blowing up the dirt and pushing others a certain distance. When the whirlwind subsided everyone just looked at me with astonishment on their faces, I became nervous and tried to act casual, but my mind was dumbfounded by the fact that I just learned magic for the first time.
“BY LADY IRENE THAT WAS FANTASTIC!” Mr. Snicket yelled “I haven’t seen wind magic like that since the headmaster built this place!” Grey ran up to me and playfully punched me in the arm “Kirito, why didn’t you tell me you had wind magic? That was totally wicked!” “I actually had no idea until now” I confessed. Just then one of the doors began to open, Mr. Snicket then started to push me towards the door “I should have known you were going to this door” he said “Well at least they will have a powerful wizard with them.” I jerked myself free from Mr. Snicket’s grasp “Hold on, why is everyone so astonished about my magic?” I asked him “Why? It’s because wind magic has been a forgotten magic for centuries!” He explained. I can’t believe it, I’m the only one who knows wind magic ever since Lady Irene was alive, that was literally five thousand years ago! I tried to ask Mr. Snicket one more thing but I was then shoved into the doorway and into a portal.
There was nothing but white all around me, and I had the feeling of falling which wasn’t helping at all. “I guess I’m going to be here for quite a while” I said to myself, but it didn’t take long until everything immediately went black. I realized my eyes were closed so I opened them back up, I then found myself in a cabin on the floor. Everything was fuzzy but I could at least figure out my surroundings. Just then something large fell on top of me, I pushed the object off just to see Grey was the one who landed on me “What the heck was that for?” I asked him, he quickly recovered and punched my arm “Well why you just throw me away?” “Because you landed on top of me you jerk!” I then had a sudden feeling of a thousand eyes staring us down, I slowly turned my head and saw almost hundreds of people watching us bicker. “What do we do now?” I asked Grey, all he gave me was an ‘I have no idea’ look on his face. I slowly began to stand up keeping eye contact with the hundreds of people, Grey did the same and we became as noticeable as a man with a large target on him.
Suddenly the staring eyes faded and were replaced by roars of cheering men and women. We were soon surrounded by everyone who was looking at us and were saying things like “Alright, more newbies!” or “It’s been forever since someone joined us!”, but it was all stopped when someone yelled “QQUUIIIIIIEEEEEEEETTT!” Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to face whoever yelled. A small old man with a large bald spot with gray hair on the sides of his head walked through the crowed surrounding us towards Grey and me “So you two are the only ones this year, eh?” He asked with a raspy voice, I remained silent while Grey was trying his best to not laugh at the old man’s size “I am Makarov, the one in charge of this guild” This caught my interest, I asked “Wait, what guild?” Makarov sighed “Guess Snicket forgot to tell you again, this here is Fairy Tail, the oldest guild or club in this school. But though being the oldest and most experienced guild, we don’t get many newcomers to our guild so every time someone new joins us we make sure to have the best time ever” I was hoping for Grey to say something but he was still trying to not laugh, I had to talk for him “Well then, it’s an honor to be here with everyone” and just like that the riot started up again and everyone went crazy, “THAT’S ENOUGH!” Makarov yelled, he cleared his throat “To honor our new friends, we shall have the best feast in history!” everyone crazy again and carried me and Grey to the dining room
The table was full of so many kinds of food! And the air was filled with exotic smells that pleased my nostrils and I do hope tha- oh my gosh I’ve become my aunt. Other than that the dinner was delicious and I started to meet everyone here. As I was eating I felt a pair of eyes burning holes into my head, I looked to see who was staring at me until I saw a girl three years older than me glaring at me as if I did something to offend her. I leaned over to the guy next to me and asked “Hey, what’s that girls problem?” he saw the girl I was talking about “Oh her? Her names Leone, she’s known to be the one who fights others without thinking, when she looks at you expect that she’s interested about something about you” what could she possibly want with me? I did nothing wrong. After dinner I went to the upper floor where they showed me which room is mine, I was nearing my room door to only find the girl named Leone waiting at my door. I easily walked my way over to her and stopped in front of her “Hi, my names Kirito, It’s nice to meet you” I put out my hand to shake hers but she didn’t even look at it and stared deeper into my eyes. This started to become weird “You’re different” She said straight out “Well hey it’s not like everyone’s the same!” I yelled at her, she then said something that ticked me off the most “I guess you’re right, Sky Head” “SAY THAT AGAIN! I DARE YOU-” I was then caught off, when something hard slammed me into the wall. I noticed that her hand was around my neck and covered in rocks “I would watch what I’d say if I were you, unless you want to be crushed by my rock magic” I couldn’t breathe from her hand around my neck and things started to go white, then at the neck of time someone called out “Hey Leone! Leave the new kid alone, alright?” Leone let go of my neck and I fell to the floor gasping for air, she walked off into her own room and slammed it shut.
Something tells me that it’s going to be fun around here.
Chapter 4
The Beast
Weeks have passed and I’ve learned more about using my air magic in school, even Grey started to get better at fire. We used the training courses as many time as possible but we stopped using it for a while when I accidently summoned a large tornado and it swept through the place destroying everything in its path. When class was over I walked with Grey back to Fairy tail for dinner when a group of three kid bumped into us “Hey watch where you’re going!” I said to them, one of them had a scar on their face and he grabbed the collar of my shirt “How about you watch where you’re going punk!” A girl in the group pulled him back away from us “Careful Zenix, I heard that he’s the special one with the magic of wind” The one who was named Zenix only frowned “I still doubt it, I bet he faked it” Grey stepped in my way before I could pounce on Zenix “Look we’re not looking for trouble here” he told them “Then move out of the way” this came from the third one of the group, I immediately recognized him, it was Gene, the boy I met on the train.
“Well if it isn’t Kirito. Long time no see buddy” He said, Grey looked at me confused “You know this guy?” he asked me, I nodded “Yeah, back on the train we met” Gene turned to his buddy’s “Zenix, Sasha, let’s get out of here” They agreed and followed him as he left, but he turned around one more time and yelled “Remember this you two! We’re the Shadow Knights, we are to be feared by all! So cry to your mommy’s and fear us all!” And after that they were gone.
We returned back to Fairy tail to see that everyone was crowding around a door to the side. I looked and found Makarov, I asked “What’s going on?” He faced me with a calm look on his face “Leone has gone into the secret catacombs through that door. The reason why that’s bad is the fact that there’s something down there that is too powerful to be beaten by a wizard her level, but because someone at the school called her a weakling she went down there to prove she’s strong” That was all it took for me to push my way through the crowed and reach the door “Kirito, what are you doing?” Grey called out “I have to help her! She’s in danger and needs my help!” Everyone started to try and stop me but they were too late, I dashed threw the door and made my way down the catacombs.
The place was pitch black when I first entered but my eyes began to adjust to the darkness and it became easier to see things. I could barely see anything but I saw enough to see where I was going, even though I have no idea where I was going. Just then a burst of light came from behind me. I turned around to see Grey with a well sized fire in his hand “You didn’t think I was letting you do this without me did you?” he jokingly asked “I guess I kind of did” I told him. We started walking around the cobweb infested catacombs with no luck of finding Leone. Out of nowhere we heard a loud scream “Was that Leone?” I asked “No doubt about it, this way!” Grey ran towards where the sound came from and I followed, not long after we found or selves in a large room with only one entrance and the ceiling showed the sky with falling snow. We found Leone, but she wasn’t alone. With her a large dog monster was trying to bite her I half as she tried to run away from it “If we don’t do something soon Leone will be that things lunch!” Grey shouted, without thinking I ran towards the dog monster and used all my might and punched the thing in the face, it didn’t move.
Leone then stopped and yelled at me “You idiot! Physical attacks only make it worse!” and right when she said that the monster swung its giant arm and slammed me into the wall across the room. I quickly recovered and jumped out of the way from one of its attacks, Grey stood by my side and Leone soon caught up with us and joined us “Aim for its chest, that’s its weak point” she explained. Grey and I got the message and we both ran at it, he started to throw fireballs at the beast while I blew a tornado right into its chest pushing it backwards into the wall behind it, Leone pulled up large sharp rocks and flung them at the dog, the rocks impaled the beast but she missed the chest by a few feet. “Crap! I was so close!” she yelled, the monster pulled the rocks out of its body as if it wasn’t hurt from anything “Kirito, I have an idea!” Grey told me his plan and I think it’ll work “what are you two idiots planning?” Leone asked “Something we learned from practicing so much” I did as we planned and blew a tornado towards the dog again but Grey blew fire into my tornado creating our creation, Flame Tornado. Our creation made contact with the beast and it did its job, the monster roared as its flesh began to burn to cinders, with one more push against the wall the beast fell to the floor dead.
It was over, the monster was dead and we saved Leone. I was about to tell Leone how worried everyone was but the room suddenly went dark and I became hard to breath. The feeling of dread washed over my body as if it was being swallowed up by the darkness, Grey and Leone feel to the floor unconscious but I was still conscious. I then sensed someone with me, someone strong, and they weren’t alone. They began talking to each other as if I wasn’t there “So, he’s the one master wants. Not exactly the best candidate but good enough” The voiced was deep but I recognized it as a man’s “I still think we could get a better one” this time it was a woman’s voice “Shut up and brand him already” “Humph, very well then”. I then felt something crawl up my legs and onto my back, looked at whatever was crawling up on me and saw a large snake, it hissed and bit down on my neck. The pain was unbearable and I tried to shake it off, but my body didn’t move and stood still as the snakes fangs dug into my skin.
After a few more seconds the snake pulled its fangs out of my skin and disappeared into the darkness. My body went limb and I fell onto the floor losing consciousness, before I blacked out I heard one of them say “The ‘Shadow Lord’ will be pleased” and then I blacked out

Chapter 5
The beginning
I woke up to the sound of talking next to me, I opened my eyes and found myself in a nursing room. I couldn’t move my body much so I looked at my surroundings and tried my best to sit up. A man even older than Makarov walked into the room and sat next to me “I do believe that you are the boy named Kirito?” I nodded, the old man gave me a smile that was hidden inside his ginormous white beard “I’ve heard a lot about you, the boy with the magic of wind, the boy of bravery, and the conqueror of Sif the Great Dog who lived in the Fairy tail Catacombs. You’ve made quite a reputation for a first year student.” I didn’t know I was that famous so soon.
“Oh, where are my manners? I am the headmaster here at this school, you should have seen me a few weeks ago but some business came up” he then chuckled at his own misfortune “I just wanted to come over and visit, so I’ll leave you be, and please, do have a pleasant time here” he turned and left the room. A second passed and the door flung open with incredible force, Grey rushed in and ran to my side with Leone right behind him, Grey let out a sigh of relief “It’s about time you woke up! You had me worried, man” I took a look at them and noticed that they didn’t have any bandages on like me “Hey how come you guys don’t have any injuries?” I asked. Both Grey and Leone just looked at me with smiles on their faces “Our wounds healed almost two days ago, we were brought here from the catacombs only five days ago” Leone explained. I guess I over slept, or was it because of that snake? Grey started to inch closer to me causing me to feel uncomfortable “give me some space, please?” I asked him, he backed away “Sorry, I just noticed that mark on your neck” wait what mark? I grabbed a small mirror on the bed side table and found what he was talking about, a small black tattoo was on my neck where the snake had bitten me, and did it cause this?
Leone looked like she was having a tuff time about something, she kept on avoiding making eye contact with me, “Leone, are you okay?” I asked her, she look at me. Out of nowhere she ran right to me and hugged me tightly, well things escalated quickly. After a while of her hugging me she backed off with a red face “Sorry about that” She nervously said “It’s just…., I want to say thank you for helping me out with Sif” that is a terrible name for a dog. “But you better get better soon, after seeing you fight like that makes me want to take you on!” she smiled, I smiled back “You’re on” Leone seemed satisfied and left the room. Grey stayed for a little longer telling me what’s been happening while I was still unconscious, then he had to head to class and left the nursing room.
I’m glad that some people are worried about me, but I had to think about this. Who were those people in the darkness and what do they want with me?

To be continued....

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